Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

"The Control Team monitors the employees and Abnormalities and plans the best course of action. They give immediate orders to other employees while watching the CCTV feeds. They tend to be quite bossy and assertive, making them unpopular with other teams."
- Description

The MalkuthArmband Control Department is the first Department unlocked within the facility, located in the upper layer, Asiyah. It consists of a Main Room, 4 minor rooms, 2 elevators and 6 hallways. The maximum amount of containment units that this department can have is 4. This department is located above and connected to the YesodArmband Information Department. Malkuth is the Sephirah of this department.

The Main Room is the biggest one in the upper side of the department. Employees will start and wait there for instructions of the Manager and to HPHealingSPHealing heal any wounds.

The Agents will wear MalkuthArmband red shoulder bands with the letter 'M' on them. The Clerks will wear brown suits with yellow ties. The Team's main color is Light Yellow.

The Missions of this department are among the easiest in the game, and the department's research unlocks several basic gameplay functions.

Department Functions[]

The Department Functions help increase the mobility of the employees in the facility.

Clerk Benefits: Increase the MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed of all employees in the facility based on the percentage of Clerks alive and sane within the department. If all the Clerks of the department are dead and/or panicking, the effects are negated.

Level 3, 100% ~ 80% Clerks alive/sane: MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed increased by +5

Level 2, 79% ~ 50% Clerks alive/sane: MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed increased by +3

Level 1, 49% ~ 30% Clerks alive/sane: MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed increased by +1

Continued Service Benefits: Increase the MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed of the respective Agent based on the number of days they have been assigned to the department. The benefit will reset if the Agent is placed off-duty or assigned to another department for a day.

Captain, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row (Only one Agent can have it at the same time): MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed increased by +10

Level 3, Agent assigned for 7 or more days in a row: MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed increased by +7

Level 2, Agent assigned for 3 ~ 6 days in a row: MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed increased by +5

Level 1, Agent assigned for 1 ~ 2 days in a row: MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed increased by +3


Mission Name Description Goal Notes
You Can Do This! "Manager! Please make sure to remember that your primary goal is harvesting energy from the Abnormalities; in order to harvest energy, you need to work on them! It is the most basic yet important task we have here at the corporation. Please don't let me down, I know you can do it!" Complete 3 work processes with the Abnormalities. The player has to perform any type of work 3 times on any Abnormalities. This should go without problem.
Semper Fi "Your job isn't just to keep the Abnormalities in control, you need to make sure they're happy so they'll produce as many PE-Boxes as they can!. Please work hard on this, everything else should be secondary to that objective!" Complete 4 work processes with a Good result. The player has to complete 4 works with a GoodResult Good result. The player may want to do works that have a high WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate with the Abnormalities for higher chances of getting GoodResult Good results.
Controlling Meltdowns "As you may know, our facility isn't really the most stable thing. We're only able to keep the Abnormalities contained thanks to the Qliphoth Deterrence, which we briefly adjust down just before the work day begins. But, this deterrence becomes unstable as time goes on, and eventually, some Abnormalities may undergo a Meltdown." Complete 8 work processes in Containment Units under Qliphoth Meltdown. The player will likely have to work some time after they fill the EBoxIcon Energy Quota to get enough QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdowns, 8 times. An employee must enter into a containment unit with a QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown and finish the work. If the QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown fade, it will not count into the progress of the mission.
When Dusk Falls "As the Qliphoth Deterrence weakens, the Abnormalities will begin to grow agitated; certain things we call Ordeals which we cannot contain will go into a rampage, just as they are right now. Could you calm down the employees by suppressing one of the Ordeals that show up at dusk? I'll help you with it as soon as I can." Complete a Dusk Ordeal. Dusk Ordeals only appear from Day 21 onwards, so this mission will likely be completed much later than the previous ones.


The Control Team has basic research that allows for better management. The Research consists of the following:

TT2 Protocol: Unlocks the ability to speed up time to 1.5x and 2x speed.

"You can accelerate the flow of time during management up to 2x by using the TT2 Acceleration Protocol."

Joint Command: Allows Agents to work in Departments other than the one they have been assigned to.

"Joint Command permits you to give cross-divisional work order between Departments."

Assembly Summons: Unlocks a button for each Department next to the Regenerator Healing Gauge that when pressed, will order all Agents of that Department to return to the Department's main room.

"Beepers will be provided to the Agents so that they can be notified to return to their Home Department."


  • Different monitors in several rooms may contain a picture from the teaser trailer of the game: the shadow of an employee in a destroyed elevator, with several Abnormalities around it, on a green background.
  • In the background of the Main Room, there is an illustration of the Sephirot Tree aka the Tree of Life, a classic term for the central mystical symbol used in the Kabbalah of esoteric Judaism.


Facility X-394
Mechanics Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon Damage Type - EmergencyLevel3Icon Emergency Level - Employees - Equipment - Growth Rate - Hiring - LOB Points - Missions - Ordeals - QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown - RabbitTeamIcon Rabbit Team - Research - RiskUnknown Risk Level - Sephirah Meltdown - FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon Stats
Departments Asiyah: MalkuthArmband Control Team - YesodArmband Information Team - NetzachArmband Safety Team - HodArmband Training Team
Briah: TipherethArmband Central Command Team - GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team - ChesedArmband Welfare Team
Atziluth: HokmaArmband Record Team - BinahArmband Extraction Team - KetherArmband Architecture Team
Characters X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C
Notice About the Article "Control Team":
Are you looking for the old version of this page: Control Team (Legacy)
"Control Team" is using information from the newest version of the game (v1.0.2.13f). The information here is from a newer version of the game including the most recent gameplay changes.
