Lobotomy Corporation Wiki
Lobotomy Corporation Wiki


The Lobotomy Corporation Wiki is about the Korean developed indie game Lobotomy Corp by PROJECT MOON, in which you care for and collect energy from various aberrations known as Abnormalities, ranging from the monstrous, to the paranormal, to the plain bizarre. So far, there are 210 articles on this Wiki documenting various gameplay mechanics, traits, tidbits, and Abnormalities in-game.

Control Team: Observes Everything and Makes PlansInformation Team: Manages All Information on AbnormalitiesSafety Team: Plans and Carries Out Safety MeasuresTraining Team: Trains New AgentsCentral Command Team: Connects All Other TeamsWelfare Team: Prevents Disease and Provides Physical and Mental CareDisciplinary Team: Punishes Agents and Suppresses AbnormalitiesRecord Team: Records Everything that Happens in the FacilityExtraction Team: Extracts E.G.Os, Obtains Abnormalities, Manages Resources, Repairs the FacilityFacility9Departments
About this image


A list of Unreleased Abnormalities can be found here.

No. Enc. Port Name Subject Number Attack Type Risk Level EBoxIcon E-Boxes QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter
0 TrainingStandardDummyRabbitPortrait Standard Training-Dummy Rabbit 0-00-00(-T) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(1 - 2)
Risk Teth TETH 10 1
2 ScorchedGirlPortrait Scorched Girl F-01-02(-T) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(2 - 4)
Risk Teth TETH 12 2
3 OneSinPortrait One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds O-03-03(-Z) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(1 - 2)
Risk Zayin ZAYIN 10 X
4 TheQueenOfHatredPortrait The Queen of Hatred O-01-04(-W) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(3 - 4)
Risk Waw WAW 22 2
6 HappyTeddyBearPortrait Happy Teddy Bear T-04-06(-H) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(2 - 4)
Risk He HE 15 X
8 RedShoesPortrait Red Shoes O-04-08(-H) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(4 - 6)
Risk He HE 16 1
9 TheresiaPortrait Theresia T-09-09(-T) X Risk Teth TETH X X
12 OldLadyPortrait Old Lady O-01-12(-T) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(1 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 14 4
15 NamelessFetusPortrait Nameless Fetus O-01-15(-H) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(4 - 6)
Risk He HE 18 1
18 WallGazerPortrait The Lady Facing the Wall F-01-18(-T) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(2 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 14 2
20 NothingTherePortrait Nothing There O-06-20(-A) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(6 - 9)
Risk Aleph ALEPH 33 1
27 1.76MHzPortrait 1.76 MHz T-06-27(-T) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(2 - 4)
Risk Teth TETH 12 4
30 SingingMachinePortrait Singing Machine O-05-30(-H) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(4 - 6)
Risk He HE 18 1
31 TheSilentOrchestraPortrait The Silent Orchestra T-01-31(-A) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(7 - 9)
Risk Aleph ALEPH 30 2
32 WarmHeartedWoodsmanPortrait Warm-Hearted Woodsman F-05-32(-H) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(3 - 5)
Risk He HE 18 1
37 TheSnowQueenPortrait The Snow Queen F-01-37(-H) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(4 - 5)
Risk He HE 18 X
40 BigBirdPortrait Big Bird O-02-40(-W) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(2 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 20 5
41 LittleHelperPortrait All-Around Helper T-05-41(-H) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(3 - 5)
Risk He HE 16 2
42 SnowWhite'sApplePortrait Snow White's Apple F-04-42(-W) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(3 - 5)
Risk Waw WAW 20 1
43 SpiderBudPortrait Spider Bud T-02-43(-T) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(2 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 14 X
44 BeautyandtheBeastPortrait Beauty and the Beast F-02-44(-T) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(2 - 4)
Risk Teth TETH 12 X
45 PlagueDoctorPortrait Plague Doctor O-01-45(-Z) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(1 - 2)
Risk Zayin ZAYIN 10 1
46 WhiteNightPortrait WhiteNight T-03-46(-A) PaleDamageTypeIcon PALE
(7 - 8)
Risk Aleph ALEPH 35 3
47 Don'tTouchMePortrait Don't Touch Me O-05-47(-Z) ??? Risk Zayin ZAYIN ?? X
49 RudoltaPortrait Rudolta of the Sleigh F-02-49(-H) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(3 - 4)
Risk He HE 18 2
50 QueenBeePortrait Queen Bee T-04-50(-W) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(4 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 22 1
51 BloodbathPortrait Bloodbath T-05-51(-T) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(2 - 4)
Risk Teth TETH 14 X
52 OpenedCanofWellcheersPortrait Opened Can of WellCheers F-05-52(-Z) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(1 - 2)
Risk Zayin ZAYIN 10 X
53 AlriunePortrait Alriune T-04-53(-W) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(4 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 22 1
54 ForsakenMurdererPortrait Forsaken Murderer T-01-54(-T) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(2 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 14 1
55 TheChildofGalaxyPortrait Child of the Galaxy O-01-55(-H) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(2 - 3)
Risk He HE 16 5
56 PunishingBirdPortrait Punishing Bird O-02-56(-T) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(2 - 4)
Risk Teth TETH 12 4
57 LittleRedPortrait Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary F-01-57(-W) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(4 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 20 3
58 BigandMightbeBadWolfPortrait Big and Will be Bad Wolf F-02-58(-W) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(4 - 8)
Risk Waw WAW 22 2
60 FragmentoftheUniversePortrait Fragment of the Universe O-03-60(-T) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(1 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 12 2
61 CrumblingArmorPortrait Crumbling Armor O-05-61(-T) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(2 - 4)
Risk Teth TETH 12 X
62 BirdofJudgementPortrait Judgement Bird O-02-62(-W) PaleDamageTypeIcon PALE
(5 - 7)
Risk Waw WAW 24 2
63 ApocalypseBirdPortrait Apocalypse Bird O-02-63(-A) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(1 - 3)
Risk Aleph ALEPH 12 X
64 TheKingofGreedPortrait The King of Greed O-01-64(-W) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(5 - 7)
Risk Waw WAW 22 1
66 TheLittlePrincePortrait The Little Prince O-04-66(-W) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(3 - 4)
Risk Waw WAW 24 2
67 LaetitiaPortrait Laetitia O-01-67(-H) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(2 - 4)
Risk He HE 16 X
68 FuneraloftheDeadButterfliesPortrait Funeral of the Dead Butterflies T-01-68(-H) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(4 - 6)
Risk He HE 16 2
69 DerFreischützPortrait Der Freischütz F-01-69(-H) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(3 - 4)
Risk He HE 18 3
70 DreamofaBlackSwanPortrait Dream of a Black Swan F-02-70(-W) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(5 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 24 5
71 TheDreamingCurrentPortrait The Dreaming Current T-02-71(-W) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(3 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 20 2
72 TheBurrowingHeavenPortrait The Burrowing Heaven O-04-72(-W) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(4 - 5)
Risk Waw WAW 24 3
73 TheKnightofDespairPortrait The Knight of Despair O-01-73(-W) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(4 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 22 X
74 TheNakedNestPortrait The Naked Nest O-02-74(-W) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(5 - 7)
Risk Waw WAW 22 X
75 TheMountainofSmilingBodiesPortrait The Mountain of Smiling Bodies T-01-75(-A) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(6 - 8)
Risk Aleph ALEPH 30 2
76 SchadenfreudePortrait Schadenfreude O-05-76(-H) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(3 - 6)
Risk He HE 18 2
77 TheHeartofAspirationPortrait The Heart of Aspiration T-09-77(-T) X Risk Teth TETH X X
78 NotefromaCrazedResearcherPortrait Notes from a Crazed Researcher T-09-78(-H) X Risk He HE X X
79 FleshIdolPortrait Flesh Idol T-09-79(-W) X Risk Waw WAW X X
80 GiantTreeSapPortrait Giant Tree Sap T-09-80(-H) X Risk He HE X X
81 MirrorofAdjustmentPortrait Mirror of Adjustment O-09-81(-Z) X Risk Zayin ZAYIN X X
82 Shelterfromthe27thofMarchPortrait Shelter from the 27th of March T-09-82(-H) X Risk He HE X X
83 FairyFestivalPortrait Fairy Festival F-04-83(-Z) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(1 - 2)
Risk Zayin ZAYIN 10 X
84 MeatLanternPortrait Meat Lantern O-04-84(-T) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(1 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 14 1
85 WeCanChangeAnythingPortrait We Can Change Anything T-09-85(-Z) X Risk Zayin ZAYIN X X
86 ExpressTraintoHellPortrait Express Train to Hell T-09-86(-W) X Risk Waw WAW X X
87 ScarecrowSearchingforWisdomPortrait Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom F-01-87(-H) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(2 - 6)
Risk He HE 18 1
88 DimensionalRefractionVariantPortrait Dimensional Refraction Variant O-03-88(-W) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(4 - 7)
Risk Waw WAW 22 2
89 CENSOREDPortrait CENSORED O-03-89(-A) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(5 - 10)
Risk Aleph ALEPH 32 2
90 ProphecyoftheSkinPortrait Skin Prophecy T-09-90(-T) X Risk Teth TETH X X
91 PortraitofAnotherWorldPortrait Portrait of Another World O-09-91(-H) X Risk He HE X X
92 ShyLookTodayPortrait Today's Shy Look O-01-92(-T) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(2 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 12 X
93 BlueStarPortrait Blue Star O-03-93(-A) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(6 - 9)
Risk Aleph ALEPH 33 2
94 YouMustBeHappyPortrait You Must Be Happy T-09-94(-Z) X Risk Zayin ZAYIN X X
95 LuminousBraceletPortrait Luminous Bracelet O-09-95(-T) X Risk Teth TETH X X
96 BehaviorAdjustmentPortrait Behavior Adjustment O-09-96(-T) X Risk Teth TETH X X
97 OldBeliefandPromisePortrait Old Faith and Promise T-09-97(-Z) X Risk Zayin ZAYIN X X
98 PorccubusPortrait Porccubus O-02-98(-H) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(1 - 5)
Risk He HE 18 2
99 VoidDreamPortrait Void Dream T-02-99(-T) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(1 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 14 2
100 GraveofCherryBlossomsPortrait Grave of Cherry Blossoms O-04-100(-T) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(2 - 4)
Risk Teth TETH 12 3
101 FieryBirdPortrait The Firebird O-02-101(-W) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(3 - 4)
Risk Waw WAW 24 3
102 YinPortrait Yin O-05-102(-W) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(4 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 20 2
103 YangPortrait Yang O-07-103(-W) X Risk Waw WAW X X
104 BackwardClockPortrait Backward Clock D-09-104(-W) X Risk Waw WAW X X
105 LaLunaPortrait Il Pianto della Luna D-01-105(-W) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(5 - 7)
Risk Waw WAW 20 3
106 ArmyInBlackPortrait Army In Black D-01-106(-Z) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(7 - 9)
Risk Zayin ZAYIN 30 3
107 PpodaePortrait Ppodae D-02-107(-T) RedDamageTypeIcon RED
(2 - 3)
Risk Teth TETH 12 2
108 ParasyteTreePortrait Parasite Tree D-04-108(-W) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(5 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 24 1
109 MeltingLovePortrait Melting Love D-03-109(-A) BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(4 - 10)
Risk Aleph ALEPH 32 3
110 HeroicMonkPortrait Clouded Monk D-01-110(-W) WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE
(4 - 6)
Risk Waw WAW 22 3
Awesome! You'reBaldPortrait You're Bald... Bald-Is-Awesome! BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK
(1 - 2)
Risk Zayin ZAYIN 6 X
No. Enc. Port Name Subject Number Attack Type Risk Level E-Boxes Qliphoth Counter

No. Enc. Port Name Subject Number Attack Type Risk Level Work Success Rate Mood Decrease Rate Basic Mood Rating
2 ScorchedGirlPortrait Scorched Girl F-01-02-T RED TETH +20% -30% 60%
3 OneSinPortrait One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds O-03-03-Z WHITE ZAYIN +20% -30% 55%
4 TheQueenOfHatredPortraitLegacy The Queen of Hatred O-01-04-W RED WAW +30% -40% 80%
6 HappyTeddyBearPortrait Happy Teddy T-04-06-H RED HE +30% -40% 56%
8 RedShoesPortrait Red Shoes O-04-08-H WHITE/
HE +30% -40% 60%
12 OldLadyPortrait Old Lady O-01-12-T WHITE TETH +20% -30% 45%
15 NamelessFetusPortrait Nameless Fetus O-01-15-H RED/
HE +40% -50% 65%
18 WallGazerPortrait Woman Facing the Wall F-01-18-T WHITE TETH +30% -40% 65%
20 NothingTherePortrait Nothing There O-06-20-A RED ALEPH +30% -40% 42%
30 SingingMachinePortraitLegacy Singing Machine O-05-30-H WHITE HE +30% -40% 58%
31 PoorScreenwriter'sNotePortraitLegacy Poor Screenwriter's Note O-05-31-W WHITE WAW +10% -15% 40%
37 TheSnowQueenPortrait The Snow Queen F-01-37-H BLUE HE +20% -30% 50%
40 BigBirdPortraitLegacy Big Bird O-02-40-H BLACK/
HE +20% -30% 55%
41 LittleHelperPortrait All-Around Helper T-05-41-H RED HE +20% -30% 80%
42 SnowWhite'sApplePortrait Snow White's Apple F-04-42-W RED/
WAW +40% -50% 60%
43 SpiderBudPortrait Spider Bud T-02-43-T RED TETH +30% -40% 65%
44 BeautyandtheBeastPortrait Beauty and the Beast F-02-44-T RED TETH +40% -30% 35%
45 PlagueDoctorPortraitLegacy Plague Doctor O-01-45-Z WHITE ZAYIN +20% -30% 61%
46 WhiteNightPortraitLegacy WhiteNight T-03-46-A BLUE ALEPH +40% -50% 50%
47 Don'tTouchMePortrait Don't Touch Me O-05-47-Z BLACK ZAYIN +0% -0% 0%
48 HammerofLightPortrait Hammer of Light O-05-48-Z RED ZAYIN +20% -30% 50%
49 RudoltaPortrait Rudol-ta of Sled F-02-49-H WHITE HE +30% -40% 58%
50 QueenBeePortrait QueenBee T-04-50-W RED WAW +30% -40% 57%
51 BloodbathPortrait Bloodbath T-05-51-T RED TETH +30% -40% 65%
52 OpenedCanofWellcheersPortrait Opened Can of Wellcheers F-05-52-Z BLUE ZAYIN +30% -40% 55%
53 AlriunePortrait Alriune T-04-53-W WHITE WAW +40% -50% 48%
54 ForsakenMurdererPortrait Abandoned Murderer T-01-54-T RED TETH +20% -30% 45%
55 TheSilentOrchestraPortrait The Silent Orchestra T-01-55-A WHITE ALEPH +30% -40% 47.5%
55 TheChildofGalaxyPortraitLegacy The Child of Galaxy O-01-55-H RED HE +20% -30% 13%
56 PunishingBirdPortrait Punishing Bird O-02-56-T RED/WHITE TETH +10% -30% 46%
57 LittleRedPortraitLegacy Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary F-01-57-H RED HE +20% -30% 50%
58 BigandMightbeBadWolfPortraitLegacy Big and Might be Bad Wolf F-02-58-W RED WAW +30% -40% 50%
59 You'reBaldPortrait You're Bald... Bald-Is-Awesome! WHITE ZAYIN +30% -40% 50%
60 FragmentoftheUniversePortrait Fragment of the Universe O-03-60-T WHITE TETH +30% -40% 55%
61 CrumblingArmorPortrait Crumbling Armor O-05-61-T WHITE TETH +30% -40% 55%
62 BirdofJudgementPortrait Judgement Bird O-02-62-H BLUE HE +30% -40% 55%
63 ApocalypseBirdPortraitLegacy Apocalypse Bird ??? RED/
ALEPH +0% -0% 0%
64 TheKingofGreedPortrait The King of Greed O-01-64-W RED WAW +30% -40% 80%
65 PriceofSilencePortraitLegacy Price of Silence O-05-65-H BLUE HE +20% -30% 50%
66 TheLittlePrincePortraitLegacy The Little Prince O-04-66-W RED WAW +30% -40% 40%
No. Enc. Port Name Subject Number Attack Type Risk Level Work Success Rate Mood Decrease Rate Basic Mood Rating

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