"And the many shells cried out one word, "Manager"."
- Nothing There's Entry
Nothing There (O-06-20) is an Abnormality that does not resemble any sort of human being, but instead a creature made of varied human parts. It has a large rectangular head with 2 mouths - a pink tongue coming out of the biggest mouth. It has 4 blue/light-blue eyes on its face, and a light blue arm with sharp claws at the top of its head. It stands on 3 legs; the two front legs are made of bones and the hind leg is a red intestine in the form of a leg with a 'foot' at the end. Its torso is made of a transparent material, revealing red, blue, and green intestines. A dark liquid drips below it. The rest of its body is made of bones or muscles.
Nothing There will breach immediately when its Qliphoth counter reaches 0.
The Qliphoth Counter is decreased:
- When it takes the 'skin' of 2 employees, upon their deaths in its cell (see below).
- When the employee completes the work with Justice Level 3 or lower. This takes priority over its other mechanics, and it will breach instantly even if the employee dies during work.
Employees with Fortitude Level 4 and lower will have a lower success rate proportional to their overall level:
- Level 4: Attachment 40% (-10%), Instinct 32% (-8%)
- Level 3: Attachment 30% (-20%), Instinct 21% (-14%)
- Level 2: Attachment 20% (-30%)
- Level 1: Attachment 10% (-40%)
Nothing There will kill the Agent working on it immediately when said Agent obtains a Bad work result.
If an Agent died in Nothing There's Containment Unit for whatever reason, it will take their skin, disguising itself as the employee. It will keep the new appearance for a while until another employee enters its room. It will frequently say 'I love you' while it is disguised as an employee.
Disposal Mode[]
If another employee enters Nothing There's Containment Unit while it is disguised as an employee, work can still be performed. However, if the employee has level 3 Fortitude, they will instantly panic on the sight of Nothing There, triggering its Instakill effect (Bad Work Result) and taking their skin. Doing so causes organ pieces to block the screen of the player temporarily before it breaches.
After leaving the Containment Unit, Nothing There will appear in a random location in the facility, which is either a hallway or a Main Room. The player will enter into 'Disposal Mode', where they get a single shot and 10 seconds to find and instantly defeat Nothing There. The time of the game will be paused during this time frame. The player must locate and click on Nothing There, disguised as the second employee, in order to succeed. The shot deals an insanely high amount of Red Damage (10000) which will instantly kill Nothing There, send it back to its Containment Unit, and reset its counter and form.
If the timer runs out - or the player does not shoot the correct employee - Nothing There will reveal its normal form and continue with the escape.
Suppressing Nothing There with the Disposal Bullet when breaching disguised as an Agent does not contribute for Gebura's mission "Proving our Strength" or Hod's mission "I Just Want to Be a Good Person".
Normal Breach[]
Nothing There will escape in its normal form when the Qliphoth counter reaches 0 or upon failing to utilise the Disposal Bullet in time. It has three forms that it progresses through while breaching, unless it is suppressed fast enough.
- Nothing There's first form has 2000 HP and 80 Movement Speed. In this form, Nothing There will attack with the claw on its head to deal Red Damage (18-21) to every employee next to it. After 30 seconds, Nothing There will enter its second form.
- Nothing There's second form appears as an egg-like form, made of flesh and blue eyes. Upon entering this form, Nothing There will fully recover its HP and will be incapable of attacking or moving. If Nothing There is not subdued while in this form, it will fully recover its HP again and will transform into its final form. As with the first form change, Nothing There will transform into its final form in 30 seconds.
- Nothing There's third and final form is a tall, red humanoid creature with big eyes and a mouth and a secondary mouth on its body with intestines coming out from it. Nothing There's HP remains at 2000, though its Movement Speed is noticeably slower than in its first form, reduced from 80 to 50. While in this form, if left alone for a period of time without taking damage, Nothing There will restore 17 HP every second. If below 30% of its Max HP Nothing There will instead heal 33 HP every second. When it finds a target, Nothing There will morph its own arms to create deadly weapons that can perform different attacks.
- As a basic attack, Nothing There forms a mace-like arm to deal moderate Red Damage (25-35) to all targets in front of itself in melee range.
- Nothing There can also crouch on one knee and shoot out a bone shard from its hand (with a 2 second delay) that pierces through the room and deals heavy Red Damage (50-60) to all targets in the way. While performing this attack, Nothing There will say 'Hello'.
- More uncommonly, Nothing There will perform an attack where it morphs its arm into a wide blade and slashes the targets in front of itself in a melee range, saying 'Goodbye' and dealing massive Red Damage (300).
Nothing There will wander around the facility in search for a target. Once it finds a target, it will follow its target and primarily focus on following them, while attacking anything else in its path. Nothing There will remain breaching until it is suppressed or the day ends.
According to dialogues from Gebura's story sequences, it was created during an experiment with Cogito, resulting in Mr. Christopher—a researcher working for Lobotomy Corporation—to have been turned into it.
Nothing There responds to the four works in order of best to worst: Attachment, Instinct, Insight and Repression. Employees with Fortitude Level 4 and lower will have a lower success rate proportional to their overall level, this however does not change what works are better or worse.
Like all Abnormalities, its energy output is determined by the number of PE Boxes (Positive Enkephalin boxes) at the end of the interaction.
Nothing There's emotional state is divided into 3 sections: Bad, Normal, and Good. Completing 0-16 E Boxes will cause it to feel Distressed, completing 17-26 will cause it to feel Normal, and 27-33 will make its mood result Happy. Its usual waiting time after a task is around 15 seconds and its Qliphoth counter is 1.
Unlockable Information/Upgrades[]
Basic Information (Cost: 30 PE Boxes)
Unlocks and shows the name of the Abnormality, subject classification, Risk Level ( ALEPH), portrait, Damage Type ( Red 6 - 9), the amount of E-Boxes (33), its emotional states, and Qliphoth counter (1).
Instinct/Insight/Attachment/Repression Work Preferences (Cost: 10 PE Boxes)
Unlocks the percentage level list of the respective work types.
Managerial Guidelines 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 (Cost: 6 PE Boxes)
- "Managerial Guideline 1"
- "The lower the working employee’s Fortitude, the lower the success rate was and the less stable the work was."
- "Managerial Guideline 2"
- "When an employee whose Justice was lower than Level 4 completed the work, the Qliphoth Counter decreased."
- "Managerial Guideline 3"
- "<name>, who was in the Containment Unit, was killed by Nothing There. Suddenly, Nothing There changed into <name>. The same instance occurred when another employee had panicked."
- "Managerial Guideline 4"
- "When the work result was Bad, <name> was attacked and turned into Nothing There’s shell."
- "Managerial Guideline 5"
- "Employees of Fortitude Level 3 or lower immediately panicked when entering Nothing There’s unit. It is recommended that employees lower than Fortitude Level 4 never be sent to work with Nothing There."
- "Managerial Guideline 6"
- "When <name>, who witnessed Nothing There’s human appearance, fell into a panic, they became Nothing There’s new shell. At the same time, the Qliphoth Counter lowered."
- "Managerial Guideline 7"
- "When the Qliphoth Counter reached 0, Nothing There, taking the appearance of the dead <name>, disappeared from its Containment Unit. The manager must quickly find and kill Nothing There’s disguised appearance."
Escape Information (Cost: 30 PE Boxes)
Information if the Abnormality can escape or not, plus its Qliphoth counter (1). All of its defenses are marked as 'Unspecified', due to them changing each time when in different forms.
In its Normal Form, its defences are:
Red: Resistant (0.3) - White: Endured (0.8) - Black: Endured (0.8) - Pale: Weak (1.2)
In its Shell Form, its defences are:
Red: Immune (0.0) - White: Endured (0.6) - Black: Endured (0.6) - Pale: Normal (1.0)
In its Final Form, its defences are:
Red: Immune (0.0) - White: Resistant (0.4) - Black: Resistant (0.4) - Pale: Endured (0.8)
Observation Level[]
Level 1 (1 Section unlocked): Speed Rate +3
Level 2 (2 Sections unlocked): Success Rate +3%
Level 3 (3 Sections unlocked): Speed Rate +3
Level 4 (All details unlocked): Success Rate +3%
Unlocks the E.G.O. Weapon, Suit and Gift 'Mimicry'.
E.G.O. Equipment[]
Mimicry | ||||||
Grade: | Cost: | Max Amount: | Damage: | Attack Speed: | Range: | Observation Level: |
ALEPH | 222 | 1 | Red 10-14 |
Fast | Medium | 4 |
Requirements: Agent Level 5 Fortitude Level 5 |
Special Information | |
Details | Special Ability |
"The yearning to imitate the human form is sloppily reflected on the E.G.O, as if it were a reminder that it should remain a mere desire.
When the unfamiliar and otherworldly eyes stare at you, you will feel a chill up your spine. If pushed to the limit, one can wield it. It can deliver a powerful downswing that should be impossible for a human." |
"Recover 25% of damage dealt to the target as HP" |
Notes | |
10% chance on each attack to use a Special Attack where the user will enlarge the blade and deliver a powerful downswing, dealing 40-90 Red Damage. |
Mimicry | ||||||
Grade: | Cost: | Max Amount: | RED Defense: | WHITE Defense: | BLACK Defense: | PALE Defense: |
ALEPH | 120 | 1 | 0.2 Resistant |
0.5 Endured |
0.5 Endured |
1.0 Normal |
Observation Level: 4 | Requirements: Agent Level 5 Fortitude Level 5 |
Special Information | |
Details | Special Ability |
"It takes human hide to protect human flesh. To protect humans, you need something made out of humans.
Even though this is not the skin of a human, it is still akin to that barrier which protects us. Employees using this equipment may lose the last bits of love for humanity that they may have left." |
None |
Notes | |
"An Abnormality whose appearance resembles a human, but cannot and should not be human. It periodically devours employees and wears their shell. The skeleton and organs are misplaced during the process, so it takes a bizarre form."
"The Abnormality does have a tongue, however, it has no knowledge of speech and as such cannot talk; it can only make meaningless sounds. There is no telling what is inside its shell, but its skin continuously wears down, so there is a need to change and maintain the outer layer. It is insensible to pain; it may break its own bones or cut itself up to escape through a small crevice."
"Bit by bit, we discovered that this Abnormality may be evolving. It demonstrates behaviour similar to the character of the person who used to be its shell. It even makes attempts to equate itself with human beings."
"When it escapes, it wears the skin of the person it killed and mimics them. Then, without any sign or forewarning, it reveals its true/second form. In its true/second form, its resemblance is much similar to that of humanity in comparison to its earlier form. The new form is confirmed to possess bipedalism, properly aligned organs, and the addition of greater physical strength. All the employees are afraid of this form."
<A Warning of Something>
"If it has been confirmed that it has escaped and stood on two feet, there is only one thing you can do. Straighten up your posture, gather your hands neatly, and pray to whatever you believe in and observe the situation as it unfolds."
<Excerpt from Counseling Log>
“Just like how we observe Abnormalities as employees, ‘Nothing There’ observes us. Then it puts on the shell of an employee and thinks of itself as the employee that just died. The sight of that thing eating one of us is horrifying beyond words, just trying to think about it might drive me mad. Heading to its containment to check the state of its shell is a toil on your mind, too. Imagine that a colleague of yours who you chatted with just a few days ago is now sitting in that room, neck snapped, guts exposed, walking on all fours, drooling like a beast. (Omitted)
That’s not all. When I was still a new employee, no one else was willing to enter its Containment Unit, so I was forced to go work with it. It looked even worse than it does now. It was in the shape of a horribly deformed human. What’s worse, it tried to mimic humans. Doing stuff like looking into a mirror, mumbling to itself, or trying to fix its skeletal structure; it’s as if it was trying to mimic ‘us’. Who knows, it might get good enough to casually walk among us one day.”"
"<Warning> Only employees Level 3 and higher are permitted to read this document.
(This recording is of a call from the Containment Unit’s emergency phone. Phone systems are installed in every room of Abnormalities of Risk Level HE or higher to enable quick threat response.)
Employee 1: Please pick up, please pick up. This is the Containment Unit of ‘Nothing There.’
The Emergency Response Department (ERD): Hello, this is the Emergency Response Team. What’s the problem?
Employee 1: I need a stun gun right now! There’s an emergency happening right now!
ERD: Can you please specify the reason?
Employee 1: The Abnormality… (the sounds of something breaking can be heard) It’s ripping up the employee.
ERD: Excuse me?
Employee 1: It’s killing my colleague!
ERD: We’ll respond immediately. Please identify the employee being attacked.
Employee 1: It’s uh… wait one sec. Their name’s <Redacted>. Control Team. I’m, <Redacted>. Also Control Team.
ERD: Confirmed. What’s currently happening to your colleague at this exact moment?
Employee 1: Yeah, just please hurry. We need a weapon to control the Abnormality. (A loud noise can be heard, presumably the scream of the colleague) Oh god, this is…
ERD: What’s happening?
Employee 1: The Abnormality is attacking my colleague. It’s literally ripping them apart, I can’t do anything. I repeat, we need a weapon to control the Abnormality.
ERD: The Emergency Response Team has been dispatched. They’ll arrive shortly.(Omitted)
ERD: <Redacted>? What’s happening now? Is it still attacking your colleague?
Employee 1: Yeah, oh no. I think it’s done now.
ERD: Has it stopped attacking?
Employee 1: No, I mean. My colleague’s… He’s dead. Yeah, he’s dead alright.
ERD: How can you be so sure?
Employee 1: Well it’s because he looks… he’s…
ERD: Has he been ripped up somehow? What body parts are damaged?
Employee 1: All of them."
<Excerpt from Counseling Log>
"Just like how we observe Abnormalities as employees, ‘Nothing There’ observes us. Then it puts on the shell of an employee and thinks of itself as the employee that just died. It mimics the employee's usual behaviour, the way they talk, likes and dislikes, and every other visible trait. We can only guess how carefully, and for how long it has been observing the employees to imitate them. What I’m trying to say is, we can’t just treat it like some ‘dumb scary monster’. Even now, it could be strolling about wearing the shell of someone we know. This Abnormality is becoming more and more like a human. Its transformation is getting faster too. I get goosebumps just thinking about it. If the time comes when we fail to recognize it, that will be the day the company falls. We must stay ever vigilant when dealing with this Abnormality."
"The following is a recording of the abnormal behavior an employee exhibited in their last moments after they became a shell of ‘Nothing There’.
Employee 1: Manager, manager!
Employee 2: Man, you've been looking for the manager for quite a while now. You've been acting really weird today y'know? With that weird smile and all.
Employee 1: ...
Employee 2: Anyhow, I sure hope we get pasta in the cafeteria for dinner today. I’d love some of that with thick bacon.
Employee 1: ...
Employee 2: Oh, we just got an emergency notice. It says the last employee to work with "Nothing There" should get to the counselor's office immediately.
Employee 1: ...
Employee 2: Wait... Wasn't that... You?
Employee 1: ...
Employee 2: Hey, say somethi—
Employee 1: Manager, manager! Manager!"
"The second employee proceeded to take immediate action upon hearing that. However, ‘Nothing There’ tore out of the shell of the first employee, revealing its beginning form. The recording only includes audio files, so what exactly happened or what kind of behavior the employee exhibited still remains a mystery. The shell with ‘Nothing There’ inside tries its best to mimic the behavior of the employee it tried to kill moments ago. The actions of the last employee it eyed, their final words, those sort of things. And the many shells cried out one word, “Manager”."
Flavour Text[]
- "Nothing There’s appearance is just like that of a human being. However, employees with sharp eyes will notice a sense of incompatibility."
- "Nothing There is different from ordinary Abnormalities. The biggest difference between them is that it has never once shown its true nature."
- "Do you know the difference between the terms “shell” and “skin”?"
- "Nothing There meaninglessly grinds its teeth while staring at <name>."
- "The bone, which appears to be a rib of Nothing There, makes a crunching sound."
- "Nothing There gazes at <name>, the twisted neck of its shell snapping and turning unnaturally."
- "The organ that’s something akin to a mouth belonging to Nothing There occasionally drips intestines that may have belonged to a human once."
- "<name> tries their best to avoid stepping on the unknown secretions of Nothing There."
- "Even though Nothing There makes not a single threatening action towards <name>, their entire body shivers in fear."
- "<name> is aware that the Abnormality is not going to attack them right away, but they are still extremely terrified of being in its containment."
- "While <name> works, they find Nothing There to be somewhat familiar in an odd way."
- "<name> spots something from Nothing There."
- " “She” was <name>’s senior. They had never spoken a word to each other, but they may have been good coworkers."
- "<name> had seen “her” employee profile. The reason why <name> could remember “her” is that she had a distinguishable mole on her face."
When activating its ability[]
- "Nothing There has put on <name>."
- "During the act of wearing on <name>, their bones were scattered across the floor."
- "Nothing There, now assuming the shape of <name>, makes noises from its still displaced bones every time it takes a step."
When an employee panics during work[]
- "<name> feels a helpless disgust and dread coming off of Nothing There. This innate hatred exuding from Nothing There strikes <name> to the core."
When an employee dies during work[]
- "Now <name> has become Nothing There’s new shell. Perhaps the day will come when they may get a proper burial, like the “shell” Nothing There just molted."
- "<name> has now become Nothing There’s new shell. Every employee in the facility will remember them; regardless if they wish not to do so, they will have to."
- Nothing There previously had the first and only Suit Immune to Red Damage (this was changed in v0.2.0.0 to 0.2). It remains the most Red-Resistant Suit in the game, tied only by Paradise Lost with WhiteNight in the facility.
- When Nothing There takes the appearance of an employee, staying in its Containment Unit, the shell will wear the default E.G.O suit.
- Even though its E.G.O Gift description says that it increases HP healing, it also increases SP healing.
- In the Wonderlab comic, Nothing There has an Aberration named Nobody Is.
- Nothing There's Korean name roughly translates to "Nothing to Report."
- Nothing There is referred to as "Nullthing" in the game's files.
- Nothing There and 1.76 MHz are the only Abnormalities to be in what's speculated as the Abstraction/Amalgamation Abnormality group.
- Nothing There's third form does not have a death animation. It may possibly be due to it not being intended to be killed while in development.
- Nothing There's cocoon strikes a resemblance to SCP-066.
- Nothing There could be loosely inspired by the creature in the movie THE THING. Both are able to appear like normal humans, but under the surface are grotesque, form-changing body horror monsters that "wear" humans.
- Its E.G.O Weapon "Mimicry" bears a striking resemblance to Soul Edge, a recurring weapon in the fighting game series Soul Calibur.
- The blade arm could have been inspired by the blade arm from the game series Prototype.
- ↑ https://devilmaycry.fandom.com/wiki/Sparda_(Devil_Arm)
- ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil_May_Cry
Are you looking for the old version of this page: Nothing There (Legacy)
"Nothing There" is using information from the newest version of the game (v1.0.2.13f). The information here is from a newer version of the game including the most recent gameplay changes.