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This section contains spoilers related to the story of Lobotomy Corporation. Read ahead with caution if you want to experience the story for yourself. |

"I am Angela, an AI. I am your assistant, your secretary, and someone to whom you can talk. I hope I can help make your time here a little more comfortable."
- Angela
Angela is a highly advanced Artificial Intelligence taking the form of a blue-haired, pale-skinned woman; her eyes are rarely seen open, except for when she is angry.
Her roles include the surveillance of the entire facility (and thus creating an alert when an Abnormality breaches or an employee dies), giving X (the Player) advice on how to interact with Abnormalities and handle breaches, acting as the manager of the Sephirot, and other unspecified tasks.
According to her, Angela's skills have caused many people to lose their jobs.
Angela was programmed and constructed over a non-specific time of "many years". According to her, "all sorts of new algorithms and functions were created and a new history of AI was written" due to her creation. The thing that sets Angela apart from other Artificial Intelligences is, apparently, her ability to "express emotions like most human beings". She also describes herself as being the perfect partner.
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At the very beginning of the game, Angela struts this attitude of being the perfectly crafted, ideal assistant to the player. She is relatively friendly and unafraid to praise X where he succeeds. Yet, as time reveals, this is only the surface of Angela's character. On an early day, she uses cacti metaphors in order to disclose a complete lack of faith in the facility's "play" reaching its long sought after conclusion. And while her true feelings towards her circumstances are disguised such behind metaphors, pretty words, and brevity, what slowly reveals itself with each passing day is an extreme pessimism towards her situation and disdain for the manager. When a strange figure known as B begins to interact with the player, Angela grows colder and more distant, making various threats about exterminating a "rat". She tells a long story of a foolish woman who failed to change the world, and touches on the topic of Wings and Singularities. Most importantly, she reveals to X that he is not just a manager, but the manager- A, founder of Lobotomy Corporation. Outside of the main story, Angela also plays a recurring role in the Sephirot's individual arcs. She is generally cruel, abrasive, and dismissive towards them, insisting that they follow A's script above all else, and strict towards anyone who questions her methods. Most notable is her treatment of the middle layer Sephirot. She treats Tiphereth B as a disposable, shaming Tiphereth A for reacting "like a child" when faced with needing to put him down. She sacrifices an employee who Gebura cared for to Nothing There for the sake of research and energy production. Most direct of all, she repeatedly belittles Chesed's lack of spine and hollowed character, proving to him when necessary that his thoughts of overhauling the broken system are useless and ineffective in the face of energy production via cold-hearted manslaughter. It is also revealed that Angela is the one to kill B (Benjamin) at the beginning of each scenario, forcing him into the position of Sephirah in the form of Hokma. At the end of the true end of Lobotomy Corporation, A manages to produce the Light meant to shine on the City for seven nights and days. This comes as a relief to the Sephirot, who are happy that the scenario is ending, and that they might finally rest in peace. However, Angela steps in. She explains to her ignorant coworkers that she has witnessed every last attempt made to get to this point, and at a speed 100x slower than the average human being processes time. She has seen everything, over and over again, and throughout all of it she was allowed no relief or respite. Her job as an AI was to do absolutely nothing but follow A's orders, repeating a never-ending play with her at the sidelines; pulling every string and doing every job, yet never allowed a bow at the curtain call. A refused to acknowledge her until the very end. As such, Angela has come to the conclusion that she deserves more than this, and as such, will take her happy ending by force, unconcerned with who this will affect. After a mere three days and nights of Light shining upon the City, Angela shuts it down with the desire to keep it all to herself. After dawning a new outfit and cutting her hair, the newly freed machine decides she will construct a library. With this, Lobotomy Corporation ends with Angela's harsh, unyielding determination to live the life she'd never been given permission to live. |

Angela on Day 1
At the start of the game, Angela's personality is happy and upbeat, saying things like "Good luck!" and giving the Player compliments such as "it means that you are doing good work". She still maintains this demeanor even under grotesque circumstances, such as when she pours a bottle of champagne to celebrate that the Player has killed an employee for the first time.
After day six, Angela's personality begins to become more negative, especially after the Player's encounter with B.
It is revealed, through her conversation with Chesed, that she is only feigning pity for lives lost in the company.
After Day 35, she becomes less hostile to X, stating she no longer needs to keep up her "act".
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When X asks a question about if Angela would harm the company or X (the Player), Angela becomes visibly angry. X then finds out that Angela is lying to them about both kinds of harm. |
X (the Player)[]
Angela guides X through some of the basic parts of management and talks to them at the beginning of each day. She reacts differently depending on what dialogue decisions the player chooses; i.e., choosing to "Save the Employee" causes her to react sternly and admonish the player, while choosing to "Finish producing energy with Abnormality" means she is content with the response.
Although little is known about their relationship, it could be assumed that Angela's creator, A, implemented all that an AI needed to become more like a 'human'; extrapolating from this, all of Angela's 'emotions' would be the ones that A had and/or wanted in an assistant.
Angela appears to have an extreme dislike of B, becoming visibly angry when talking about them.
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B also gives X the "lie detector", which reveals that Angela is lying to X. After using the lie detector on her, starting on day 18 B is cut off from the connection with X on day 19, as a result of Angela taking his life and crafting him into the Sephirot Hokma under A's orders. |
- Angela's name is deriven from the word 'angelos', meaning 'angel' or 'guardian angel' as the word was said directly before A named her in a flashback in Lobotomy Corporation's sequel, Library of Ruina.
- The name's straight definition is "messenger of gods" based off a Greek word.
- Angela's naming could also possibly be related to how A believes he is a god.
Are you looking for the old version of this page: Angela (Legacy)
"Angela" is using information from the newest version of the game (v1.0.2.13f). The information here is from a newer version of the game including the most recent gameplay changes.