"The Control Team doesn’t do much, right?"
- An Agent
Departments are the various sectors that Facility X-394, and presumably other such facilities, are divided into. There are ten different Departments, each with their unique employees as well as various purposes to make managing the Abnormalities easier. Each Department has their own missions, research and Sephirah in charge.
Depending on the number of Clerks alive or sane in any given Department, passive benefits will be provided to the Facility's Agents. Agents who are continuously stationed in a specific Department for a number of days in a row will receive specific benefits based on the Department.
- Asiyah (Upper Layer)
- Briah (Middle Layer)
- Atziluth (Bottom Layer)
Room Types[]
These are the different types of rooms and zones in the game, each with different purposes or effects. The rooms can be connected to each other through doors, that allow the employees and entities to move from one to another. The Agents can be commanded to move to any such room and wait there, given there are no other conditions.
Main Room[]
The Main Room is an unique and basic room of each Department. Every Department has 1 Main Room and all the employees of that Department begin in that room at the start of the day. If Agents have not been assigned to move to or stay within a certain location, Agents will generally return to their Main Rooms after completing works.
The Main Rooms possess individual Healing Generators with a gauge, that are located near a side of the room. The gauge will fill over time and once complete, will heal the HP and
SP of all employees in the room by a certain amount (6, 12 with research) before the gauge resets. If there are any Abnormalities, Ordeals or other hostile entities in the room, the generator will stop and resume once the hostile entities are no longer present. However, the generator will run in all circumstances once the Research 'Regenerator Distinguisher Modification' has been acquired.
Near the gauge, a green roman numeral will be displayed, representing the level of 'Clerk Benefit' of the respective Department currently active based on the number of that Department's Clerks that are alive/sane. If no Clerks are alive/sane, the Clerk Benefit effect will be negated and a red 'X' will be visible in place of the green roman numeral. After unlocking the research Assembly Summons, a box will be placed to the right of the regenerator gauge with a button on it. Clicking the button will call all Agents of that Department back into the Main Room.
Containment Units[]
The Containment Units are the rooms where the Abnormalities are contained. Each Department has a set maximum amount of containment units, usually 4 (8 for the Central Command and
Architecture Departments) and can be accessed normally by sending Agents to work with them. More Containment Units are added every time a Department is expanded, given the Departmet has not reached its maximum Abnormality capacity.
All Containment Units are connected to a Department hallway. At the Containment Unit's upper section, the Qliphoth Counter and name (or code) of the Abnormality will be displayed, and the Abnormality's Encyclopedia can be viewed by clicking this name. At the top left, the Abnormality's Risk Level and number of
Unique PE-Boxes can be seen, and at the left side a bar that fills during works is visible, displaying the number of PE and NE-Boxes produced in the previous or current work. In the centre of the Containment Unit is the Abnormality, and the Manager can assign works by clicking on the room.
Hallways are long and wide rooms that connect most rooms, mostly Containment Units, throughout the facility. Most of the time, suppressions against Abnormalities occur in the hallways due to their proximity to Containment Units. Ordeals tend to also spawn in the hallways.
Elevator Hubs[]
The Elevator Hubs are the smallest rooms, which are connected to one or two elevators, going up or down. Employees or entities that want to move between levels must take the elevator to reach them (unless they possess teleportation abilities). The elevators by their own cannot be access and only work for quick travel. There is no a max capacity for the elevators as the employees and entities travel quickly, almost instantly, and independently through them.
Side/Minor Rooms[]
Side Rooms or Minor Rooms are rooms that do not fit the descriptions of previous types of rooms. These are often bigger than Elevator Hubs, possess more decorations and are sometimes valid locations for Ordeals to spawn. Only the Control Department and the
Information Department have Side/Minor Rooms, with the
Information Department Side Room acting as an elevator connected to the top floor of the
Central Command Department.
Expansion Method[]
A new Department is unlocked every 5 days and each day the Manager can expand one part of a Department before continuing into the Deployment Phase. Every Department has 5 expansion slots and unlocking the first expansion slot will unlock the Department. The method of expansion may vary between Departments.
At first, a new Department can only hold a maximum of 3 Agents. Over the following days, as the Department is expanded further, the maximum number of Agents will increase by 1, to a maximum of 5 (with certain exceptions, as listed below). Per each expansion done, an amount of Clerks are also added that will increase the Department's Clerk Benefit level (1-2 Expansion Slots: Level 1 / 3-4 Expansion Slots: Level 2 / 5 Expansion Slots: Level 3).
Two Departments, the Central Command Department and
Architecture Department, are exceptions to the traditional Department layout. The former is divided in 2 teams, Upper and Lower, in a large Main Room divided in 4 floors. The Central Command Department receives 2 Abnormalities per day instead of 1 and the 5 Agent slots come unlocked from the start and are divided into their Teams, with 10 Agents in total. The Architecture Department follows standard Agent capacity rules but also adds 2 Abnormalities per day.

A containment unit
Each Department/Team can hold up to 4 Containment Units/Rooms, starting with 1 at the first day is unlocked and increasing 1 per day until is at its maximum capacity. Exceptions include:
- The
Central Command Team unlocks 2 Containment Units per expansion, up to 8 in total, with 4 per section.
- The
Architecture Team unlocks 2 Containment Units per expansion, with 8 in total, with 4 per hallway.
At first, Agents can only be sent to tasks into their respective Departments, but after unlocking the research Joint Command from the Control Department, they will be able to conduct works in other Departments. Agents can be selected to move to other sections of the facility, like main rooms, hallways, minor rooms and elevator hubs. At the start of the Day, all Agents will be located within their respective Main Rooms.
Unlocking a Department will also unlock the story of their Sephirah if not done previously, the ability to progress and complete their missions and unlock their research across the following days.
- In Legacy Challenge Mode, up to 2 new containment rooms could be added to certain Departments, 1 per day in a random Department, leaving the max cap of containment rooms per Department at 6 instead. This only applied to the four main Departments.
- An Agent's Department armband will change based on how long they have been placed in that Department.
Facility X-394
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Mechanics | Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Departments | Asiyah: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Briah: ![]() ![]() ![]() Atziluth: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Characters | X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C |