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Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

"The Central Command Team represents the Middle Layer of the facility. The upper and lower halves of Central Command take the role of the foundation for the facility, which allows expansion upwards and downwards. The department also functions as a bridge between the Upper and Lower Layers, making it a valuable strategic location."
- Description (Upper Central Team)

"Mutually complementing the 1st Team, this team supervises all the departments and researches more efficient management methods. Employees in the lower half of Central Command take great pride in their aesthetic sense; some say they spend a majority of their time in the morning debating on what to wear for the day. This department has a hidden struggle with the Control Team over leadership."
- Description (Lower Central Team)

The TipherethArmband Central Command Team Department is the fifth Department that can be unlocked from day 21, located on the middle layer, Briah. This department is below the YesodArmband Information Team Department connected through an elevator, to the left is the ChesedArmband Welfare Team Department and to the right is the GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team Department. This department is slightly different of the others because it come as 2 sections, upper section (Team 1) and lower section (Team 2), merged into one Department and starting with Team 1. It comes with 8 containment units, 4 per each team, 2 hallways per team and different elevators. Unlike other departments, the player will get 2 Abnormalities per day (Second and Fourth selection always include 1 Tool Abnormality as the last selection) and will unlock Team 2 at day 23 and the 5 slots to assign Agents are available from the start, once the respective teams are unlocked. Before the second section is unlocked, it will be inaccessible and covered by a yellow mist. Tiphereth is the Sephirah of this department.

The Main Room is the biggest one in the center of the department, divided in 4 floors, and all 4 floors provide full HPHealingSPHealing healing from their generators, which is a single one and shared across all rooms. The Employees will start on the top floors of each Team and wait there for instructions from the player and to HPHealingSPHealing heal any wounds. The top levels of each team are connected to the bottom levels through the right side (Works like an elevator), the top level of Team 2 is connected to the bottom level of the Team 1 through the left side. Only the bottom levels of each Team are connected to hallways through both sides.

The Agents will wear TipherethArmband orange shoulder bands with the letter 'T' on them. The clerks will wear yellow suits and yellow pants, which vary between Teams: clerks of Team 1 has black lapels on suits and wears white shirts, clerks of Team 2 has black tie-shawls and wears pink shirts. The Team's main color is Yellow.

The Missions of this department involves finishing the day before a certain level of QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown.

Department Functions[]

The Department Functions increases the time limit of QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown occurences.

Office Worker Effect: Increase the limit of QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown alert by the percentage of Clerks alive and sane of the department. If all the Clerks of the department are dead and/or panicking, the effects are negated.

Level 3, 100% ~ 80% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown time limit increased by 10 seconds

Level 2, 79% ~ 50% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown time limit increased by 6 seconds

Level 1, 49% ~ 30% Clerks/Office workers alive/sane: QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown time limit increased by 3 seconds

Continuous Service: Increase every FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon Stat of the respective Agent by the amount of days in a row while assigned to the department. It will reset if reassigning the Agent out or to another department for a day.

Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice increased by +5

Level 3, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row: FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice increased by +3

Level 2, Agent assigned for 3 ~ 6 days in a row: FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice increased by +2

Level 1, Agent assigned for 1 ~ 2 days in a row: FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice increased by +1


Mission Name Description Goal Notes
"Proving Your Competence 1" "Central Command holds Abnormalities at specific locations. The Abnormalities become unstable over time, and the Qliphoth Meltdown gauge that you see each day displays this. We all have our own limits, so try to finish your job before things go haywire." "Pass a day with a Qliphoth Meltdown Level of 8 or lower." Simply do not work for too long and finish the day before the QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown Level reaches 9 (i.e. before the 8th Qliphoth Meltdown occurs).
"Proving Your Competence 2" "To prevent meltdowns from taking place, you must reduce the total amount of work by giving your orders in the most efficient way possible. If not, our facility will be flooded with Abnormalities and Ordeals." "Pass a day with a Qliphoth Meltdown Level of 7 or lower." Identical to the previous mission, but now the day must be finished before the QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown Level reaches 8.
"Proving Your Competence 3" "If you take a look at the Sephirah Manual, the most capable managers have set records of tremendous efficiency and skill. Do you think you have what it takes to match them and beat it?" "Pass a day with a Qliphoth Meltdown Level of 6 or lower." Identical to the previous mission, but now the day must be finished before the QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown Level reaches 7.
"Proving Your Competence 4" "It seems Tiphereth isn't feeling well, so I'll be working overtime myself until he's better. Alright, this is the last thing I'll ask of you. Take care of every single Containment Unit that melts down. If you do that, I'll admit that you're not entirely incompetent as a manager." "Clear the day without a single Containment Unit's Qliphoth Meltdown timer hitting zero." To complete this mission you need to work with every Abnormality that is affected by a QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown.


The Central Command Team has researches that provides the Shields of the Bullet Research. These are:

Physical Intervention Shield: Unlocks the RedResist Red Shield bullets which absorb RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage. It can be applied to employees for an amount of time or until it breaks.

"Attaches a shield that absorbs R type attacks for a limited time. It has no effect against other types of attacks."

Trauma Shield: Unlocks the WhiteResist White Shield bullets which absorb WhiteDamageTypeIcon White Damage. It can be applied to employees for an amount of time or until it breaks.

"Attaches a shield that absorbs W type attacks for a limited time. It has no effect against other types of attacks. It temporarily reduces the perception of the target, protecting it from spiritual attacks from the outside."

Erosion Shield: Unlocks the BlackResist Black Shield bullets which absorb BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage. It can be applied to employees for an amount of time or until it breaks.

"Attaches a shield that absorbs B type attacks for a limited time. It has no effect against other types of attacks. It seals vulnerable openings of a human, including spiritual ones to prevent the erosion thorn from infiltrating deep into the target. One drawback, it can’t protect from damage taken within the shield."


  • This is the first Department to have two teams in a single department.
  • The TipherethArmband Central Command Team is one of the two with the most containment rooms, the other being the KetherArmband Architecture Team.
  • Using the Summon Call return button to call the Agents back to the Department will call both Teams back to their respective sections, as there is only 1 generator.
  • The crown patterns on this department are there from back when the design of the two Tiphereths still had them wearing crowns and were clad in the same patterns.


Facility X-394
Mechanics Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon Damage Type - EmergencyLevel3Icon Emergency Level - Employees - Equipment - Growth Rate - Hiring - LOB Points - Missions - Ordeals - QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown - RabbitTeamIcon Rabbit Team - Research - RiskUnknown Risk Level - Sephirah Meltdown - FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon Stats
Departments Asiyah: MalkuthArmband Control Team - YesodArmband Information Team - NetzachArmband Safety Team - HodArmband Training Team
Briah: TipherethArmband Central Command Team - GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team - ChesedArmband Welfare Team
Atziluth: HokmaArmband Record Team - BinahArmband Extraction Team - KetherArmband Architecture Team
Characters X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C
Notice About the Article "Central Command Team":
Are you looking for the old version of this page: Central Command Team (Legacy)
"Central Command Team" is using information from the newest version of the game (v1.0.2.13f). The information here is from a newer version of the game including the most recent gameplay changes.
