Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

Agent Leveling is a mechanic that allows agents to reach higher levels in a specific stat. The agent can reach higher levels though 2 different ways, either by spending LOB Points to train the stat or through experience points via the associated work.

Lob Points[]

Base Level I II III IV V EX
Values(Minimum) <29 30 45 65 85 100+
LOB Points Cost X 1 2 3 4 6
JusticeIcon Justice Upgrade Cost X 3 6 9 12 18
Lob Upgrade Range 15+(title) 30-37 45-55 65-75 85-92 110-130


Experience is a hidden value of the Agents which help them to increase their stats. The experience will affect how much the Agents stat levels will increase at the end of the Management Phase. Each Virtue (FortitudeIcon Fortitude, PrudenceIcon Prudence, TemperanceIcon Temperance and JusticeIcon Justice) gain experience points from working on their corresponding work (Instinct Instinct, Insight Insight, Attachment Attachment and Repression Repression).

The Experience gained is calculated via the PE-boxes acquired * Damage Modifier * Level Modifier * Training Modifier. [1]

Damage Modifier[]

Each work has its associated damage type linked to it, with FortitudeIcon Fortitude being HP damage, PrudenceIcon Prudence being SP damage, and TemperanceIcon Temperance being the average of both HP and SP. When an employee is damaged, with the corresponding damage type, by the Abnormality they are working on or through external means, the employee will receive a higher damage modifier.

This damage modifier is calculated by (Remaining HP and/or SP)/(Max HP and/or SP) * 100

Remaining % Modifier
≥ 90% 0.4
≥ 80% 0.6
≥ 70% 0.8
> 20% 1
> 10% 1.3
≤ 10% 1.5

Damage already on the Agent does not count for this calculation, therefore there is no benefit to sending injured Agent to work. Any Fear Damage applied to the Agent does count towards this modifier. Any healing done to the agent does the opposite effect, reducing the damage taken during the work. [2]

JusticeIcon Justice always applies a 0.5 modifier, regardless of the damage taken.

Level Modifier[]

The level modifier is the level of the employee vs the level of the Abnormality. The higher the Abnormalities level against an agents level, the higher the modifier. Here is a table with all the modifiers for each level vs risk level:

Level Modifier Abnormality level
Stat Level I 0.60 0.60 0.72 0.84 0.60
II 0.44 0.55 0.55 0.66 0.77
III 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.60
IV 0.18 0.27 0.36 0.45 0.45
V 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32 0.40

If the agent has gathered enough Experience to be put into a higher stat level at the end of the day, they will start using the higher stat level to calculate further growth immediately, even if the day has not yet been completed. [2] In other words, there is no benefit to rushing from level 1 to 5 in a single day.

Training Modifier[]

Base Modifier is x1 or 100%.

The research Supply Educational Manuals grants +50% experience (x1 -> x1.5).

Clerk Benefits provide +1% (level 1), +3% (level 2) and +5% (level 3) experience respectfully.

Continued Service Benefits provide +5% (level 1), +10% (level 2), +15% (level 3) experience respectfully. The Captain does not receive any experience bonuses.

Both the Office Worker Effect and Continuous Service add to the Base Modifier, resulting in the maximum Training Modifier being x1.7.


  • The experience point formula has stayed the same since version 0.1, with super minor tweaks to the modifiers for a few updates. (needs verifying)


  1. NEET Penguin "How Stats Really Increase". Google Doc.
  2. 2.0 2.1 TeeQueue "Mechanics Talk 2 - Agent Growth". Lparchive. Retrieved on 20 November 2021
Facility X-394
Mechanics Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon Damage Type - EmergencyLevel3Icon Emergency Level - Employees - Equipment - Growth Rate - Hiring - LOB Points - Missions - Ordeals - QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown - RabbitTeamIcon Rabbit Team - Research - RiskUnknown Risk Level - Sephirah Meltdown - FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon Stats
Departments Asiyah: MalkuthArmband Control Team - YesodArmband Information Team - NetzachArmband Safety Team - HodArmband Training Team
Briah: TipherethArmband Central Command Team - GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team - ChesedArmband Welfare Team
Atziluth: HokmaArmband Record Team - BinahArmband Extraction Team - KetherArmband Architecture Team
Characters X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C