Lobotomy Corporation Wiki
Suppression of Sephirah’s Core Required

"The employees, the Abnormalities, the Sephirot, and the facility; this place is the first will of everything. The orders that are meant to guide us to the righteous place are born here and echo through the entire facility. Infinite possibilities shall bloom by the will of the one who faces and the one who listens. Be prepared for the age of humanity."
- Description

The KetherArmband Architecture Team Department is the department that is unlocked from day 46 after getting a checkpoint, located on the bottom layer, Atziluth. This department is connected by elevators with HokmaArmband Record Team at the end of the left hallway and with BinahArmband Extraction Team at the end of the right hallway. It contains of 1 main room, 2 elevators and 2 hallways. The name of the Sephirah of this department is not actually revealed in the Story Mode, but his name seems to be Keter, based on the letter on the shoulder bands of agents and on the name of the last missing Sephirah from Kabbalah in the loading transition. During the progress of the department, the player meets with individuals who are his past reincarnations, each of which has its own name.

The agents will wear KetherArmband white shoulder bands with the letter 'K' on them. There are no clerks in this department. The team's main color is white.

The main room is in the center of the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions from the player and to HPHealingSPHealing heal  any wounds. The room changes its appearance from day 46 to day 50:

  • At day 46 the main room looks like an old-fashioned director's office with a large table on the left side with a computer and a large couch on the right side. In the center of the back wall of the room is the Lobotomy Corporation logo.
  • At day 47 it has the same appearance, but every object in the office seems to be melting.
  • At day 48 the room has a completely melted view in a green tone. In the background, you can see different containers with organs and photos of the upper-level Sephirot.
  • At day 49 it has the same appearance as before with addition of some machinery and slimy objects. Also the photos of middle-level Sephirot can be found there.
  • At day 50 and onwards it takes its final appearance. It will become white with a black squared spiral pattern. In the center there will be a column with an entrance, and on this column there will be portraits of all Sephirah when they were human, together with A (Binah's portrait will be blurred).

Carmen's room

Also at day 50 there will be a small room above this department and below the TipherethArmband Central Command Team. This room belongs to the Architecture department and shares the department's healing regenerator. However, just like TipherethArmband Central Command Team, it also has the power of a main room. It contains the nervous system of Carmen and is connected with HokmaArmband Record Team at the left side and BinahArmband Extraction Team at the right side.

Department Functions[]

The Department Functions increases every ability of the employees.

Office Worker Effect: This department doesn't provide any Office Worker Effect because it doesn't have any Clerks.

Continuous Service: Increase every FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon Stat of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the agent out or to another department for a day.

Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one agent can have it at the same time): FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice increased by +7

Level 3, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row: FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice increased by +5

Level 2, Agent assigned for 3 ~ 6 days in a row: FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice increased by +4

Level 1, Agent assigned for 1 ~ 2 days in a row: FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice increased by +3


  • This is the only department to not have any clerks in game and the only department to not have an office worker effect. This is primarily due to the Sephirah Meltdowns (Days 46-50).
  • This department is the only one that changes its appearance as the player progresses.
  • This and the TipherethArmband Central Command Team are the departments with the most containment units.
  • The Continuous Service bonus of this department is the same as the TipherethArmband Central Command Team's and the HokmaArmband Record Team's, but with better Stats boosts.


Facility X-394
Mechanics Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon Damage Type - EmergencyLevel3Icon Emergency Level - Employees - Equipment - Growth Rate - Hiring - LOB Points - Missions - Ordeals - QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown - RabbitTeamIcon Rabbit Team - Research - RiskUnknown Risk Level - Sephirah Meltdown - FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon Stats
Departments Asiyah: MalkuthArmband Control Team - YesodArmband Information Team - NetzachArmband Safety Team - HodArmband Training Team
Briah: TipherethArmband Central Command Team - GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team - ChesedArmband Welfare Team
Atziluth: HokmaArmband Record Team - BinahArmband Extraction Team - KetherArmband Architecture Team
Characters X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C