Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

"Dude... your “little angel” is gnawing on our colleague’s finger."
- Ppodae's Entry

Ppodae (D-02-107) is a small, white pug puppy with "puppy dog eyes" and a curved in tail. When breaching, it changes its form to a quadrupedal, more humanoid one and grows to about 4 times its previous size. Its tail and legs grow larger, it has a more muscular torso and a blue circular tattoo on its shoulder.


Ppodae's ability will trigger when its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter reaches 0. Its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter can fluctuate in the following ways:

  • Decrease by 1 with 50% chance when doing any work other than Instinct Instinct.
  • Decrease by 1 when getting a BadResult Bad Work Result.

Once the QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter reaches 0, the Abnormality breaches, changing its form and becoming hostile.

It possesses 230 HPIcon HP and quick MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed, starting to chase employees with priority to Agents. It attacks them with a single slam attack at close range, dealing approximately 4-7 RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage (an estimate, please fact check) in a short area in front of it. It takes a short time to recover and resume its attack/chase. If Ppodae kills an employee (Clerk or Agent), it will turn back into its previous form and return to containment on its own, carrying a piece of the employee that it just killed. In this state, it cannot be attacked.

Suppressing it will make the dog whimper and fall down, returning it to containment and resetting the counter. When transforming, escaping and returning, a white cloud appears on it with small pug heads that fade soon after.


There exists a myth that at night, if you walk down the hallways of the facility, you will hear bones breaking and then you will find the cryptid 'Yeti' eating an employee.

Although the myth's validity is in question, Ppodae is linked to the 'Yeti' and a creature of two forms. It seems to use a charm that tricks employees into falling for its 'cute' appearance and believe that Ppodae is just a normal dog that needs extreme and loving care, with employees literally fighting over who will take care of it next. However, some employees can ignore its charming abilities and detect unusual features, like body parts that the Abnormality carries or bites. It is deduced that it transforms to seek for food, with the food being a snack or a person.

When it was captured and how it arrived into the facility is still unknown.


Ppodae responds to the four works in order of best to worst as follows: Instinct Instinct, Attachment Attachment, Insight Insight, and Repression Repression.

Like all Abnormalities, its energy output is determined by the number of PE Boxes (Positive Enkephalin boxes) at the end of the interaction.

Ppodae's emotional state is divided into 3 sections: BadResult Bad, NormalResult Normal, and GoodResult Good. Completing 0-6 EBoxIcon E-Boxes will cause it to feel BadResult Distressed, completing 7-9 EBoxIcon E-Boxes will cause it to feel NormalResult Normal, and completing 10-12 EBoxIcon E-Boxes will make it GoodResult Happy. Its cooldown timer after a task is 15 seconds, and its maximum QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter is 2.

Unlockable Information/Upgrades[]

Basic Information (Cost: EBoxIcon 12 PE Boxes)

Unlocks and shows the name of the Abnormality, subject classification, Risk Level (Risk Teth TETH), portrait, Damage Type (RedDamageTypeIcon Red 2-3), the amount of EBoxIcon E-Boxes (12), its emotional states, and QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter (2).

Instinct/Insight/Attachment/Repression Work Favor (Cost: EBoxIcon 4 PE Boxes)

Unlocks the percentage level list to the respective work.

Managerial Works 1/2/3 (Cost: EBoxIcon 3 PE Boxes)

  • "Managerial Tips 1"
    • "Ppodae wuvs Instinct work the most. Please don’t do work other than Instinct with him, or else the Qliphoth Counter has a medium probability of lowering."
  • "Managerial Tips 2"
    • "When the work result was Bad, the Qliphoth Counter decreased."
  • "Managerial Tips 3"
    • "When Ppodae escaped, it voluntarily returned to its unit after attacking an employee and taking █████ from their corpse."  

Escape Information (Cost: EBoxIcon 12 PE Boxes)

Information if the Abnormality can escape or not, plus its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter (2). This includes its defenses when breaching:

RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Weak (1.5) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Endured (0.8) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black:  Normal (1.0) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Vulnerable (2.0)

Work Level 1 Chance Level 2 Chance Level 3 Chance Level 4 Chance Level 5 Chance








































Observation Level[]

Level 1 (1 Section unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +5

Level 2 (2 Sections unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate + 5%

Unlocks the E.G.O Gift 'SO CUTE!!!'.

Level 3 (3 Sections unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +5

Unlocks the E.G.O Weapon and Suit called "SO CUTE!!!"

Level 4 (All details unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate + 5%

E.G.O. Equipment[]

E.G.O. Weapon SO CUTE!!!
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: Damage: Attack Speed: Range: Observation Level:
Risk Teth TETH EBoxIcon 25 2 RedDamageTypeIcon Red
Normal Very Short 3
Requirements: None
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"One may think, “How can a weapon drawn from such a cute Abnormality be any good?”

However, the claws are actually quite durable and sharp.

Beware that the beast inside you may awaken if you use this weapon too much... Oh but the soft jelly-like pawbs feel vewwy nice to touch."


E.G.O. Suit SO CUTE!!!
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: RedDamageTypeIcon RED Defense: WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE Defense: BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK Defense: PaleDamageTypeIcon PALE Defense:
Risk Teth TETH EBoxIcon 20 3 0.8
2.0 Vulnerable
Observation Level: 3 Requirements: None
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"One may think, “How can a weapon drawn from such a cute Abnormality be any good?”

However, the claws are actually quite durable and sharp.

Beware that the beast inside you may awaken if you use this weapon too much... Oh but the soft jelly-like pawbs feel vewwy nice to touch."


E.G.O. Gift SO CUTE!!!

SO CUTE!!! (Head 1)

Effects: HPIcon HP +4, WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate -2, WorkSpeedIcon Work Speed -2

Drop Chance: 5%

Observation Level: 2



Ppodae's encylopedia portrait

  • " 'This Abnormality was created with the ideas provided by Tumblbug Backer 이은희 (Lee Eun-hee).'
  • A super fluffy ultra-cute puppy with white fur like fresh snow.
  • This Abnormality is so cute that just taking a short little glance at it will make you feel so much better. It has the eyes of an angel and is the purest thing in the world. (Further descriptions of this creature have been omitted for brevity’s sake. The rest of the sentences are essentially just saying “It’s so cute!” in various ways.)"
  • "This little Abnormality couldn’t be evil at all. The only thing you have to worry about is your heart aching if you look at it too long because it’s just so cute. In fact, employees who enter this Abnormality’s Containment Unit tend to lose themselves a bit and often need to be forcibly removed from the unit by other employees. Caution needs to be taken as the assisting employees can also become captivated by its cuteness and become lost as well.
  • + Attempts to bring the Abnormality out of its unit may occur from time to time, but this is not a concern as they are typically prevented by other employees.
  • + When too many employees want to work with this Abnormality, a lottery will be held to decide who gets the privilege of doing so.
  • + Our employees tend to show symptoms of mental regression such as oddly toned speech with a high pitch upon entering its Containment Unit, but it seems this is only a temporary problem.
  • + Many of our employees refer to this Abnormality as “The Goodest Boy in the World Ppodae”, however, its official designation is simply ‘Ppodae’. Please make sure you don’t get confused.
  • ++++ Every employee who enters its Containment Unit must upload a video or photo report of this Abnormality. (This is highly, extremely, UBER important; ensure that nobody misses this step.)"
  • "A company of this size will always have a rumor or two floating around.
  • “I heard that you can hear someone’s bones breaking if you walk the hallways at night...”
  • “If you try and track down that sound, you’ll find a Yeti who’s eating one of our employees...!”
  • “However, we don’t have an Abnormality that looks anything like a Yeti...” "
  • <Excerpt of an Audio Record>
  • "John: You should be thankful, dude. You’ve got a lucky chance to get to work with The Goodest Boy in the World Ppodae.
  • Jacob: Uh... It’s bapping me with its paws. Is this an attack?
  • John: He just wants you to feed him. Don’t you know that it’s a trend in our company to always carry a packet of dog food or two?
  • Jacob: Well... I don’t really like animals... (John lets out an irritated mumble.) By the way, this lil’ puppy’s pretty beefy. Is that how dogs usually are? I guess this one’s played a lot of catch, huh?
  • John: We used to play fetch with him pretty often just to watch how cute he was running after the ball. Though, we stopped for some reason... 
  • Jacob: Hey, did you see its face when I fed it? It was super creepy, I swear... 
  • John: It’s just your imagination man. He’s always like our little angel. IsnThatWight? WhosAGoodBoi?
  • Jacob: Geez, does this thing have some kinda power to mentally manipulate people?
  • John: No idea what you’re on about, Jacob. DoYouDoWiddleBuddie? WiddleCutiepie? DoYouDoYou?"
  • "John: Did you wait for me, Ppodae boy?
  • Jacob: Uh, hey, it’s eating something. Aren’t we supposed to be the first people in its unit today?
  • John: My widdle goody-good good boi was just hungwy, uh-huh uh-huh. Man, he’s just so cute. Look at how he’s nomming on that~
  • Jacob: What the hell is it chewing on... Shit! I knew it! That’s... That’s James’ finger, man! He went missing during the last patrol shift! Can’t you see the nail?! Remember him bragging about having a heart painted on his nails? I told you, dude! This thing’s up to no good!
  • John: I... I can’t believe it... who...
  • Jacob: This Abnormality’s the killer! I get that you’re shocked, but I told you a bunch of times that there’s no way a “cute” pet could be harmless in this place. Man, I’m glad you finally came to your sen—
  • John: Who... Who wouldn’t feed him on time?!
  • Jacob: ........
  •  John: Poor little guy’s been starving all night! It’s... It’s so heartbreaking... 
  •  Jacob: Well uh... I think we’re supposed to suppress it?
  • John: How could you even suggest doing something so heartless to a cute little good boy like this? Just wook at his eyes... How could an innocent animal do anything wrong? IsnThatWightYouGoodWiddleCutieBoi.
  • (The Abnormality shows no reaction. Only the sound of a bone being gnawed on is audible.)
  • Jacob: Dude... your “little angel” is gnawing on our colleague’s finger.
  • John: What are you, a newbie? Don’t you know everything cute is forgiven here?
  • Jacob: I’ve never heard that, and I seriously don’t think it’s true. We’ve gotta tranquilize it. And if you won’t, then I’ll do it by myself!
  • (The sound of a tranquilizer shot being fired can be heard.)
  • John: NOOOO!!!!!
  • (The Abnormality begins to whimper.)
  • (The recording cuts off after a bit of shouting.)
  • ...Following the evidence I’ve provided in the recording, I request that Jacob be immediately demoted for firing such a thing at Ppodae. A terrible, evil animal abuser has no place working in our company. Our Goodest Boy in the World Ppodae has been traumatized. Traumatized!
  • By this incident. He’ll only eat 5kg of his favorite snack now. To help him cope with the trauma, I suggest we request a new snack for Ppodae: “Premium grade salmon rich with Vitamin B”. I’ll be waiting for your reply."
  • "Reply:
    Your requests have been accepted.
    P.S. In your next message, please make sure you attach 5 different photos of The Goodest Boy in the World Ppodae. Thank you in advance."

Flavour Text[]

  • "Ppodae is oh so fluffy and soft. It’s so sweet it could cure your depression."
  • "Many of our employees have at least 55 different pictures of Ppodae from various angles saved on their phones."
  • "If you dislike Ppodae, well, that’s enough reason to demote you on the spot."
  • "I mean, sometimes we found some weird bones from what looks like a human skeleton around Ppodae, but it’s just so cute! So really, who cares?"


  • This Abnormality is made based on the idea of the Tumblbug backer '이은희' (Lee Eunhee).
  • Its E.G.O. Suit doesn't have a description. Whether this is intentional or simply left unfinished is unknown.
  • Out of the Tumblbug/Backer Abnormalities added, this is the only Abnormality with a risk level of Risk Teth TETH.
  • Its name, Ppodae, is Korean for "poofy".


ZAYIN Army In Black - Don't Touch Me - Fairy Festival - Mirror of Adjustment - Old Faith and Promise - One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds - Opened Can of Wellcheers - Plague Doctor - We Can Change Anything - You Must Be Happy - You're Bald...
TETH 1.76 MHz - Beauty and the Beast - Behavior Adjustment - Bloodbath - Crumbling Armor - Fragment of the Universe - Forsaken Murderer - Grave of Cherry Blossoms - Luminous Bracelet - Meat Lantern - Old Lady - Ppodae - Punishing Bird - Skin Prophecy - Scorched Girl - Spider Bud - The Heart of Aspiration - Theresia - Today's Shy Look - Standard Training-Dummy Rabbit (Tutorial Exclusive) - Void Dream - The Lady Facing the Wall
HE All-Around Helper - Child of the Galaxy - Der Freischütz - Funeral of the Dead Butterflies - Giant Tree Sap - Happy Teddy Bear - Laetitia - Nameless Fetus - Notes from a Crazed Researcher - Porccubus - Portrait of Another World - Red Shoes - Rudolta of the Sleigh - Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom - Schadenfreude - Shelter from the 27th of March - Singing Machine - The Snow Queen - Warm-Hearted Woodsman
WAW Alriune - Backward Clock - Big and Will be Bad Wolf - Big Bird - Clouded Monk - Dimensional Refraction Variant - Dream of a Black Swan - Express Train to Hell - Flesh Idol - Il Pianto della Luna - Judgement Bird - Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary - Parasite Tree - Queen Bee - Snow White's Apple - The Burrowing Heaven - The Dreaming Current - The Firebird - The King of Greed - The Knight of Despair - The Little Prince - The Naked Nest - The Queen of Hatred - Yang - Yin
ALEPH Apocalypse Bird - Blue Star - CENSORED - Melting Love - Nothing There - Mountain of Smiling Bodies - The Silent Orchestra - WhiteNight~(Apostles)