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Sephirot location on object

"If I’m the cerebrum, they are the cerebellums."
- Angela

Sefirot (세피라, Sepira) are various high level employees who handle and manage each of the departments of the facility, with the exception of Angela, who manages each of the Sephirah and the entire facility overall. Each of the Sefirot have unique designs, quirks and personality; their colors correspond to the department that they manage, i.e. Gebura's main colors being black and red / Yesod's being a mix of various purples.

They play important roles in the Story Phase, and bring various decisions to the Manager's attention. Each Sephirah will appear when their respective department is opened for the first time. Individually, they each handle missions for their department and unlock research after the missions are completed.

Sefirot Area of Management Personality
Angela PortraitV01

The Entire Facility Calm and collected, with a hint of arrogance; cares for X.
Malkuth PortraitV01

MalkuthArmband Control Team Cheerful, enthusiastic, and impatient. She always puts in her best effort and aims for the best results.
Yesod PortraitV01

YesodArmband Information Team Strict and uncaring, logical; he constantly wears concealing clothing so that no skin is showing.
Netzach PortraitV01

NetzachArmband Security Team Pessimistic and unmotivated. Wishes he would be replaced and feels helpless over the deaths of employees.
Hod PortraitV01

HodArmband Training Team Optimistic and does her best to help everyone. She wishes to be appreciated for her efforts.

Tiphereth A (Female)
TipherethArmband Central Command Team Tiphereth A is up-front, getting straight to the point, yet really immature. At first, she does not trust other Sefirot.

Tiphereth B (Male)
Tiphereth B comes off as relaxed and positive at first.

Gebura Portrait

GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team Rigorous and sometimes rude; tries to suppress Abnormalities with as much force as possible. Despises cowards.
Chesed Portrait

ChesedArmband Welfare Team Sleepy and mature, likes his coffee. He pretends to care for his employees.
Hokma Portrait

HokmaArmband Record Team Calm and collected. He considers the death of employees as a cycle.
Binah Portrait

BinahArmband Extraction Team She rarely displays any sort of emotion. Binah has sadistic inclinations.


  • The word Sephirah(Singular) and Sefirot/Sephiroth(Plural) come from the Jewish Kabbalah.
  • The arrangement of the Sefirot and their departments take the form of an inverted version of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (Tree of Death), with Malkuth (Control Team) at the very top rather than the very bottom, and Kether (Architecture Team) at the very bottom rather than the very top. By the end of the game(day 50), the whole facility is rotated upside down and taking its form as the Tree of Life.
  • The Sefirah of Da'at is special in that in represents the unification of all 10 Sefirot, to the point where a few depictions of the tree of life would omit Daat; not unlike how Carmen's Chamber (which coincides with the sefirot's location) is hidden until the very last day.
  • All of the colors the Sephirot and their departments are designed after the Queen Scale set of colors of the Sephiroth established by the Liber 777, a document belonging to the 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley written by the aforementioned Aleister Crowley of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
Facility X-394
Mechanics Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon Damage Type - EmergencyLevel3Icon Emergency Level - Employees - Equipment - Growth Rate - Hiring - LOB Points - Missions - Ordeals - QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown - RabbitTeamIcon Rabbit Team - Research - RiskUnknown Risk Level - Sephirah Meltdown - FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon Stats
Departments Asiyah: MalkuthArmband Control Team - YesodArmband Information Team - NetzachArmband Safety Team - HodArmband Training Team
Briah: TipherethArmband Central Command Team - GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team - ChesedArmband Welfare Team
Atziluth: HokmaArmband Record Team - BinahArmband Extraction Team - KetherArmband Architecture Team
Characters X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C