"Writing the Abnormality Encyclopedia is a pain in the neck. Nobody’ll know if I just fudge the details and make some stuff up, right?"
- An employee
Employees are the people working for Lobotomy Corporation and are the player's main tool to interact with Abnormalities. There are 2 types of employees: Agents and Clerks.
Agents, also called in-game as 'Employees', are controlled workers that can be identified by their suits depending on what E.G.O Equipment they are given, and by their name and ranks above their heads. The player can order them to do each of the four works to manage the Abnormalities, move, and suppress hostile entities. Agents can be promoted and can suppress other Agents or breaching Abnormalities when needed. They have stats that must be considered when sending them to work with an Abnormality and losing all of them will cause a Game Over.
Agents can be hired at the start of a new day for 1 LOB Point or the player can hire a Custom Agent for a higher price. Their Stats can be improved during hiring or during the Management Phase by spending LOB Points.
Clerks or Office Workers are randomly generated employees, wearing other suits so as to not confuse them with Agents, who wander around, taking care of the facility instead of interacting with the Abnormalities. The player cannot control the Clerks but Abnormalities can affect them, such as when an Abnormality is attacking, or a Clerk becoming the target of an effect or receiving damage.
The Clerks provide passive functions depending on the amount of them that are alive/sane in the department they work in.
Basic Stats[]
Main article: Stats
This is a summary of the Stats of the employees, and considering them is crucial to perform a good management. Both Agents and Clerks possess these stats, with the Agents using more stats than Clerks. To see the stats of an Agent, hover the mouse over them, click on the Agent or see them in the Deployment Phase. The stats are:
- Health Points (HP): The amount of physical damage that the employee can take before they Die. This gauge becomes visible when sending an employee to work and when unlocking G.O Visualization research from the Information Team. This gauge can be healed by the Main Room's regenerators, as well as by other effects. Red and Black Damage subtract a fixed value of this bar, and Pale Damage subtracts a percentage of their HP according to their Max HP.
- Sanity Points (SP): The amount of mental damage that the employee can take. When depleted, the employee Panics. A panicking employee reacts according to their Panic State (See below in the Panic section) and do different actions to harm other employees and the facility. This gauge becomes visible when sending an employee to work and when unlocking G.O Visualization research from the Information Team. This gauge can be healed by the Main Room's regenerators, as well other effects. White and Black Damage subtract a fixed value of this bar.
When panicked, the bar will remain depleted and can be healed by dealing White and Black Damage to the panicked employee. Once the bar is full, the employee will return to normal.
- Agent/Stats Level: Agents have a Main Level and Stat Levels, which start at Level 1 up to 5. The Agent's Level is determinated by the sum of their Level Stats. Every Agent has 4 Level Stats with respective values to each one, which control different stats of the Agent. They can start at Level 1, but can be upgraded by working or improving them by spending LOB Points; up to a maximum of Level 5 (Or Level EX, which is treated as Level 5). These are:
- Fortitude: Increases the HP of the employee and is upgraded by performing Instinct.
- Prudence: Increases the SP of the employee and is upgraded by performing Insight.
- Temperance: Increases the Work Success, which help in getting more PE-Boxes with Abnormalities, and Work Speed, which reduce the time spent in works, and is upgraded by performing Attachment.
- Justice: Increases the Attack Speed, which decreases the delay between attacks, and Movement Speed, which increases the speed that the employee travel across the facility, and is upgraded by performing Repression.
To increase the Level of these stats, their basic value of their stat must be increased in ~25. The limit of the values is up to 100 (106-110) by default.
- Damage and Resistances: Depending of the equipment used by the employee, their resistance and base damage will vary, but depending of the equipment's Risk Level or Grade, it will also change the effectiveness of the damage and resistance against the target.
Damage depends on the E.G.O. Weapon of the Agent. Depending on the Damage Type, it can deal one or more of the 4 types of damage: Red, White, Black, Pale. Against Abnormalities, Ordeals and Minions, these values are subtracted directly from their HP bar, taking into account their defenses.
Resistances depends of the E.G.O. Suit of the Agent, which change the resistance of the user against each damage individually, in a percentage. The defenses can be: Absorb (-2.0 ~ -0.1), Immune (0.0), Resistant (0.1 ~ 0.4), Endured (0.5 ~ 0.9), Normal (1.0), Weak (1.1 ~ 1.9), Vulnerable (2.0)
Main article: Departments
The Agents are assigned to different Departments and Teams during the Deployment Phase, where they will work with the Abnormalities. The player can choose where an Agent is assigned in the available Departments when starting a new day. At least 1 Agent must be in each Department to proceed to the Management Phase. 9 of the current Departments can have 5 employees, while the Central Command Team can have a maximum of 10 employees.
Depending of the Department that the Agents are assigned to, they get a 'Service Time', that will boost a specific Stat or add a minor effect to them. It will be improved as the Agent continues to be assigned to the same Department consecutively. If the employee is assigned to another Department in another day, the progress will be lost and reset back to 1. Additionally, the Clerks of each Department contribute to the 'Office Worker Effect', which for each Clerk sane/alive of their Department, will provide a continuous boost to the Agents or facility of different levels depending of the amount of Clerks still sane/alive.
There are 10 Departments/Teams currently, and are unlocked in the next order: Control Team, Information Team, Training Team, Safety Team, Central Command Team, Welfare Team, Disciplinary Team, Record Team, Extraction Team, Architecture Team.
Works []
There are 4 different works to interact with Abnormalities. These works are Instinct, Insight, Attachment and Repression. These works affect the success chance of getting PE-Boxes of the Abnormality, improving them or decreasing them. They can also get NE-Boxes that make the Abnormality damage them with their Damage Type. At the end of the work, it will give a 'Mental Result' depending of the amount of PE-Boxes collected, which can be Bad, Normal or Good, and can vary between Abnormalities. It always happen when the work is finished, even when interrupted by the employee getting out of the containment unit or by not being sane/alive anymore. The preferences of the works also vary between Abnormalities.
To order a work, the player must click on the Containment Unit of the Abnormality, where the work options will appear. After selecting one work, they can select the agent to sent into the containment to perform said work. The player can cancel the work they are going to do by clicking on the room of the Abnormality before the agent arrives at the room.
Icon | Work | Description |
Instinct (Nourishing/Cleaning) | "A work to satiate physiological needs; it requires physical contact. As it involves touching the Abnormality frequently, Agents will need to display a high level of bravery and Fortitude to perform high level Instinct Work. Employees who conduct this work will benefit from increased HP." |
Flavour Text | ||
*Checking Vitals
*Checking Nutrition Demands *Activating Nourishing Sequence *Allocating 37% Cogito *Examine Fear Indices *Adjusting Fluid Intake *Checking Epidermal Strength *Adjusting Homeostatic Integrity *Repairing Collapsed Tissues |
*Analyzing Nervous System
*Analyzing Decomposition Rate *Analyzing Organic Composition *Checking Innate Traits *Empowering Self-Preservation *Adopting Ethological Approach *Relieving Instinctual Needs *Suppressing Static Bodily Responses |
*Checking Innate Inducers
*Analyzing Environmental Stimulation *Classically Conditioning *Instrumentally Conditioning *Testing Conditioned Stimulus *Reinforcing Neutral Stimulation *Alleviating Physiological Needs *Inducing Physiological Satisfaction *Operantly Conditioning |
Icon | Work | Description |
Insight (Cleaning) | "A work to improve the Abnormality’s living conditions. As it involves realizing what environment each Abnormality favors the most and making appropriate adjustments to ensure optimal conditions, meticulous observation is required; Agents need to show a high level of intellect and Prudence to perform high level Insight Work. Employees who conduct this work will benefit from increased SP." |
Flavour Text | ||
*Analyzing Air Quality
*Filtering Air *Beginning Grooming Procedure *Decontaminating Floor *Adjusting Light Intensity *Commencing Multilateral Bioanalysis *Analyzing Behavioural Patterns *Checking Containment Unit Functions |
*Checking Aesthetic Pleasing of Environment
*Reviewing Optimum Environment *Checking Sound System *Assessing Calming Sound Efficiency *Examining Stressors *Analyzing Existential Awareness *Analyzing Environment-Cognition Model *Checking Sentience and Selective Memory *Testing Heuristic Skills |
*Testing Objective Thinking
*Testing Cognitive Development *Analyzing Perceptive Reactions *Checking Voluntary Motives *Checking Intellectual Demand *Checking Formative Estimation *Commencing Phenomenological Observation *Monitoring Gestalt Indices *Analyzing Psychological and Physical Isomorphism *Checking Methodical Gradient |
Icon | Work | Description |
Attachment (Communing/Amusements) | "A work to satiate social needs. All Abnormalities carry desires and a will, and as such social needs are included. As this work involves acting as a playmate or companion, great care is required as only limited interaction is allowed; to avoid crossing the line, Agents need to show a high level of caution and Temperance to perform high level Attachment Work. Employees who conduct this work will benefit from increased Work Speed and Success Rates." |
Flavour Text | ||
*Analyzing Emotional State
*Analyzing Individual Preferences *Listing Friendly Behaviours *Testing Stress *Attempting Direct Contact *Attempting Emotional Communion *Attempting Rational Conversation |
*Checking Attachment Level
*Adjusting Target of Attachment Behaviours *Analyzing Attachment Type *Checking Level of Attachment as Means to Escape Insecurity *Checking Attachment Stability Levels *Checking Level of Attachment as Means to Resist Insecurity *Analyzing Psychological Mechanisms *Checking Internal Working Model |
*Attempting to Materialize Internal Representations
*Analyzing Relation Formation Mechanics *Applying Cognitive Theory *Checking Oxytocin and Vasopressin Receptor Activities *Testing Mutual Trust Levels *Testing Alternative Estrangement *Examining Awareness *Analyzing Active Expression Traits *Reinforcing the Ego |
Icon | Work | Description |
Repression (Therapy) | "A work to restrain existence. While the other works focus on handling desires, this one stifles them. As this work involves regulating various emotions and desires, careful and objective decision making as well as strong rationality is needed to control the pace of the work; Agents need to show a high level of Justice—the ability to make definite judgements—to perform high level Repression work. Employees who conduct this work will benefit from increased Attack and Movement Speed." |
Flavour Text | ||
*Upgrading Qliphoth Deterrence
*Deleting Memories *Evicting Consciousness *Repressing Abstraction *Repressing Neurosis *Repressing Regression *Performing Secondary Repression *Performing Eradication of Desire |
*Evicting Impulsive Behaviors
*Repressing Instinct *Disrupting Attachment *Dualizing Desires *Eliminating Impulsive Circuits *Repressing Death Drive *Terminating Desires *Imprinting Superego |
*Repressing Archetype
*Attempting Ideological Isolation *Neutralizing Origin Configuration *Treating Hysteria *Disassembling Complex Ideas *Evicting Symbolism *Breaking Recursive Chains *Differentiating Libido *Accelerating Single-Point Regression |
Behavior and Functions[]
Basic Behavior[]
Employees will wander through the facility, in the designated area where they are assigned, waiting in the Main Department Room while 'chatting'. They always start in the Main Room of their department. Agents will always go to where they were last designated at the end of a work. If an agent notice a dangerous Abnormality or hostile employee (except panicked Clerks), they will start to suppress the closer target to itself.
To order an Agent to move to another room, click on the employee or drag and make a square around a group to select them, and then select another room where you want them to move. They will remain in that zone until another work order is assigned to them.
All the Agents have a specific name, that is chosen at random from a list when being hired. A player can change their names when hiring them. There are 346 Names in total, 162 being normal names and 184 being Backer Names, from people who supported the game.
Agent Names (161, 346 in Total) | |||
Acacia |
Eden |
Katya |
Pansy |
Agent Names (Backers, 185) | |||
Agmongdolae |
Haeil |
Magoyeon |
Saengseonsaeng |
Backer Agents[]
Of the 184 Backer Names, 13 have special appearances and even dialogue if entered into the Agent Customization panel. Note that these names are case-sensitive.
Backer Agents were added in Patch, alongside a few other changes. (The patch also lists the names of all 13 Backer Agents.)
Each agent has 2 Titles, a Primary Title and Secondary Title. The titles appear below the agent in the Management Phase and next to their names in the HUD. New hired employees will always have the secondary title "newbie" (if the player has Hod's boss upgrade, they will instead have the secondary title "Senior"). The Secondary Title will always change when an employee is promoted to levels 2, 3, and 5. The Primary Title will only change when an employee is promoted to levels 4. Upon promotion to the next level, the employee will receive a title linked to their highest stat. If the employee's stat levels are all the same level and the employee is promoted to level 3 or 5, they are eligible to receive the titles "Senior" for level 3 and "Grand Senior" for level 5. Each title has its own minor bonuses to the employee's maximum limit, increasing the limit by -2 to 5 depending on the level the titles is obtained at.
Title Bonuses | |||||||
level | Name | HP | SP | SR | WS | MS | AS |
(Primary Title) |
Blunt | +3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Indecisive | +3 | -2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Lazy | +3 | 0 | -2 | -2 | 0 | 0 | |
Timid | +3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -2 | -2 | |
Amicable | 0 | +3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Quiet | -2 | +3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Stuffy | 0 | +3 | -2 | -2 | 0 | 0 | |
Suave | 0 | +3 | 0 | 0 | -2 | -2 | |
Honest | 0 | 0 | +3 | +3 | 0 | 0 | |
Earnest | -2 | 0 | +3 | +3 | 0 | 0 | |
Attentive | 0 | -2 | +3 | +3 | 0 | 0 | |
Gloomy | 0 | 0 | +3 | +3 | -2 | -2 | |
Bright | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +3 | +3 | |
Frivolous | -2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | +3 | +3 | |
Plucky | 0 | -2 | 0 | 0 | +3 | +3 | |
Cheery | 0 | 0 | -2 | -2 | +3 | +3 | |
(Secondary Title) |
Newbie | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 |
(Secondary Title) |
Employee | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 |
(Secondary Title) |
Hunter | +3 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 |
Defender | +3 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | |
Researcher | +2 | +3 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | |
Analyst | +2 | +3 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | |
Strategist | +2 | +3 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | |
Negotiator | +2 | +2 | +3 | +3 | +2 | +2 | |
Intellectual | +2 | +2 | +3 | +3 | +2 | +2 | |
Assistant | +2 | +2 | +3 | +3 | +2 | +2 | |
Veteran | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +3 | +3 | |
Old-timer | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +3 | +3 | |
Specialist | +2 | +2 | +2 | +2 | +3 | +3 | |
Senior | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
(Primary Title) |
Arrogant | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 |
Optimistic | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Audacious | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Radical | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Nefarious | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Sly | +3 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Composed | +3 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Pessimistic | +3 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Zany | +3 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Ferocious | +3 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Prim | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | |
Cold-blooded | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | |
Modest | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | |
Prudent | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | |
Dastardly | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | |
Generous | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | |
Selfless | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | |
Draconian | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | |
Sharp-Tempered | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | |
Steadfast | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | |
(Secondary Title) |
Slayer | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 |
Pursuer | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Fire Eater | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Investigator | +3 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Philosopher | +3 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Architect | +3 | +5 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | |
Arbitrator | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | |
Comprehender | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | |
Unifier | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | +3 | +3 | |
Commander | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | |
Hero | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | |
Pillar | +3 | +3 | +3 | +3 | +5 | +5 | |
Grand Senior | +4 | +4 | +4 | +4 | +4 | +4 |
Main article: Research
Research can affect employees in different ways, like the rate of healing in main department rooms and increase other values, like the psychological and physical gauge.
The 'Status' are multiple states that an employee can be under, which might cause a handicap, inability to perform other tasks or just to announce their current action. These appear on a 'Task' window. The states are:
- Agent en Route: An Agent is moving to a containment unit to perform a task. It can be canceled by pressing the button again or clicking the containment unit of the Abnormality before they reach it.
- Working: The employee is now working in a containment unit with an Abnormality. Only in certain cases, like Tools, an Agent can get out of the containment unit prematurely by the order of the player. Otherwise, they will get out when the work finishes.
- Dead: The employee has lost all their HP, succumbed to an Insta-kill effect or transformed into another entity. Dead employees no longer are alive and thus, are lost forever. If they were carrying any E.G.O. equipment, it will be lost as well, unless having a specific research of Extraction Team.
- Uncontrollable (Possession): The Agent is now possessed or in another state that forces the employee to act outside of their usual behavior. Under this state, the player might or not be able to save the employee and free them from this status, depending on which entity or event caused the status.
- Panicking: See below.
Panic State[]
Panic is a state that occur once the SP of an employee is depleted. The employee will become uncontrollable and starting to act depending of their Panic State. The White Damage of the agent under panic will remain depleted and can be subdued by other agents to try to return them back to normal. Dealing White and/or Black Damage to them will heal their gauge instead and once is back to the maximum, the employee will return to normal. However, Black Damage can still cause damage to the HP of the panicked employee and the defenses against damages are still applied to the employee. The SP Healing Bullets of the Bullet Research can't heal panicked employees, but the Main Room's healing can. Clerks can also enter into 2 Panic States, but they cannot be suppressed.
To determinate the Panic State of an employee, it will depend of the their highest stat value between all the stats, and by this condition, the Clerks only can enter into 2 Panic States explained below. This count the base and additions when choosing the Panic State and in case there are 2 or more equal values of the highest stats, it will choose one of the highest ones randomly. Agents will also say things based on their level and the panic state itself(not including level 1 employees who will say the same set of lines for all states.
Level 1 Agent Panic Lines[]
Agent Lines |
"Please give me an order! Please give me an order! Please give me an order! Please give me an order! Please give me an order!"
"Just let me go home, manager… I WANNA GO HOME!" "Manager, please do something about my situation if you’re seeing this. Please SAVE ME" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" |
These Panic States as follows:
Agents will enter into this Panic State, Murder, when their highest stat is Fortitude. They will seek for other entities to damage with their own equipment. They get an attack speed buff of 1.x times their normal attack speed, where x is the Agent's level. [1] This makes high level employees very dangerous when in this state, due to them fighting back and sometimes able to kill or make panic more employees.
Agent Lines for the Murder Panic State[]
Level | Agent Lines |
2 | "I won’t die alone…"
"So you’re to blame! If it weren’t for you, it wouldn’t have gone this way!" "You’re the problem. Not me, you!" |
3 | "Just end it all. This company, us, you… JUST END IT!"
"I can do this. I- I can kill humans just like they did." "YOU LEFT ME BEHIND!!!" |
"The smell of blood is calling me. I yearn for blood and flesh." "I’ll kill everyone. I’ll destroy everything. Nothing matters anyways." |
5 | "It’ll be fun! The tearing of flesh will create a beautiful melody!"
"Why do humans die so easily? Humans like you." "It will end quickly, so relax. I’ll free you from this prison we call flesh." |
Employees enter into the Suicide Panic State when their highest stat is Prudence. The employee gives up and stand on their spot, waiting for 30~60 seconds before killing themselves instantly by snapping their own neck. If they were in a containment unit, they will just remain in front the door of the hallway. They should be better saved before they commit suicide and if other employees witness the Suicide or are members of the employees department, they will receive both Fear and White Damage. The risk level of the damage is equal to their level, and they deal 20*level in damage, so a level 5 Agent suicide is equal to an ALEPH Abnormality dealing 100 White to everyone in the room. [1]
Clerks enter into this state when their SP is depleted and at a 10% chance every 30 seconds during their Wander. Unlike Agents, their time to Suicide has less delay and tend to kill themselves almost instantly.
Agent Lines for the Suicide Panic State[]
Level | Agent Lines |
2 | "It’s all my fault. It’s my responsibility..."
"I don’t see any hope in this situation..." "Even if I survive, I’ll just continue to suffer because of this moment for the rest of my life..." |
3 | "The hallway is all coated with blood and brain fluid… You can see it too, right? We need a mop and bucket… We have to clean it up…"
"I saw my dead colleague yesterday. We had a nice dinner and coffee together. He seemed to be doing just fine. I might visit him soon…." |
4 | "I can hear someone. It’s the sound of back home. I just can’t stop hearing it…"
"There’s no hope left. My mind’s collapsing. Everything’s collapsing..." "We will all sink and perish, devoured by madness..." |
5 | "The whispering of the moon and the sound of the stars. And the truth beyond..."
"To the horizon of knowledge, beyond understanding..." "Their roar. The resonance between you and I. The incandescent wisdom..." |
The employee will enter into Panic State Wander if their highest stat is Temperance. They will roam the facility aimlessly while screaming, dealing constantly White Damage, the damage and risk level are both equal to their level , to anyone in the same room where they are. They also get a 1.x times buff to their speed, where x is their Agent's level. This means wandering Agents tend to move very quickly, and without a ranged weapon, they tend to just run right by any attempts to suppress them.[1]
Clerks will always enter into this state first, but don't deal damage when roaming and often recover more quickly when there is no more danger. However, as said in the Suicide panic response, they have a 10% chance to enter into Panic State Suicide every 30 seconds in this state. If there was excessive amount of White Damage dealt to a Clerk, they will die almost instantly.
Agent Lines for the Wander Panic State[]
Level | Agent Lines |
2 | "Help me! Please! I want to get out of here! Just open the emergency door!"
"Manager?! Manager! Open the emergency door! PLEASE LET ME OUT!" "I-I’m scared. Everyone’s dead… What do I do? What do I do…?" |
3 | "We’re all going to die. They’ll ravage our bodies and minds here in this miserable place..."
4 | "I just can’t. I swear I tried to get used to it, BUT I JUST CAN’T."
"Please let me out of here. I tried, I really tried. I tried my best. But I just can’t take it anymore!" "Nobody wants to die like this. We don’t want to die like this. We’re not here to just die like this." |
5 | "I will never get out of here..."
"We will all eventually become one in the origin." "Collectively losing our sanity is the only redemption we can find here." |
Shutdown (Open Containment Unit)[]
An Agent who enters into the Panic State Shutdown or Open Containment Unit—chosen because their Justice is the highest between all its values—will head towards Containment Units housing Abnormalities with Qliphoth Counters, getting in front of the door before bashing it with their crowbar once enough time has passed, dropping the Qliphoth Counter. If the Qliphoth Counter of the Containment Unit they are at drops to 0, they will continue to the next closest one.
While in this state, they gain a buff of 1.x times their move speed, where x equals their level. On top of this, they receive a defense buff, gaining a modifier of 1-0.x times all their incoming damage. This means a level 5 agent would take only half damage from any attacks made against them, making them incredibly tanky. Each hit has a chance of 15% per agent level of lowering the QC by 1, to a maximum of a 75% chance at level 5. After either the QC hits 0 or the Agent hits the cell 5 times, they run off to a new cell to free that Abnormality as well.[1]
Agent Lines for the Shutdown Panic State[]
Level | Agent Lines |
2 | "Watch me, manager! I didn’t fail! I swear I didn’t fail!"
"I’m not like all these idiots around me! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT WHAT I DO!" "Why the long face? Don’t worry, just you wait! I’ll make you happy again!" |
3 | "ManagerIJustWantToApologizeToMyDeadFriendsI’mSorryIDon’tWannaDieLikeThisIMissMomAndDadSoMuchPleaseHelp."
"Let me introduce you to my imaginary friends! They asked me to! They’re screaming to be let out!" |
4 | "Let us find peace from them."
"I’m so sorry dear friends, I’ll let you out now." "Come on out everyone! Step out and free us from this accursed place!" |
5 | "We will find our redemption through the Abnormalities."
"Abnormalities are the true essence of humans. Let us reach them and find redemption." "Let us reach the paradise beyond death, together with the Abnormalities." |
Fear Level[]
Fear Level, also called Fear Damage, is a status that affects the sanity of the employees, which is determined by a combination of the Abnormality's Risk Level, starting from Level 1 ( ZAYIN) to Level 5 ( ALEPH) and the level of the employee working on it. When an employee encounters an Abnormality, contained or breaching, the Fear Level will subtract a percentage of the employee's SP. The higher the employee's level, the less fear damage that employee will take. This only occurs once per Abnormality breaching, up until it's contained again. By default, clerks tend to panic almost instantly when meeting an Abnormality of level TETH or higher. However, unlocking the "Abnormality Countermeasure Manual" research from the Information Team can increase their Fear Level resistance towards up to WAW Abnormalities.
Employees also suffer from Fear Damage when witnessing the death or panicking of another Agent. The higher the level of the dying/panicked Agent, the higher the Fear Level damage. Witnessing Agents only receive this damage once per Agent, they must witness the death of the Agent; see said Agent in panic once, and will not repeat until is back to normal and the agent panics again.
The way to calculate Fear Level is via the formula below: Abnormality/Ordeal Risk Level or (Dead/Panicking Employee Level + 1) - Employee's Level.
The subtraction of SP percentage depends of the previous value and follow the next results.
Abnormality Risk Level - Employee Level | Fear Level | Fear Damage |
Under 0 | Relaxed | None |
0 | Calm | None |
1 | Nervous | 10% of Max SP |
2 | Terrified | 30% of Max SP |
3 | Hopeless | 60% of Max SP |
4 | Overwhelmed | 100% of Max SP (Insta-Panic) |
5 (Exclusive to WhiteNight, and unachievable in vanilla) | Reverence | 100% of Max SP (Insta-Panic) |
Agent Lines Relating to Fear Level (Abnormality Encountered)[]
Fear Level | Agent Lines |
Relaxed | "Pff. It’s nothing."
"I've got this." "Piece of cake." "Just tickles is all." "How boring." "Doesn’t even phase me." |
Calm | "Just calm down, do what we always do."
"Just don’t lose your head and stick to the manual." "We just have to keep on what we’ve always done before." "No need to get careless now." "Focus…" |
Nervous | "Hah, I’m getting nervous."
"Slowly, slowly…" "Breathe in, breathe out…" "Just need to stick to the manual." "It’ll be fine if we focus, I think…" |
Terrified | "There’s no room for error here."
"My legs are trembling..." "Damn, it’s scary." "I’m getting chills down my spine." "Please, as long as nothing bad happens…" |
Hopeless | "GODDAMN IT!!!!"
"What do we do here?" "Is there anything we can do in this situation?" "I can’t move my legs..." "H-Help…" "I don’t want to die!" "I need to run. I have to run away..." |
Overwhelmed | "Ah…"
"What…" "What am I seeing…?" "I-I can’t take it..." "I can’t understand..." "..................." "It’s all over..." |
Reverence | "So this is God…"
"My existence is meaningless..." "We are petty beings..." "So there is an all-mighty existence beyond the realm of us beings..." "Please ,mercy…" "Grant us salvation..." "So I truly am nothing after all..." "Let us witness in awe…" |
Agent Lines Relating to Fear Level (Death Witnessed)[]
Fear Level | Agent Lines |
Relaxed | "And another one bites the dust."
"Poor bastard." "There’s no time to grieve for them." "Happens all the time." "Those who will die, will die." "Poor weakling." "I’ll pay them some respect at least." |
Calm | "Let us pay respect…"
"Another employee passes away." "I need to get used to all this death..." "We can’t let grief grip us." "I wonder if there’s anyone who will cry for them." |
Nervous | "Damn it all, someone died."
"Comrade down! Comrade down!" "And they’re gone forever..." "We've lost one. Be careful!!" "Let’s keep focus. I can’t die here..." |
Terrified | "[name]…? Are you really dead?"
"I can’t believe you died like this [name of deceased]." "I can’t let them kill me too." "Please. Please. Please…" "Is [name of deceased] really dead? Is it my turn?" |
Hopeless | "My God..."
"I relied on them so often…" "What do we do…?" "If even [name of deceased]'s dead, then..." "I won’t last… Even [name of deceased]’s died now…" |
Overwhelmed | "It’s over for me."
"I can’t believe [name of deceased] died… How..." "WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!" "[name of deceased]’s died. The same is going to happen to me soon." |
Agent Lines Relating to Fear Level (Insanity Witnessed)[]
Fear Level | Agent Lines |
Relaxed | "Yet another turns to insanity."
"The heart is easily breakable." "Weak minded folk have no place here." "The sound of despair, I’m used to it." "Even screams bring delight me now." "I thought I would go crazy back then, each time I saw someone like that. But now, well..." "It’ll be quiet again soon enough..." |
Calm | "One more who’s lost heart."
"I won’t end up like him. I can’t." "I’m starting to get used to seeing the faces of insanity." "The screams of the mad will always disturb me." "Will I lose my mind like them someday?" |
Nervous | "We’ve got someone panicking!"
"Someone’s just hit the maximum mental corruption level!" "I can’t lose my mind here." "I gotta stay focused here… I can’t lose my mind." "It’s so painful to watch. It’ll drive me insane..." "I don’t want to hear those screams of pain anymore..." |
Terrified | "Even the seniors can go insane just the same..."
"I don’t know if I can endure all the madness in this place." "Please don’t give up on your mind." "Please come back to us!" "Just what did you see?" "Oh [name of insane employee]... Please come back to your senses..." |
Hopeless | "The high rankers go crazy, too..."
"Just how long will I endure this madness?" "No one is safe here..." "What drove them insane...?" "[name of insane employee]... They hit the maximum mental corruption level… Oh God..." |
Overwhelmed | "Madness rules this place..."
"[name of insane employee]... [name of insane employee]... Not you… You were supposed to protect us…" "THAT PERSON WILL KILL US ALL! THIS PLACE WILL TURN TO HELL FOR US!" "WE WILL ALL BE DRIVEN MAD AND DIE JUST LIKE THEM!!" "There’s no hope left in this place… Everyone eventually goes crazy..." "It will only be a matter of time before I turn mad just like [name of insane employee]..." |
Flavour Text[]
Level 1 Agent Lines[]
- I can’t believe it. I’m working for one of the Wings now!
- I’ve finished management training, but I still don’t have the hang of it…
- Why is everyone telling me to be careful around the Abnormalities? They can’t be that dangerous, can they?
- I just hope the work here isn’t too difficult.
- I can’t even imagine how experienced and skilled the manager must be to have his position.
- Now I can proudly tell people that I’ve joined a Wing.
- The easier the work is, the faster we’ll finish.
- Another tough day at work.
- I can do this!
- So, we need to satisfy the Abnormalities’ desires, such as hunger, with Instinct.
- We’ve made it this far. Let’s keep it that way.
- I heard people from the Outskirts get in here too… Do they just hire anyone?
- I wonder what this chip in our armbands is for?
- The guy I met yesterday was replaced by someone else before I even got to know him.
- We need to analyze the Abnormalities via Insight, and shape the environment they favor.
- The directive that forces us to do whatever is ordered feels too harsh for me.
- If I keep working hard here, I’ll be able to bring my family into the Nest.
- I know there are sinister rumors about the Wings, but I have no choice but to work here. The pay is just too good, and everyone around looks up to me.
- I can’t believe we’re actually able to talk with the Abnormalities.
- Perhaps we could befriend the Abnormalities?
- I like this facility, but the air is too heavy.
- Feels like I’m being watched…
- Repression, a work that pushes down everything that could erupt…
- It feels as if all the hallways and rooms in this facility are branded with fear and despair.
Level 2 Agent Lines[]
- The Abnormalities are more dangerous than I thought.
- I can’t believe people can die so easily.
- So this is the true face of Lobotomy Corporation…
- I thought I’d never win against an Abnormality back then, but now, I feel like I just might be able to.
- Working here is better than whatever goes on in the Backstreets at night, I guess.
- All you need to do is go with the flow of the body and the mind when using a weapon.
- The definition of “food” is rather ambiguous for Abnormalities.
- Satiating Abnormalities is more than just feeding them, it turns out.
- We can’t always be doom and gloom. Let’s keep our heads up!
- Does this stuff happen in the other Wings as well?
- I thought Lobotomy Corporation was just an eco-friendly energy producer…
- There’s something off about this place.
- This is way too inefficient. Why do these dangerous things need to be managed by humans?
- It takes more than just knowledge to analyze the Abnormalities.
- I wish I could get the hang of it already.
- Not all Abnormalities are bad…
- I’m starting to see how to handle the Abnormalities.
- I know they say to never get personally attached to the Abnormalities, but…
- The equipment here is fascinating… I feel a rush of nostalgia about them.
- I wonder how everyone else feels about working in this place.
- Something in my heart wavers every time I do Repression work.
- It feels as if there’s a direction to everything that happens here, like an end purpose.
Level 3 Agent Lines[]
- Those newbies have no idea what they’ll face here.
- I just have to endure this. Employees get paid vacation after working two months.
- I heard rumors about monsters that roam the Backstreets at night. They sound awfully like Abnormalities.
- If I die, I’ll just be replaced by someone else…
- As bitter as it is, I’m getting accustomed to life here.
- At the very least, working here is better than dying out in the Backstreets.
- I’m now able to eat after seeing a corpse the same day.
- I hate myself for being so used to witnessing death.
- The type of “food” differs between Abnormalities.
- The stench of blood still lingers in my nostrils. I can’t seem to wash it away with water.
- Is this all really worth it? Doing work like this, in a place like this?
- I saw what happens when people go insane for real.
- What if Abnormalities are some kind of gods?
- The more I know about the Abnormalities from Insight work, the less I realize I understand.
- I’m starting to hate those things. They ruthlessly murder us, but we have to take care of them. How unfair is that?
- Do not become personally attached to an Abnormality, even if you’re doing Attachment work.
- The Abnormalities are always so picky about their games.
- Friends are meaningless here, but at the same time, you can’t get through the day without your comrades beside you.
- Sometimes I feel like I’ve awakened from a long slumber.
- It feels like I’m stuck in a dream whenever I face an Abnormality.
- We need to know what they truly are, and repress them.
- It feels as though the souls of the dead still linger in this place.
Level 4 Agent Lines[]
- I wonder how many of our rookies are gonna die today?
- I’m sworn to do whatever the manager tells me to.
- Don’t get too hard on yourself with work here.
- Suppose I’ll buy W Corp’s travel package when my vacation time finally rolls up.
- If I work just a bit harder, my family can come to the Nest.
- They’re not so different, suppressing Abnormalities and culling panicked coworkers.
- I hope work finishes soon.
- I’m starting to miss the smell of blood.
- Eating is the only joy we can find here.
- The human mind is simply too fragile.
- One should not try to understand things that simply cannot be understood.
- We will lose all our humanity someday if we continue to work here.
- Some people just have to do what they’re told not to do.
- Everyone has their own way of living.
- Just take it easy. Don’t overthink things.
- Just chill out and work. Everything will resolve itself.
- Don’t get too nervous. We’ll handle this one step at a time.
- The essence of Repression work is connected to the subject’s meaning of existence.
- We are all equal in the face of death.
- Our souls will flow through the world even if we lose our bodies.
Level 5 Agent Lines[]
- Everyone dies someday.
- Same shit, different day. We just follow orders.
- There’s not much meaning to be had. We work and get paid. That’s all.
- Don’t worry so much, even if you’re new here. You’ll get used to it all in no time.
- Don’t give too much thought to those who’ve died. Just accept it and move on.
- We’re nothing but flesh and blood after all.
- Blood gracefully flows through every mortal life.
- The purpose of Instinct work is merely to keep them in physical form.
- Life’s beautiful like a candlelight, for it is weak, yet intense.
- We must do what we can now, not wrap our heads around the future.
- What does it truly mean to be humane? Is it humane to seek truth and verity?
- We must gaze upon things beyond what our eyes can see.
- Everyone has their own mission, to prove their own existence.
- We recreate the world by witnessing the truth with the eye of wisdom.
- Humans, Abnormalities, it’s not important. What’s truly important is the resonation of existence.
- Protecting others is the least I can do.
- A relationship is a chorus that blooms from the connection, the contact between beings.
- Shells are just shells, we must not forget what they cover.
- If we could become one and share our existence, it’d be fascinating.
- Death is not the end of it all.
- Life is beautiful because it shines through the darkness of the night like a star.
- The setting of stars is truly a magnificent sight.
- The true nature of Repression Work is the denial of the meaning of existence.
- We will come again after death, following the guidance of the soul…
- Abnormalities have souls, just like humans do…
- All the Clerks' names are randomized, by using first a letter of the greek alphabet and being followed by a number.
- In the Legacy teaser trailer of Lobotomy Corporation, in some point of the video (After the scene of Singing Machine), employees start to appear under the chaos of the facility. They appear to showcase the Panic Responses of the (old version of the) game in the order of: Wander, Suicide, Shutdown and Murder.
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 TeeQueue "Mechanics Talk 5 - Fear, Panic, and Spirals". Lparchive. Retrieved on 14 May 2022
Facility X-394
| |
Mechanics | Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - Damage Type - Emergency Level - Employees - Equipment - Growth Rate - Hiring - LOB Points - Missions - Ordeals - Qliphoth Meltdown - Rabbit Team - Research - Risk Level - Sephirah Meltdown - Stats |
Departments | Asiyah: Control Team - Information Team - Safety Team - Training Team Briah: Central Command Team - Disciplinary Team - Welfare Team Atziluth: Record Team - Extraction Team - Architecture Team |
Characters | X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C |