Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

"Now it's time for my head to burst. Good day."
- Porccubus' Entry

Porccubus (O-02-98) is a creature with a long green plant body with a form similar to a mix of a serpent and a stem, covered with light yellow spines, and has a red flower with a yellow center at one of the ends as a head, with two small round eyes near the middle. It possesses a necklace around its 'neck' with a red gem. When breaching or using its ability, a small bulb-like part covered with spines will appear on its 'tail.'


Porccubus' ability triggers when its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter reaches 0. Its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter can fluctuate in the following ways:

  • Increase by 1 when getting a GoodResult Good Work Result.
  • Decrease by 1 when getting a BadResult Bad Work Result.

If an employee with a TemperanceIcon Temperance Level of 3 or below gets a GoodResult Good result, said employee will be killed in the containment unit.

After the counter reaches 0, it will breach, teleporting out of the containment room into a random hallway in the facility. It will stay idle in its current position until an employee gets close enough to it. It possess high HPIcon HP at 830 and inflicts WhiteDamageTypeIcon White Damage at close range when attacking. Employees with TemperanceIcon Temperance Level 3 or below will receive 9-24 WhiteDamageTypeIcon White Damage from its attacks, Employees with TemperanceIcon Temperance Level 4 will receive 3-8 WhiteDamageTypeIcon White Damage, while Employees with TemperanceIcon Temperance Level 5 will only receive 1-4 WhiteDamageTypeIcon White Damage. Only employees in its attack range will be able to deal damage to it (that is to say, melee weapons are the best option in dealing with Porccubus), and it is immune to ranged attacks. Employees who panic as a result of its attack will die, laughing madly before their head bursts. It will continue to breach until suppressed or the day ends. When defeated, it will deflate and make a sound similar to a balloon.


Its origin is currently unknown.


Porccubus responds to the four works in order of best to worst: Instinct Instinct, Insight Insight and Attachment Attachment, and Repression Repression.

Like all Abnormalities, its energy output is determined by the number of PE Boxes (Positive Enkephalin boxes) gained at the end of the interaction.

Porccubus's emotional state is divided into 3 sections: BadResult Bad, NormalResult Normal, and GoodResult Good. Gaining 0-8 E Boxes will cause it to feel BadResult Distressed, gaining 9-14 will cause it to feel NormalResult Normal, and gaining 15-18 will make it GoodResult Happy. Its usual cooldown time after a task is around 10 seconds. Its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter is 2.

Unlockable Information/Upgrades[]

Basic Information (Cost: EBoxIcon 16 PE Boxes)

Unlocks and shows the name of the Abnormality, subject classification, Risk Level (Risk He HE), portrait, Damage Type (BlackDamageTypeIcon Black 1 - 5), the amount of EBoxIcon E-Boxes (18), emotional states, and its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter (2).

Instinct/Insight/Attachment/Repression Work Favor (Cost: EBoxIcon 5 PE Boxes)

Unlocks the percentage level list to the respective work.

Managerial Works 1/2/3/4/5 (Cost: EBoxIcon 4 PE Boxes)

  • "Managerial Tips 1"
    • "When the work result was Good, the Qliphoth Counter increased."
  • "Managerial Tips 2"
    • "When the work result was Bad, the Qliphoth Counter decreased."
  • "Managerial Tips 3"
    • "When employees with Temperance Level 3 or lower had a Good work result, they died."
  • "Managerial Tips 4"
    • "Employees with Temperance Level 3 or lower will receive massive WHITE damage from Porccubus’s attacks when it escapes."
  • "Managerial Tips 5"
    • "Porccubus was unaffected by any attack dealt to it from outside of its reach."

Escape Information (Cost: EBoxIcon 16 PE Boxes)

Information if the Abnormality can escape or not, plus its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter (2). Its defenses when breaching are:

RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Normal (1.0) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Endured (0.5) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Normal (1.0) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Weak (1.5)

Work Level 1 Chance Level 2 Chance Level 3 Chance Level 4 Chance Level 5 Chance








































 Observation Level[]

Level 1 (1 Section unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +3%

Level 2 (2 Sections unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +5

Unlocks the E.G.O. Gift 'Pleasure'.

Level 3 (3 Sections unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +5%

Unlocks the E.G.O. Suit 'Pleasure'.

Level 4 (All details unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +3

Unlocks the E.G.O. Weapon 'Pleasure'.

E.G.O. Equipment[]

E.G.O. Weapon Pleasure
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: Damage: Attack Speed: Range: Observation Level:
Risk He HE EBoxIcon 45 1 BlackDamageTypeIcon Black
Fast Medium 4
Requirements: None
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"If you grasp for pleasure you cannot endure, you will end up losing yourself.

When the powder that falls from the thorns becomes known to the world, people may forever sink into the swamp of intoxication."

"Can cause additional WHITE damage to target for a certain amount of time"

E.G.O. Suit Pleasure
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: RedDamageTypeIcon RED Defense: WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE Defense: BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK Defense: PaleDamageTypeIcon PALE Defense:
Risk He HE EBoxIcon 30 3 1.2
Observation Level: 3 Requirements: None
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"If you grasp for pleasure you cannot endure, you will end up losing yourself.

When the powder that falls from the thorns becomes known to the world, people may forever sink into the swamp of intoxication."


E.G.O. Gift Pleasure

Pleasure (Neckwear)

Effects: SPIcon SP +10, WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate -6, WorkSpeedIcon Work Speed -6

Drop Chance: 4%

Observation Level: 2



Porccubus's encyclopedia portrait

  • "<Time for the head to burst> 
    To be frank, life in this place isn't so great. The company says they provide healthy hobbies, but not many people engage in that notion. Everyone looks for their own escape; be it violence, gambling, gluttony... 
    I thought I had strength in self-control and discipline compared to others. It did help me live a smoother life. Maybe that's the reason I was assigned to Porccubus' Containment Unit. 
    Yes, Porccubus. Where the lowest of the low employees visit. I've heard a bit about what other employees do in that Containment Unit. They call it the "game of trust". A game of trust, what an elegant thing to name it."
  • "(Omitted)
    According to other employees, it wouldn't be too difficult to become intimate with it. And once I get along with it, I could acquire all of it with ease. They said when the time comes, Porccubus will lean down so that I easily reach the thorns. It didn't take long until I got to where I could pet it."
  • "(Omitted)
    When I first touched its thorns, it felt quite prickly. It felt like a giant needle penetrated my skin. Though there wasn’t any bleeding and the pain went away after a moment. Then there it was, the most intense happiness you'd ever experience. It'd make your knees weak. When I snapped out of it, I found myself drooling.
    It scared me, so I didn't go back for a while. Then, the situation gets worse. You'll get withdrawal symptoms, like retching or sweating. Different employees show different symptoms. One employee even pulled out all their teeth because they felt like bugs were crawling all over them."
  • "How it felt? I can't find the words to describe it. Remember the greatest happiness you've ever felt in your life? This feeling would be hundreds of times better.
    You say I'm the last employee in charge of Porccubus? That's understandable, as the brain craves more intense stimulation. At first, all I had to do was be lightly pricked by one of the thorns. Now I have to rub my whole body against it to get the same high.
    I feel like all the blood in my body will rush to my head, eventually bursting it. I’ve already imagined my head bursting thousands of times anyhow."
  • "I have to get going, it's almost time for work. Actually, I’m drenched with sweat right now, did you notice? 
    Oh, and Porccubus doesn't show any aggression, unlike your speculation. It didn't eat us or bite our heads off or anything. All the corpses were smiling... happily? That's all. It just makes people smile "until death". 
    No one is to blame. We have to go through hell every day. We're just having a small taste of heaven."
  • "You know what? I feel sorry for you. You've never felt these feelings and you never will, but you have to interview an employee on the edge like me while pretending to be decent. 
    Now it's time for my head to burst. Good day."

Flavour Text[]

  • "When the game of trust with Porccubus reaches its maximum, it will gently pet your head with the thorns on its tail."
  • "They say the pleasure it provides exceeds the amount a human can bear, but there is no one who can explain how it truly feels."
  • "Porccubus has a shackle-like necklace around its neck. Nobody knows who tied it up."
  • "Some employees who were addicted to Porccubus’s pleasure tried to pull out its thorns, but failed."


  • The name "Porccubus" may be a portmanteau derived from the words "Porcupine" and "Succubus".
  • Its subject classification was the same as Alriune's until v
  • It is most likely based on the opium poppy, which was spread in Asia as an addictive drug.


  • In the English release, there was a translation error in Managerial Tip 1. The tip said that a Good work result decreases Qliphoth Counter, but in reality, a Good work result would increase the Qliphoth Counter. This was probably due to the fact it had the same subject classification as Alriune (pre v This has since been corrected with the English retranslation.


ZAYIN Army In Black - Don't Touch Me - Fairy Festival - Mirror of Adjustment - Old Faith and Promise - One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds - Opened Can of Wellcheers - Plague Doctor - We Can Change Anything - You Must Be Happy - You're Bald...
TETH 1.76 MHz - Beauty and the Beast - Behavior Adjustment - Bloodbath - Crumbling Armor - Fragment of the Universe - Forsaken Murderer - Grave of Cherry Blossoms - Luminous Bracelet - Meat Lantern - Old Lady - Ppodae - Punishing Bird - Skin Prophecy - Scorched Girl - Spider Bud - The Heart of Aspiration - Theresia - Today's Shy Look - Standard Training-Dummy Rabbit (Tutorial Exclusive) - Void Dream - The Lady Facing the Wall
HE All-Around Helper - Child of the Galaxy - Der Freischütz - Funeral of the Dead Butterflies - Giant Tree Sap - Happy Teddy Bear - Laetitia - Nameless Fetus - Notes from a Crazed Researcher - Porccubus - Portrait of Another World - Red Shoes - Rudolta of the Sleigh - Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom - Schadenfreude - Shelter from the 27th of March - Singing Machine - The Snow Queen - Warm-Hearted Woodsman
WAW Alriune - Backward Clock - Big and Will be Bad Wolf - Big Bird - Clouded Monk - Dimensional Refraction Variant - Dream of a Black Swan - Express Train to Hell - Flesh Idol - Il Pianto della Luna - Judgement Bird - Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary - Parasite Tree - Queen Bee - Snow White's Apple - The Burrowing Heaven - The Dreaming Current - The Firebird - The King of Greed - The Knight of Despair - The Little Prince - The Naked Nest - The Queen of Hatred - Yang - Yin
ALEPH Apocalypse Bird - Blue Star - CENSORED - Melting Love - Nothing There - Mountain of Smiling Bodies - The Silent Orchestra - WhiteNight~(Apostles)