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"When the time comes, the train will chug down the tracks and sound its mighty horn."
- Abnormality Log

Express Train to Hell (T-09-86) is a Risk Waw WAW Tool Abnormality in the form of a big cagelike structure resembling a train station ticket booth with a base made of skulls and rocks. The window from which people receive tickets is replaced with a dark cage from which only the two glowing yellow eyes of an entity known as the "booking clerk", who gives tickets, are visible. At the top it has 4 square lights which are initially turned off.



Express Train to Hell's ability consists of a single use work depending on the amount of lights turned on. A light turns on every 30 seconds. When used while any light is on, the entity inside the structure will reach out for the employee with an arm and give them a ticket, healing their HPHealing HP and SPHealing SP, and all the lights will be turned off again. The amount and radius of the healing varies depending on the number of lights that are turned on at the moment of use:

  • 1 Light on: The employee's HPHealing HP and SPHealing SP will be healed by 40.
  • 2 Lights on: The employee's HPHealing HP and SPHealing SP will be healed by 80.
  • 3 Lights on: All employees that belong to the employee's department will have their HPHealing HP and SPHealing SP healed by 50.
  • 4 Lights on: All the employees in the facility will have their HPHealing HP and SPHealing SP healed by 50.

There is no effect when performing a work when there are no lights on, but the Use Counter will increase regardless.

If 30 seconds pass when all the 4 lights are on, they will turn off and the sound of a running train can be heard. The Express Train to Hell will appear from either the right or left side of the facility through a portal, moving to the opposite side at a high speed in a straight line, with slight variations in the angle. It has the appearance of a rusty train with an eye at the front of the locomotive, with 5 wagons in total. Any entities outside of containment units and in the train's way will take 100 BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage. When it reaches the edge of the other side of the facility, the train will go through another portal and disappear.

Basic Information:[]


Express Train to Hell's encyclopedia portrait

Express Train to Hell's basic information takes 2 Uses to unlock, the information gained is:

  • Name of the Abnormality
  • Subject classification
  • Risk Level (Risk Waw WAW)
  • Portrait
  • Type of Abnormality (Single Use)


Its origin is currently unknown.

Log and Method[]

Interaction Amount
1 Use
"The booking clerk who remains dauntingly quiet sells tickets for a train with no final destination. There are no clocks to alert the arrival times, instead, there are some blinking lights."
"Every 30 seconds, the lights of the ticket booth will illuminate one by one. They will brighten up to four, and when an employee receives a ticket from the clerk, the lights will reset."
3 Uses
"The first and second lights illuminate; your mind clears. The third light illuminates; your mind clears and your wounds close."
"When a ticket is received with 1 illuminated light, the employee will slightly recover their HP and SP."
3 Uses
"The fourth light illuminates; the condition of every employee in every department improves when you hear the train’s horn off in the distance."
"When a ticket is received with 2 illuminated lights, the employee will significantly recover HP and SP."
5 Uses
"When the time comes, the train will chug down the tracks and sound its mighty horn. There is no doubt that it will plunge through the endless tunnel while boarding the employees who have not taken a step back from the tracks."
"When a ticket is received with 3 illuminated lights, all employees within the department will recover HP and SP."
7 Uses
"When a ticket is received with 4 illuminated lights, all employees within the facility will recover HP and SP."
10 Uses
"If 4 lights have illuminated and another brightens to a glow, the train will cross through the facility and cause BLACK damage to all employees who are caught in its path. After it has crossed, the booth’s lights will reset."


  • This is the first Tool Abnormality to do something after a period of time, increasing its lights every 30 seconds, similar to WhiteNight's Ability.
  • In a previous version, this Abnormality would increase its lights according to the works done around in the facility.
  • The heal when collecting a ticket on the 3rd light will heal employees belonging to that same department as the employee collecting the ticket, meaning it will heal all employees assigned to the same department during the deployment phase. It will not heal employees that were deployed to other departments, even if they are currently located within the same department, and it will heal employees that were deployed to the same department as the employee even if they are currently located in another department elsewhere in the facility.


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