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"Then, in the middle of all the chaotic cries, someone shouted: 'It's the monster! Big, terrible monster lives in the dark, black forest!'"
- Tale of the Black Forest

Apocalypse Bird is a monstrous Abnormality, which only appears when Punishing Bird, Judgement Bird, and Big Bird are merged together after going through the 'Entrance to the Black Forest'. The monster possesses a bandage-covered body, with the unwrapped head of Bird of Judgement at the top of it, and the mouth of Punishing Bird in the front of its abdomen. It has big talons covered in bandages coming from the top of the body, and big black wings covered with the yellow eyes of Big Bird coming from its back.

Unlike other breaching Abnormalities, this one can't be suppressed by usual means because it is immune to all damage. It can only be defeated by destroying the 'eggs' around the facility. Its encyclopedia can be accessed from the encyclopedia menus of the other birds after they merge.


Its ability will trigger when Punishing Bird, Judgement Bird, and Big Bird are breaching at the same time. If 2 of the mentioned Abnormalities are breaching, the third will breach immediately and trigger the event. The event can only trigger from Day 21 onwards.

When the condition is met, the event will start with a picture, beginning to tell the tale of The Black Forest. After that, a black portal gate called the 'Entrance to the Black Forest' will appear in the main room of a random department. The three birds will start to go towards the portal, ignoring their usual behavior. They become immune to damage and cannot be targeted. However, the portal can be suppressed, which can end the event prematurely and return the Abnormalities to their containment units, but due to its high HPIcon HP at 13,000 and the fact that it's highly Resistant against RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon all damage types (x0.3), this is extremely difficult.

When one of the birds reaches the portal, a picture will appear telling a part of their role in the story. The portal will change after each scene. When all the birds have entered the portal, another picture will appear showing the 'monster' and, with a roar, Apocalypse Bird will be summoned.

The whole facility's lights will shut down and every one to two minutes, Apocalypse Bird will induce Qliphoth Meltdowns on 4 random Abnormality containment units across the facility (Sephirah Meltdown immunity doesn't affect these Meltdowns). From this point, the player cannot change the flow of time, pause, or enter the pause menu.

Apocalypse Bird will teleport to main department rooms every 15-25 seconds and it possesses a variety of powerful attacks, listed here:

  • It will attack every 4-6 seconds, dealing strong (23-43) BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage with its talons to entities in front of itself, shaking the screen when hitting the floor.
  • It makes a check every 5 seconds to decide which one of the attacks below it will use. After using one of these attacks it will wait 15 seconds before using one of them again.
    • It has a 30% chance of charging a yellow orb, possessing 3-5 random employees in your facility and drawing them towards itself. Possessed employees will be freed from the Possession when reaching the Abnormality. (Big Bird)
    • It has a 35% chance of opening its wings and firing 26 yellow beams from its eyes at nearby employees, each beam dealing (8-14) BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage. (Big Bird)
    • It has a 25% chance of using the golden scale, dealing (10-15) PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale Damage to all the employees in the facility. (Judgement Bird)
    • It has a 10% chance of opening the big red mouth in front of its body, dealing massive (50-115) RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage to entities in front of it. (Punishing Bird)

The Abnormality can't be damaged because it's immune to every Damage Type. Even if Apocalypse Bird itself were to somehow take damage, it has an absurdly high amount of HPIcon HP at 330,000. The only way to defeat it is by destroying the 3 'eggs' scattered around the facility, taking out 1/3 of their HPIcon HP, which will spawn in random main department rooms when Apocalypse Bird is summoned. Each egg corresponds to a specific bird and is weaker to a certain Damage Type. Their appearances will change when their HPIcon HP drops below 50%. Destroying one of the eggs will make a picture of the respective bird being defeated appear and remove some of the abilities of Apocalypse Bird, making it weaker.

The 3 eggs, along with their appearance and effects, are:

  • Small Beak: A white egg similar to Punishing Bird's body, with a big red mouth at the front. It possesses very high HPIcon HP at 6400. Destroying it will prevent the monster from using Punishing Bird's ability.
  • Long Arms: An egg covered in bandages, similar to Judgement Bird's head. It possesses very high HPIcon HP at 9900. Destroying it will allow you to access the game speed and pause functions and also prevent the monster from using Judgement Bird's ability.
  • Big Eyes: A black egg covered in Big Bird's yellow eyes. It possesses very high HPIcon HP at 6400. Destroying it will turn the lights of the facility back on, limiting the monster's use of Big Bird's abilities.

When all the eggs are destroyed, the last scene of the tale will appear, and Apocalypse Bird will fall, defeated. All the birds will return to their containment rooms. This event can't occur twice in the same day.

All the Agents who survived the event will receive a Special E.G.O. Gift, called 'Through the Dark Twilight', giving them a black wing with eyes at the back of the Agent (Slot Back Right), the same as Apocalypse Bird, and increase all FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon stats by 7. Additionally, the player will get Apocalypse Bird's E.G.O. Equipment (Weapon and Suit) after defeating the boss. The E.G.O. Weapon and Suit can be saved by returning to the Memory Repository or passing the day, but the E.G.O. Gift can only be kept upon passing the day.

If an Agent in the facility is wearing the E.G.O. Weapon and/or Suit of Apocalypse Bird, the event will not occur even if all three birds breach.


Apocalypse Bird is the result of Big Bird, Judgement Bird, and Punishing Bird fusing together into one bird in an attempt to protect the Black Forest from monsters since they felt that the forest was too big for just the three of them to protect, but that nobody else could protect it like them. When Apocalypse Bird appeared, darkness and chaos fell upon the forest, killing and chasing away the forest's residents.

Apocalypse Bird ended up all alone in the Black Forest it tried to protect, with neither the sun or moon shining upon it. The prophecy had been completed.

The tale of the Black Forest can be found in its Encyclopedia Entries.


Apocalypse Bird displays preferences and even an amount of EBoxIcon E-Boxes, but since it can't be contained, these contents don't seem relevant.

Apocalypse Bird's details are unlocked by possessing all 3 birds in the facility and can be accessed from the encyclopedia of the other birds during the transformation and event or in the Codex.

Unlockable Information/Upgrades[]

Basic Information

Shows the name of the Abnormality, subject classification, Risk Level (Risk Aleph ALEPH), portrait, Damage Type (BlackDamageTypeIcon Black 1 - 3), the amount of EBoxIcon E-Boxes (12), and their emotional state, although all details after the Damage Types are not in use.

Instinct/Insight/Attachment/Repression Work Favor

The percentage level list to the respective work. Not usable because cannot be contained.

Managerial Works 1/2/3/4

  • "Managerial Tips 1"
    • "The Big Bird’s eyes imprisoned light."
  • "Managerial Tips 2"
    • "The Long Bird’s arms concealed time."
  • "Managerial Tips 3"
    • "And the Small Bird’s beak whispered, endlessly…"
  • "Managerial Tips 4"
    • "As long as they exist, the Apocalypse Bird will not disappear."

Escape Information

Information on if the Abnormality can escape or not. This includes its defenses when breaching:

RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Immuned (0.0) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Immuned (0.0) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Immuned (0.0) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Immuned (0.0)

Defenses of the Entrance to the Black Forest's Portal Gate:

RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Resistant (0.3) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Resistant (0.3) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Resistant (0.3) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Resistant (0.3)

Defenses of Small Beak:

RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Absorbed (-2.0) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Endured (0.5) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Weak (1.2) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Endured (0.8)

Defenses of Long Arms:

RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Endured (0.5) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Endured (0.5) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Endured (0.5) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Absorbed (-2.0)

Defenses of Big Eyes:

RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Endured (0.5) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Weak (1.2) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Absorbed (-2.0) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Endured (0.8)

Work Level 1 Chance Level 2 Chance Level 3 Chance Level 4 Chance Level 5 Chance








































Observation Level[]

Level 1 (1 Section unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +5

Level 2 (2 Sections unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +5%

Level 3 (3 Sections unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +5

Level 4 (All details unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +5%

The only way to obtain its E.G.O. Weapon, Suit, and Gift is by defeating Apocalypse Bird. Only 1 copy can be obtained and cannot be increased by research. The E.G.O. Gift is given to all the Agents who survived the event.

E.G.O. Equipment[]

E.G.O. Weapon Twilight
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: Damage: Attack Speed: Range: Observation Level:
Risk Aleph ALEPH EBoxIcon 999 (X) 1 RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon R/W/B/P
Normal Medium 1
Requirements: FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon All Stats above 110
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"Just like how the ever-watching eyes, the scale that could measure any and all sin, and the beak that could swallow everything protected the peace of the Black Forest...

The wielder of this armament may also bring peace as they did"

"Only equippable if the employee has Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance, and Justice above 110

Inflicts all four types of damage (R, W, B, and P) with a special attack pattern at regular intervals

If an employee wears this equipment, Apocalypse Bird will be unable to appear"

Basic Foward slash deals 12-18 Red/White/Black/Pale Damage all at once (total of 48-72 if ALL Resistances are 1.0)

Every 60 Seconds, will perform a Critical Attack, leaping Foward dealing 40-60 Red Damage; leaping backwards dealing 40-60 White and Black Damage; and a Final Strike dealing 40-60 Pale damage and 20-30 Red/White/Black/Pale Damage all at once (total of 60-90 Red/White/Black/Pale Damage or 240-360 if ALL Resistances are 1.0)

E.G.O. Suit Twilight
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: RedDamageTypeIcon RED Defense: WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE Defense: BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK Defense: PaleDamageTypeIcon PALE Defense:
Risk Aleph ALEPH EBoxIcon 999 (X) 1 0.3
Observation Level: 1 Requirements: FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon All Stats above 110
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"The three birds united their efforts to defeat the beast.

This could stop countless incidents, but you’ll have to be prepared to step into the Black Forest…"

"The lower the HP of an employee with the corresponding weapon, the greater the damage

All enemies in the same room receive BLACK damage every 5 seconds

The effect of equipping all E.G.O parts of the Apocalypse Bird: The damage type of the special ability is extended to RWBP

If an employee wears this equipment, Apocalypse Bird will be unable to appear"


E.G.O. Gift Through the Dark Twilight

Through the Dark Twilight (Back Right)

HPIcon HP +7, SPIcon SP +7, WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +7, WorkSpeedIcon Work Speed +7, MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed +7, Attack Speed +7
"The twilight was endured, and we now face towards dawn. Has the birds' twittering in the forest finally stopped?"

Drop Chance: Obtainable via Suppression - X%

Observation Level: X



Apocalypse Bird's encyclopedia portrait

  • "Known to come when the world is filled with sin, many employees fear the advent of this Abnormality. To talk about this bird, we first need to tell the story of the Black Forest. We must remember the forest that was once so peaceful and beautiful… And the apocalypse shall follow."

The Tale of the Black Forest[]

  • "Once upon a time, three happy birds lived in a warm and lush forest. The birds had no names, though the creatures of the forest would call them Big Bird, Long Bird, and Small Bird. Everyone lived freely and happily together in the peaceful forest. The birds wanted the forest to be safe more than anyone else, that way creatures from the outside could visit and have fun.
  • It was a warm and sunny afternoon when a stranger visited the peaceful forest. He was a traveler, pioneer, and prophet, but at the same time, he was a nobody. He wanted to enter the forest, but the birds found him suspicious, so they didn't let him in.
  • The stranger, angered, told the birds as he left: “Soon, a tragedy will befall the forest. It will be tainted with misdeeds and evil, and there will be constant conflict. The tragedies will only stop when a terrible beast appears and devours everything. The sun and moon will shine upon the forest no longer; the forest will never go back to what it was before.”
  • The birds worried about the prophecy. What if conflicts really break out and a beast shows up to harm the forest just like the man said? That's when the birds decided to become the guardians of the forest. They loved this forest more than anyone else did, so they wanted to protect the creatures living in the forest and keep the peace.
  • Big Bird, with its many eyes, decided to watch over the forest for intruders. For Big Bird's eyes could see very far, and see things we cannot see.
  • Then somebody said, “But what if the beast shows up in the middle of the night, when the sky is dark and everyone is asleep?”
  • Worried, Big Bird burned all of its feathers to make an everlasting lamp. Now the creatures of the forest were under Big Bird's constant watch, day and night. 
  • "Long Bird weighed the sins of creatures that enter the forest to keep peace. Long Bird's scales could measure every sins, and were fair and just."
  • Then somebody said, “But what if the scale doesn't tip in either direction someday?”
  • Worried, Long Bird made a scale that always tipped to one side. That way every judgement would yield a clear verdict.
  • Small Bird decided to punish the creatures' wrongdoings with its beak.
  • Then somebody said, “But your beak is so small, no one would find it hurtful.”
  • Worried, Small Bird tore its mouth wide so it could swallow any creature in one bite. 
  • No one could visit the forest anymore, and bad rumors about the forest began to spread outside.
  • “I heard terrible things happen to any creature that enters the forest.”
  • “The Big Bird is always watching the creatures of the forest, there's no freedom.”
  • “The Long Bird's scale isn't fair at all.”
  • “The Small Bird's punishment is so scary.”
  • The birds got upset.
  • “We work so hard to protect the forest; why doesn't anyone appreciate our effort?”
  • Fewer and fewer visitors came to the forest, more and more creatures were complaining, fights broke out daily, and yet the birds continued to work even harder to make the forest peaceful again, but...
  • “No, this forest is so vast and wide, the three of us aren't enough to protect all of it.”
  • “But there is no creature to protect this forest but us.”
  • “If we combined our power, we could be stronger.”
  • The day when Big Bird's eyes that could see hundreds of kilometers away, Long Bird who could judge any sin, and Small Bird's mouth that could devour everything united into one, darkness fell upon the forest. Creatures screamed in terror and fear at the sight of the bird, and the forest soon fell into mayhem.
  • Then, in the middle of all the chaotic cries, someone shouted: “It's the monster! Big, terrible monster lives in the dark, black forest!”
  • Monster? The three birds, now as one, looked around but there was no one to be seen. The bird began to prowl the forest, looking for the monster. The forest would be in trouble if the monster really showed up.
  • But there was nothing. There were no creatures, no sun and moon, and no beast. All that was left was just a bird and the black forest. Only cold, dark night continued from then.
  • Rumors say that there is a terrible monster in the black forest where nobody lives."
  • <Survivor Testimony>
  • "Every single light in the facility went crazy. They kept flickering and flickering. I couldn’t even use my lighter. Then, this warm light shone through it all. It looked like a waning twilight, or a growing sunrise. Though, as we all know, sunlight can’t make its way into our facility.
  • Everyone silently gazed at the light. Sudden darkness and a weird ray of light were enough reason to be frightened. It was scarier than anything gorey we’d seen here. It was a true fear of the unknown itself… (Omitted)
  • …Something from afar was coming our way. Incandescent lights like stars from outer space were marching towards us. It looked like Big Bird’s eyes, but it wasn’t that Abnormality. I could hear these long arms scratching the floor.
  • Someone broke the silence with a whisper: “That guy over there couldn’t run away in time...” 
    There was an employee kneeling on the floor; perhaps he couldn’t sense the danger approaching behind him, and once he noticed, it was too late. He couldn’t even scream.
  • Nobody would have been able to then. He just meaninglessly struggled to move his legs, desperate to run from the beast. There was no heroic act of someone standing up against the monster, not even a yell to warn him. Everyone was just watching him, waiting for the terrible thing that was about to happen.
  • Each step sent a tremor through the whole facility. The monster was moving with such slow steps, but it seemed so fast. In the blink of an eye, it devoured the nameless employee in one bite, and right after that everyone started screaming in chaos. I had gone through handling countless suppressions, but that day, for the first time, I regretted ever joining the company.
  • I was certain I wouldn’t get out of there alive. This helplessness overwhelmed me. I couldn’t even think about fighting back against the monster, and many others were feeling the same. I think I’m the only one who stayed sane enough to write this among all the survivors.
  • The company will never tell our newbies about the existence of that monster. However, I wanted to leave them a warning at the very least. That’s why I’m writing this."


  • Apocalypse Bird received a rework before its re-introduction to the new version after Legacy, with the appearance of its eggs and its portrait getting redesigned.
  • Apocalypse Bird was the first Abnormality that only appeared for a specific event, and is also one of the first fusion Abnormalities.
  • In the encyclopedia entry "Testimony of a Survivor", it is said that Apocalypse Bird was walking towards them, but in-game, Apocalypse Bird teleports through the facility instead.
  • Certain details in Apocalypse Bird's encyclopedia entry, such as work preferences and the amount of PE-boxes it's said to produce, seem to come from Fragment of the Universe, due to it being a 'placeholder' Abnor‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌mality.
  • Completing Apocalypse Bird's event instantly clears Gebura's "Proving our Strength" mission (since suppressing its eggs counts as suppressing three different Risk Aleph ALEPH-class Abnormalities).
  • Apocalypse Bird has the highest amount of HP in the game at 330,000 HPIcon HP, which is far greater than that of Last Helix's 22,000 HPIcon HP.
  • Its E.G.O.'s name seems to refer to the phrase 'being in the twilight of one's life', which indicates that one has very little time left to live. This may be a reference to its ability being tied to the wearer's HP, becoming stronger the less HP the wearer has.
    • Alternatively, it may refer to the 'Ragnarok', an apocalyptic event literally translating to 'Twilight of the Gods'.
  • Apocalypse Bird is the only Abnormality whose E.G.O. set doesn't all share the same name without having extra aspects. While the Weapon and Suit are called "Twilight", the Gift is called "Through the Dark Twilight".



Entrance to the Black Forest[]

Big Eyes (egg)[]

Long Arms (egg)[]

Small Beak (egg)[]

Apocalypse Bird[]


ZAYIN Army In Black - Don't Touch Me - Fairy Festival - Mirror of Adjustment - Old Faith and Promise - One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds - Opened Can of Wellcheers - Plague Doctor - We Can Change Anything - You Must Be Happy - You're Bald...
TETH 1.76 MHz - Beauty and the Beast - Behavior Adjustment - Bloodbath - Crumbling Armor - Fragment of the Universe - Forsaken Murderer - Grave of Cherry Blossoms - Luminous Bracelet - Meat Lantern - Old Lady - Ppodae - Punishing Bird - Skin Prophecy - Scorched Girl - Spider Bud - The Heart of Aspiration - Theresia - Today's Shy Look - Standard Training-Dummy Rabbit (Tutorial Exclusive) - Void Dream - The Lady Facing the Wall
HE All-Around Helper - Child of the Galaxy - Der Freischütz - Funeral of the Dead Butterflies - Giant Tree Sap - Happy Teddy Bear - Laetitia - Nameless Fetus - Notes from a Crazed Researcher - Porccubus - Portrait of Another World - Red Shoes - Rudolta of the Sleigh - Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom - Schadenfreude - Shelter from the 27th of March - Singing Machine - The Snow Queen - Warm-Hearted Woodsman
WAW Alriune - Backward Clock - Big and Will be Bad Wolf - Big Bird - Clouded Monk - Dimensional Refraction Variant - Dream of a Black Swan - Express Train to Hell - Flesh Idol - Il Pianto della Luna - Judgement Bird - Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary - Parasite Tree - Queen Bee - Snow White's Apple - The Burrowing Heaven - The Dreaming Current - The Firebird - The King of Greed - The Knight of Despair - The Little Prince - The Naked Nest - The Queen of Hatred - Yang - Yin
ALEPH Apocalypse Bird - Blue Star - CENSORED - Melting Love - Nothing There - Mountain of Smiling Bodies - The Silent Orchestra - WhiteNight~(Apostles)
Notice About the Article "Apocalypse Bird":
Are you looking for the old version of this page: Apocalypse Bird (Legacy)
"Apocalypse Bird" is using information from the newest version of the game (v1.0.2.13f). The information here is from a newer version of the game including the most recent gameplay changes.
