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Suppression of Sephirah’s Core Required

When selecting the Sephirah Core Suppress

Sephirah Meltdowns, better known as Core Suppressions, are 'Boss Fight'-esque events which are unlocked after completing all of the missions of a certain Department, where the facility will fight their Sephirah. The player receives the conditions to begin the Core Suppression of a Sephirah after certain missions have been completed and additionally can only be completed after certain days.

The Sephirah Meltdowns of their respective layers are unlocked after these Days:

  • Asiyah, Upper Layer: After Day 21
  • Briah, Middle Layer: After Day 36
  • Atziluth, Lower Layer: After Day 41

Once done, the player can begin the event by clicking the 'Core Suppression' button at the top left of the department during the Deployment Phase. This button is locked when the current Day is before the required Day or when it is currently a Memory Imprint Day (i.e., a Day ending in 1 or 6). Core Suppressions are additionally locked from Day 46 onwards. After activating the Sephirah Meltdown, the department that is selected will have all Agents from that department moved out and that department will (usually) not be targeted by Qliphoth Meltdowns for the duration of the event. The player can check information pertaining to the chosen Core Suppression and the requirements to clear the Day in the section where the Agents would be.

Depending on the Core Suppression, the condition to clear the Day will be different. Usually, in order to finish, the player must collect all energy required for the quota and reach a certain level of Qliphoth Meltdown. Once the required conditions have been met, the Day will end immediately.

The Sephirot take new forms in these events, standing in the Main Room of their Department. They cannot be suppressed by agents, with the exception of the GeburaArmband Disciplinary and BinahArmband Extraction Team's Sephirot, and instead generate handicaps throughout the day which can affect the facility, agents, and more to make the Management Phase more complex. Flavour texts appear throughout the facility, as do expressions from the Sephirot during the event. Some add more effects or trigger additional abilities after a certain level of Qliphoth Meltdown.

During these events, the player will not be notified of any breaching Abnormalities or employee's deaths or panics (except in the Work log, at the bottom left of the screen). Only "trumpet" animations on the corners of the screen will still appear. The respective department of the Sephirah is (usually) not affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns during the event.

The player gets a permanent reward after completing a Sephirah Meltdown, which will make the relevant department no longer affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns and will also add a unique reward depending on the department, as well as unlocking an additional part of the story and changing the appearance of the Sephirah to their 'real' form, the Cognition Filter surrounding their form being lowered. When starting a new game from Day 1, these upgrades will remain, along with the Sephirot's changed appearance.

There are 9 available Core Suppressions, for each Department in the game: MalkuthArmband Control Team (Malkuth), YesodArmband Information Team (Yesod), HodArmband Training Team (Hod), NetzachArmband Safety Team (Netzach), TipherethArmband Central Command Team (Tiphereth), GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team (Gebura), ChesedArmband Welfare Team (Chesed), BinahArmband Extraction Team (Binah) and HokmaArmband Record Team (Hokma). From Day 46 onwards each day will be part of the Kether Suppression relating to the KetherArmband Architecture Team.

Malkuth Meltdown[]


Malkuth's Boss appearance

Malkuth's Core Suppression is available after Day 21 if Tiphereth's third mission is completed. During the Core Suppression, she takes the form of an amorphous dark being, with a single yellow eye at the middle, and appendages holding parts of her robotic carcass and notepad.

During their event, a green smoke or water-like filter surrounds the borders of the screen. This effect covers the screen completely for a moment after the day starts and again when reaching Qliphoth Meltdown Level 2 and 4.

Malkuth's handicaps against the facility are the following:

  • Level 1+: Work type buttons no longer necessarily order the corresponding work type. The actual work types are scrambled and "re-linked" to a random button every new Qliphoth Meltdown level.
    • For example: All Insight Insight work orders may order agents to do Attachment Attachment work instead; in which case, until a new Qliphoth Meltdown level is reached, all Insight Insight work orders will order Attachment Attachment work to be done.
      • The true work type is displayed on the right of the Containment Unit while work is ongoing.
    • This allows the player to order normally unavailable works like Attachment Attachment with Der Freischütz.
    • A given work type button can be linked back to its own corresponding work type (i.e. the button gives the 'correct' work type until re-randomization).
  • Level 2+: Background music changes. No visible changes besides a blur at the start.
  • Level 4+: Background music changes. Ordered work can no longer be canceled in any way.

To finish the event, the player must collect all required energy and reach Qliphoth Meltdown Level 6.

After completing the day, Malkuth will reward the player with these permanent upgrades: Higher LOB payout for each completed workday, all employees have a higher MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed, and the relevant department (MalkuthArmband Control Team) won't be influenced by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]

  • All Levels:
    • "This is what you call a truly uncontrollable situation, manager."
    • "Everything’s all jumbled up, messed up, flustered… hahaha..."
    • "It's unpredictable, isn't it?"
  • Level 1:
    • "I could have done it."
    • "I just wanted to help out."
  • Level 2:
    • "I knew I didn’t have any right to participate in the experiment, that’s why I was so impatient."
    • "Make sure you feel this horrible sense of helplessness to your core, right to your heart."
  • Level 3:
    • "Please watch me manager! I can take care of this situation, no problem!"
    • "I still have so much to do, just look at my notebook… it’s all worn out..."
  • Level 4:
    • "Can’t you hear it? The sound of it struggling, as if to say it can’t fall asleep like this."
    • "Will you finally praise me? I just want to feel proud."
  • Level 5:
    • "Be honest, back then it wasn’t that hard to turn around and look back at me."
    • "I see now how much fun it can be to look down on someone, manager..."
  • End: "Ah… So I couldn’t do it..."
  • Closing Line: "The Will to Stand Up Straight"


Yesod Meltdown[]


Yesod's Boss appearance

Yesod's Core Suppression is available after Day 21 if Tiphereth's third mission is completed. During the Core Suppression, he takes the form of a being covered in a brown substance, with a single purple eye in the middle and the substance branching upwards, holding parts of his robotic hull with part of his middle body covered in black bandages that once kept his robotic body from having any exposed parts.

During its event, a static filter surrounds the borders of the screen. It covers the screen completely for a moment after the day starts and when reaching Qliphoth Meltdowns Level 2 and 4.

Yesod's handicaps against the facility are the following:

  • Level 1+: The HUD of the game is blurry and pixelated. This includes the energy quota meter, the Qliphoth Meltdown gauge, employees' stats, work and suppression tasks, Managerial Bullet bar, Work log, Game Speed, Abnormality codex, pause screen and Management Report. The names of the agents are invisible and breaching Abnormalities and Ordeals' HP bars are not visible, however, the Wanted poster for Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary is unpixelated.
  • Level 2+: Background music changes. The facility is blurred and pixelated as well. This affects the background, containment units, entities and particle effects.
  • Level 4+: Background music changes. The screen color becomes saturated and noticeably scrambled.

To finish the event, the player must collect all required energy and reach Qliphoth Meltdown Level 6.

After completing the day, Yesod will reward the player with these permanent upgrades: 25% increase in Unique EBoxIcon PE-BOX gains from Abnormalities, and the relevant department (YesodArmband Information Team) won't be affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]

  • All Levels:
    • "What was I really looking at all this time?"
    • "This impenetrable darkness is inexplicably lonely."
    • "You will not be able to discern anything properly."
  • Level 1:
    • "What did we do wrong?"
    • "Are we not even allowed to fall into despair?"
  • Level 2:
    • "To tell you the truth, it’s just that I did not want to witness any more deaths."
    • "We’ve created monsters that should never have been in this world. This sin can never be forgotten."
  • Level 3:
    • "You should know that all the information you just mindlessly skimmed through was from somebody’s dire sacrifice."
    • "I am the head of the Information Team. I take great pride in my department and team for obtaining information and expunging it exactly as ordered."
  • Level 4:
    • "You are unfit to be the manager if you cannot even remember the simplest rules."
    • "Did you not see my marred, rotting flesh, covered in boils and oozing with pus?"
  • Level 5:
    • "Now I see; I have been wallowing in despair, for such a long time."
    • "I tried to pretend that everything was fine, but in reality, it never was. I was dying on the inside.."
  • End: "So I was the one who couldn’t see a single step ahead..."
  • Closing Line: "The Rationality to Maintain Discretion"


Hod Meltdown[]


Hod's Boss appearance

Hod's Core Suppression is available after Day 21 if Tiphereth's third mission is completed. During the Core Suppression, she takes the form of a entity of gray substance, with an orange eye at the middle and her robotic hull spread over the ground. She possesses black gears around its base and small mechanical legs. Two long mechanical appendages come out from her left side, rising up to the ceiling.

During its event, a filter similar to an old transmission will cover the screen. An expansive wave is emitted from the Sephirah upon reaching Qliphoth Meltdowns Level 2 and 4.

Hod's handicaps against the facility are the following:

  • Level 1+: The FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon stats of all Agents in the facility are reduced by -15. This can also reduce the level of the agent's stats. The minimum stats cannot be reduced to lower than 10. The filter at this point is limited to darkening the corners of the screen.
  • Level 2+: Background music changes. The FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon stat decrease is now -25 and the screen gains a minor old transmission filter.
  • Level 4+: Background music changes. The FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon stat decrease is now -35 and the screen filter gains major effects, distorting the facility, entities and effects but not the HUD.

To finish the event, the player must collect all required energy and reach Qliphoth Meltdown Level 6.

After completing the day, Hod will reward the player with these permanent upgrades: All newly contracted employees will have their FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon stats at Level 3, and the relevant department (HodArmband Training Team) won't be affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]

  • All Levels:
    • "Well, shall we film the corporate educational video together?"
    • "Please make sure to do it carefully, and don’t mess up! Every employee will watch this educational video and refer back to it!"
    • "Alright everyone, look here! Smile, say cheese!"
  • Level 1:
    • "I want to help as much as I can here."
    • "I wish everyone would rely on me..."
  • Level 2:
    • "How come nobody understands my kindness?"
    • "I’m the only one who cares about them… Why would they hate me...?"
  • Level 3:
    • "Manager, you’re not mad at me, right? You can’t be mad at me, I swear I’m a good Sephirah..."
    • "It’s all thanks to me that the employees could survive so long, but does anyone ever thank me? No, no one does..."
  • Level 4:
    • "Our employees are suffering! See? Things just don’t work out without me here!"
    • "Where’s Tiffany? She’s late for her counseling session. Why isn’t she here?"
  • Level 5:
    • "Forgive me, manager. If you can’t forgive, then please at least forget."
    • "You all would be dead where you stand without me! Every single one of you!"
  • End: "I guess I just never was a good person from the start..."
  • Closing Line: "The Hope To Be a Better Person"


Netzach Meltdown[]


Netzach's Boss appearance

Netzach's Core Suppression is available after Day 21 if Hod's suppression is completed. During the Sephirah Meltdown, it takes the form of a gray being made of what seems to be stone, with some green substances dripping from the body. It possesses a single green eye at the middle of a spherical base, with the upper half of the eye covered. An appendage branches from the right side to upwards, holding different robotic parts of its real form, with some of these parts below its base too.

During its event, a green smoke or gas-like filter covers the screen during the day.

Netzach's handicaps against the facility are the following:

  • Level 1+: The HPHealingSPHealing recovery system from the Main Rooms visibly moves slower and employees cannot be HPHealingSPHealing healed from any sources except at the start of each Qliphoth Meltdown and from Army in Black.
  • Level 2+: Background music changes.
  • Level 4+: Background music changes.
  • After each Qliphoth Meltdown: All employees in the facility are HPHealingSPHealing healed to their Max HPIcon HP and SPIcon SP. Employees still cannot be HPHealingSPHealing healed from any other sources, even Main Rooms, except from Army In Black.

To finish the event, the player must collect all required energy and reach Qliphoth Meltdown Level 6.

After completing the day, Netzach will reward the player with these permanent upgrades: The regenerator will HPHealingSPHealing heal all employees anywhere in the department, with those in hallways or elevators being healed with 50% efficiency, and the relevant department (NetzachArmband Safety Team) won't be affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]

  • All Levels:
    • "No one is actually safe here. You know that the Safety Team is just for show, right?"
    • "Why do you want to continue prolonging these undesired lives? What’d you expect to see at the end of all this?"
  • Level 1:
    • "The moment I woke up again here, I met you. You, whom I never wanted to see ever again."
    • "Why must I wake up and do all the garbage I hate every single day?"
  • Level 2:
    • "You weren’t the person I put my trust in."
    • "This place will never be safe, you know."
  • Level 3:
    • "Abandon your sense of guilt, everyone. They couldn’t be saved anyways."
    • " ‘Cause this place is always horrible, the only thing I can hope for is a blissful end."
  • Level 4:
    • "I never wanted to be in this position anyways. I never asked for this. Not once."
    • "In the end, the hope that anyone will live on thanks to me is gone."
  • Level 5:
    • "Just leave me alone, it’s what you’re best at."
    • "All I want is to close my eyes and enjoy a good nap, just once."
  • End: "I stopped breathing, but if life calls out to me yet again..."
  • Closing Line: "The Fearlessness to Keep on Living"


Tiphereth Meltdown[]


Tiphereth's Boss appearance

Tiphereth's Core Suppression is available after Day 36. All Upper Layer (Asiyah) Suppressions must be completed first before triggering this event. During the Core Suppression, the female Tiphereth takes the form of a circular golden substance with 2 long arms, wearing a brown ribbon on one side and having a singular yellow eye at the middle of its main body. It rests on a mountain of different robotic carcass of Male Tiphereth, piled on top of each other, with their light green eyes moving and looking around. There are multiple pipes in a row behind them, 3 rows at each side, moving along with Female Tiphereth's movement of their arms.

During its event an old filter with small black marks or spots along the (now darker) corners will cover the screen during the day. A light glow occurs during certain Qliphoth Meltdown levels.

Tiphereth's handicaps against the facility are the following:

  • Level 1+: Removes all immunities to Qliphoth Meltdowns of the other departments.
  • Level 4+: Background music changes.
  • Level 7+: Background music changes.

To finish the event, the player must reach Qliphoth Meltdown Level 10.

After completing the day, Tiphereth will reward the player with these permanent upgrades: The base number of managerial bullets is increased by 30%, the PaleResist Pale Shield Bullet is unlocked, and the relevant department (TipherethArmband Central Command Team) won't be affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]

  • All Levels:
    • "Every Containment Unit is under my reign."
    • "This song, Tiphereth’s dirge, it’s for him… Tiphereth."
    • "I hope this performance and song will appease our souls."
  • Level 1:
    • "We are two, but one. Do you know what this means?"
  • Level 2:
    • "The Central Department is quite big. Everyone who works there has their hands full."
  • Level 3:
    • "Is it time for yet another replacement? Time to head to storage, then..."
  • Level 4:
    • "Did Tiphereth get what he wanted at the end of all this? No. Just what were you even looking for in the first place?"
  • Level 5:
    • "Don’t stand there looking at me like that, with your forlorn smile. I’ve already abandoned you…"
  • Level 6:
    • "I wish to walk with you again Tiphereth, with the sound of the waves behind us."
  • Level 7:
    • "If this song of mine that you can hear right now is a dirge to you..."
  • Level 8:
    • "When he returns, could you show Tiphereth how I’ve grown? Will you show him how strong I am now…?"
  • Level 9:
    • "You said that something good would happen next time..."
  • End: "Was all of this really worth it?"
  • Closing Line: "The Expectation for the Meaning of Existence"



Gebura Meltdown[]


Gebura's Boss appearance at Phase 1

Gebura's Core Suppression is available after Day 36 if Chesed's fourth mission is completed. All Upper Layer (Asiyah) Suppressions must be completed first before triggering this event. During the Core Suppression, Gebura's appearance retains her humanoid form. As well as this, she appears to have an armored body and a gray mask on her face. During the event, red lines cover the corners of the screen.

Gebura's Core Suppression has notable differences in comparison to most of the others. She will not stay in the GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team's main department room for the entirety of the Day and does not provide any handicaps to the facility like the other Sephirot do.

Gebura will instead act as a suppressible entity, with her name stated as "The Red Mist" and classified as Risk Aleph ALEPH. She has an immense amount of HPIcon HP at 12,000 (split into 4 Phases of 3,000 each) and must be suppressed 4 times by depleting her HPIcon HP bar repeatedly to be defeated completely. The Red Mist's attacks and defenses will change each time she enters a new phase. Text will appear next to The Red Mist when she performs an attack. The Red Mist will take double damage from Abnormalities.

The Red Mist's combat capabilities are shown below.

(Note: All damage values mentioned below do not take into account damage multipliers regarding equipment. Agents will take additional damage if they are wearing E.G.O. Suits of Risk Level Risk He HE or lower [125% for HE, 150% for TETH, 200% for ZAYIN].

  • Phase 1: The Red Mist stands in the upper section of Disciplinary's Main Room. She holds Penitence (One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds' E.G.O. Weapon) and Red Eyes (Spider Bud's E.G.O. Weapon). Its mask remains closed.
    • Gebura, now as The Red Mist, will appear in the upper level of the main room of the GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team, spawning near a open machine. It will not move out of the room, roaming the room until spotting a target.
    • It will attack with either weapons to deal (25-30) RedDamageTypeIcon Red or WhiteDamageTypeIcon White damage respectively, or attack with both weapons at once, dealing both RedDamageTypeIcon Red and WhiteDamageTypeIcon White damage.
    • When 1/3 of its HPIcon HP is lost, The Red Mist will use Gold Rush (The King of Greed's E.G.O. Weapon), creating portals in random places in facility and running through them, dealing (100) RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage to anyone in the way. The final portal leads to another main department room, where it shoots with Gold Rush, dealing a great amount of (290-310) RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage in a small range. The Red Mist will stay there until then. This ability happens twice.
    • The Red Mist's defenses are: RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Endured (0.9) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Endured (0.9) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Endured (0.9) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Normal (1.0).
  • Phase 2: Background music changes. The Red Mist uses the Gold Rush attack from Phase 1 to move to another Main Room and switch weapons to Da Capo (The Silent Orchestra's E.G.O. Weapon) and Mimicry (Nothing There's E.G.O. Weapon). The mask opens, revealing a small glowing red eye at the center.
    • As before, The Red Mist will stay in the room she is in, engaging entities that enter the room. As she has new weapons, her attacks have changed.
    • She can slash thrice with Da Capo, dealing 15-25/15-25/40 WhiteDamageTypeIcon White damage in quick succession.
    • She can perform a powerful vertical downswing with Mimicry, dealing 70-90 RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage.
    • Occasionally she will throw Heaven (The Burrowing Heaven's E.G.O. Weapon) across the facility (much like the bullets of Der Freischütz), dealing 100 BlackDamageTypeIcon Black damage to any entity in the way.
    • After losing 1/3 of her Max HPIcon HP (i.e. 1000), The Red Mist will throw Da Capo to another Main Room, the weapon dealing 145-155 WhiteDamageTypeIcon White damage to anyone in the way. The Red Mist will then ready Mimicry, the blade noticeably growing size, before dashing to that room through the facility, dealing 100RedDamageTypeIcon Red damage to anyone in the way, and slamming the enlarged Mimicry into the room, which will deal 450-500RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage to all entities in the room. The Red Mist will then return to her normal attacking pattern. This attack occurs twice in Phase 2.
    • The Red Mist's defenses during this phase are: RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Resistant (0.4) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Resistant (0.4) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Weak (1.2) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Normal (1.0).
  • Phase 3: Upon entering this Phase, The Red Mist will throw Mimicry to the side she's facing and Da Capo to the opposite side, the weapons flying through the facility like with her Heaven attack and dealing 300 RedDamageTypeIcon Red or WhiteDamageTypeIcon White damage to anyone hit. She will then equip Smile (The Mountain of Smiling Bodies' E.G.O. Weapon) and Justitia ( Judgement Bird's E.G.O. Weapon). The mask starts to break, revealing red cracks around the eye.
    • The Red Mist will continue to stay in the room she is in, engaging entities that enter the room. Her attacks have changed again in accordance with her new armaments.
    • She can raise Smile and slam it down twice. The first slam will slow everyone in the vicinity of the attack by 99%, and the second attack will deal an initial hit of BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage (90-110) immediately followed by around 10 minor BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage hits (8-10) to all employees within the same vicinity.
    • She can raise Justitia, charging it, before swiping with Justitia, forming a teal-coloured energy wave that travels forward for a moderate distance and deals (50-70) PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale Damage to all entities hit.
    • She can perform the Heaven attack used in Phase 2.
    • After losing 1/3 of her Max HPIcon HP (i.e. 1000) she will perform the Gold Rush attack used in Phase 1. This attack occurs twice in Phase 3.
    • The Red Mist's defenses during this phase are: RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Normal (1.0) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Normal (1.0) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Resistant (0.2) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Resistant (0.2).
  • Phase 4: Background music changes. Red Mist will grind Smile into the ground, destroying it, which causes several hits of 10-15 BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage to all entities directly nearby and switches out Justitia for Twilight (Apocalypse Bird's E.G.O. Weapon). The mask fully opens, revealing a pitch-black face, with the pieces of the mask staying around The Red Mist's face, with some parts giving her the appearance of having horns, as well having a red mist-like aura around herself.
    • The Red Mist will now begin a completely different attack pattern and will no longer stay in Main Rooms until provoked. She has only two attacks in this Phase.
    • First, The Red Mist can create portals, similar to the Gold Rush attack used in Phases 1 and 3, but instead she will throw Gold Rush into the portal in front of her before sprinting behind it. The gauntlet will deal 50 RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage to anyone it hits and additionally leaves a glowing golden trail behind itself. The Red Mist, following behind, will deal 90-110 of a RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon random type of damage to any entity she passes. Once she reaches her final destination, she performs a flurry of attacks with Twilight, dealing 90-110 of a RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon random type of damage 10 times to every employee in the room. After performing this attack, The Red Mist will take a knee for 20 seconds, exhausted after her exertion; she will be unable to move or attack while this occurs.
    • Second, The Red Mist will start to chase down Agents. An agent is randomly marked to be chased, the mark appearing the same as that of the Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary's mark. The Red Mist will then sprint after them. The marked employee will not be able to enter any containment room while they are marked. The Red Mist will deal 90-110 of a RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon random type of damage to any entity she passes that is not her target. Upon reaching her target, she will perform a flurry of attacks with Twilight, dealing 90-110 of a RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon random type of damage 10 times to every employee in the room. If The Red Mist does not reach the marked agent after 20 seconds, she will immediately take a knee for 20 seconds, exhausted after her exertion, just like after using her Gold Rush attack.
    • The portals utilized by the Rabbit Team do not affect The Red Mist while she is sprinting; The Red Mist will simply plow straight through them.
    • The Red Mist's defenses during this phase are: RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Weak (1.5) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Weak (1.5) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Weak (1.5) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Weak (1.5).

To finish the event, the player must defeat The Red Mist.

Interestingly, certain rooms are not targeted by The Red Mist's Gold Rush attack used in Phase 1 and 3. The elevator rooms, the larger side rooms of the MalkuthArmband Control Department, the large lower part of the YesodArmband Information Department, Row 2 and 4 of the TipherethArmband Central Command Department, as well as the top part of the GeburaArmband Disciplinary Department and ChesedArmband Welfare Department's Main Rooms will all not be targeted by Gold Rush.

After completing the day, Gebura will reward the player with permanent upgrades: The maximum number of E.G.O that can be acquired from each Abnormality is increased by 1, up to a maximum of 5 (The E.G.O equipment granted from suppressing Apocalypse Bird, The Firebird or WhiteNight are exempt from this; you will not receive an extra copy of the E.G.O Weapon or the E.G.O Suit even if you defeat the corresponding Abnormality again), and the relevant department (GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team) won't be affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]

All Phases:

  • "I’ll destroy a shoddy place like this with my own hands."
  • "What’s left for me, the one who failed to protect them?"
  • "Do you really think feeble cowards like you can stop me?"
  • "Let me show you how to actually wield E.G.O."

Phase 1:

  • "I’m back; the Red Mist has walked out from a sea of pain."
  • "I’m no longer weak like I used to be; I can replace any body part even if it gets cut off, and I can be repaired even if I’m broken."

Phase 2:

  • "Some things simply couldn’t be forgotten, no matter how much time has passed."
  • "Hatred is a poison that eviscerates me, and yet it makes me open my eyes once more."

Phase 3:

  • "Some things just wouldn’t cool down, no matter how long they were left in the cold."
  • "Those monsters always kill people, there is no end to this sin; I have descended to bring about their reckoning."

Phase 4:

  • "The right path is too far away, and I have too far to go. My heart is pulsing with anger, and I must keep pushing."


  1. ”Ah… I'm breaking… I won't drop my sword, even if I turn to dust..."
  2. "Even after all this, I can’t do a single thing with this power..."
  • Closing Line: "The Courage to Protect"


Phase 1

  • (Red Eyes attack) "Red Eyes"
  • (Penitence attack) "Penitence"
  • (Double attack) "Get blown to pieces"
  • (Gold Rush attack) "The Road of Gold opens"

Phase 2

  • (Throwing Heaven) "The Burrowing Heaven"
  • (Mimicry attack) "Nothing will remain", "I’ll mow you down"
  • (Da Capo attack) "From the Overture", "Adagio e Tranquillo"
  • Travelling between departments:
    1. (Throwing Da Capo) "Legato"
    2. (Preparing to leap with Mimicry) "Let’s do this, partner"
    3. (Arrival) "Only bloody mist remains"

Phase 3

  • Phase Shift (2 to 3):
    1. (Throwing Da Capo and Mimicry) "This isn't enough."
    2. (Equipping Smile and Justitia) "I wasn’t slacking off all this time."
  • (Smile Attack) "Black Laughter", "Be eaten"
  • (Justitia Attack) "Justitia", "Judgment"

Phase 4

  • Phase Shift (3 to 4):
    1. (Destroying Smile) "Let’s put an end to this"
    2. (Summoning Twilight) "The apocalypse is here…"
  • Attacking an employee in the way of the Red Mist:
    • "Beat it, coward"
    • "Don’t try and stop me"
    • "You’re weak"
  • (Arrival in target room or near target employee) "Be torn apart before my eyes"
  • (Gold Rush attack) "The hunt begins", "The Road of the King opens"
  • (Exhausted)
    1. "I’m just not as capable as I used to be..."
    2. "I'll break it down..."
    3. "I’ll kill all of you..."
    4. "I can't stop"
    5. "It just isn’t enough"


Chesed Meltdown[]


Chesed's Boss appearance

Chesed's Core Suppression is available after Day 36 if Gebura's fourth mission is completed. All Upper Layer (Asiyah) Suppressions must be completed first before triggering this event. During the Core Suppression, he takes the form of a cross, having a gray body with a cyan eye at center, and with the cross having triangle shaped tips, each one representing one of the RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon four damage types, from the top clockwise: Red, White, Black and Pale. Multiple arm-like black appendages come out from the central body, each holding part of Chesed's robotic hull, except for one which holds Chesed's Lobotomy Corporation coffee cup. Another cross appears at the top of the screen with letters written on each tip for each damage type: R, W, B, P.

During the event, a rain overlay is displayed that covers the whole screen when beginning the Core Suppression and when advancing through certain segments of the Suppression.

  • Level 1+: One type of damage becomes illuminated in the cross at the top of the screen. While it's illuminated, the corresponding damage type dealt to employees will be multiplied (x5).
  • After each Qliphoth Meltdown: The boosted type of damage is changed.
  • Level 3+: Background Music changes. Two types of damage are boosted.
  • Level 6+: Three types of damage are boosted.

To finish the event, the player must collect all the energy and reach Qliphoth Meltdown Level 8.

After completing the day, Chesed will reward the player with permanent upgrades: There will be a 25% chance for an Agent to recover before they panic or die (Specifically they will recover 50% of their Max HP or SP, depending on if they were to die or panic). This recovery is limited to once a day for each Agent, and the relevant department (ChesedArmband Welfare Team) won't be affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]

  • All Levels:
    • "My my, I’m feeling very moody today~"
    • "Let my employees rest in peace, won’t you?"
    • "Feel this vast pain..."
  • Level 1:
    • "Rain is falling; this rain, the tears of all the employees. The downpour will never stop."
  • Level 2:
    • "Pour that lukewarm coffee down the drain, I’ll need another cup."
  • Level 3:
    • "I wonder… do I still have a conscience left inside me?"
  • Level 4:
    • "I envy you manager, you can conveniently forget your moments most filled with shame."
  • Level 5:
    • "Each time Angela shows up, I shall commit sin according to her orders… And I see no fig leaf here to cover my shame."
  • Level 6:
    • "It’s much too late for me to repent."
  • Level 7:
    • "My friends were all gone, and I waited alone for dawn to rise out of the darkness."
    • "I didn’t want to open my eyes again. I just yearned to fall into the infernal pit of hell, bearing my sins on my back."
  • End: "Is my world… finally crumbling?"
  • Closing Line: "Those who are Faithful and Trustworthy"


Binah Meltdown[]


Binah's Boss appearance

Binah's Core Suppression is available after Day 41. All the middle layer (Briah) must have been defeated first before triggering its event. During the Sephirah Meltdown, its appearance doesn't change much of its usual form, it possesses a humanoid form, an armored body with a coat and a dark mask on its face.

During the event, dark corners and later on, a granulated effect covers the screen during the day.

Similar to Gebura Meltdown, it becomes a suppressible entity. It spawns in the main room of its department and doesn't provide passive handicaps. It will act like an Abnormality, with its name changed to "An Arbiter", classified as Risk Aleph ALEPH. It has an immense amount of HPIcon HP at 4000 and must be suppressed 3 times by depleting their HPIcon HP bar to be defeated completely, and its behavior will change each time it is suppressed. Some text will appear next to it when about to attack or do an action. An Arbiter doesn't suffer damage made by Abnormalities.

  • Phase 1: An Arbiter summons Special Qliphoth Meltdowns: Meltdowns of Dark Fog and Meltdowns of Gold. All departments possess Qliphoth Meltdown Immunity against the Meltdowns given from the Qliphoth Meltdown gauge, even if the department isn't immune.
    • An Arbiter, will appear from its main room and will roam through the facility with a yellow aura, trying to get into the upper departments. Its defenses start at Resistant (0.1) against RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon all types of damage.
    • Employees that are in the same room as an Arbiter will have a Dark Fog like effect near their feet. Employees with this effect will have their Attack Speed and MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed reduced by -15.
    • Along with it spawning and summoning the Meltdowns, it will also raise dark spikes below the agents of the other departments, dealing great BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage (33-40) to anyone standing on its position, but it takes a short time to trigger.
    • Upon seeing a target in the same room, An Arbiter will perform an attack. It will take pauses between attack before starting a new one.
      Fairy: It will charge an orb on its hand of a RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon random damage type and soon after, deal a wave of slashes in front of its position, reaching the end of the room. It deals great damage (220-300).
      Pillar: It will condense Fairy into a pillar in front of its direction, inflicting a RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon random damage type which can be identified by its color and shoot it across the facility in a straight line, horizontally. It deals massive damage (70~84) of its damage type. Any containment units in the way of the pillar will become affected by a Qliphoth Meltdown.
    • Upon passing next to a containment unit, it will add a Qliphoth Meltdown to it, with dark effects on its containment door.
    • Special Qliphoth Meltdowns: The meltdowns summoned by An Arbiter are different from the usual Qliphoth Meltdowns but work similar to them and if the counter reaches 0, it will still add the penalty of the normal Meltdown. It summons 6 Meltdowns of Dark Fog and 6 Meltdowns of Gold. Working and removing a special Meltdown will help to stop An Arbiter's power.
      Meltdown of Dark Fog: A gray Qliphoth Meltdown. Abnormalities with this Meltdown will get a penalty addition of -10% WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate and have a 45 second timer (will increase with Tiphereth's clerk bonus). Upon removing them, a gray orb will be shot towards An Arbiter and upon removing all of them in time, An Arbiter's defenses will decrease, becoming Vulnerable (2.0) against RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon all the Damage Types for a while, before decreasing to Endured (0.8). It will also remove the status effect for being in the same room as an Arbiter.
      Meltdown of Gold: A gold Qliphoth Meltdown. These meltdowns have a 60 second timer (will increase with Tiphereth's clerk bonus). Upon removing them, a golden orb will be shot towards An Arbiter and upon removing all of them in time, An Arbiter will be stunned, unable to move and attack for a while, becoming open to attacks. Failing to remove them will cause an Arbiter to heal 1 HPHealing HP/sec for 60 seconds.
      If An Arbiter is not pushed into the next Phase in time, either because the player didn't remove the meltdowns in time or didn't have enough damage to do so, it will re-summon her Special Qliphoth Meltdowns again after 60 seconds, as long as all the meltdowns are cleared. As usual, the Spikes are re-summoned as well during the reassignment of the meltdowns.
  • Suppressed once (Phase 2): Background music changes. An Arbiter summons Special Qliphoth Meltdowns again: Meltdowns of Dark Fog and Meltdowns of Gold, along another one, Meltdowns of Waves.
    • Its attacks remain the same, with the same behavior. Its defenses return back to Resistant (0.1). As usual, when summoning the Meltdowns, dark spikes will raise below the agents position to try to damage them with BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage.
    • Meltdown of Waves: A purple Qliphoth Meltdown. Abnormalities with this Meltdown will get a penalty addition of -5% WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate and have a 60 second timer (will increase with Tiphereth's clerk bonus). It keeps spawning minor dark invulnerable creatures across the facility. These beings act similar to The King of Greed or the Ordeals of Amber, going straight forward and dealing a considerable amount of BlackDamageTypeIcon Black Damage (17~20) to the employees in its path. They move slowly and cannot be damaged, often burrowing and appearing in other part of the facility. By removing all the Meltdowns of Waves, the creatures will disappear.
  • Suppressed twice (Phase 3): Background music changes. The screen filters change similar to a snowstorm, dust particles or a granulated screen effect. An Arbiter will stop in its current position and summon 7 Meltdown of Pillars and charge a special attack. Screen Filter changes. Pausing Game Speed is disabled.
    • During this phase, An Arbiter will become Immune to damage and will charge pillars around itself in the cardinal directions, up to 8 pillars of RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon random damage types.
    • Meltdown of Pillars: A cyan Qliphoth Meltdown. Abnormalities with this Meltdown will get a penalty addition of -20% WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate and have a 45 second timer (will increase with Tiphereth's clerk bonus). Removing them will cause An Arbiter to stop their attack, not using it. If not all the Meltdowns of Pillars are removed in time, An Arbiter will shoot the pillars to the direction that they are facing, dealing massive damage of their type to any entity in its way and applying a normal Qliphoth Meltdown to the containment units in the way. No matter the outcome, An Arbiter will have her defenses decreased to Endured (0.8) and will select another spot to move to.
    • An Arbiter will have a 60 second to 75 second timer after the Meltdowns are cleared, and when that time is up, she has a 25% chance of re-adding the Meltdowns of Pillars or adding the Meltdowns of Dark Fog, Gold and Waves, repeating this until her HPIcon HP is reduced to 0.

To finish the event, the player must defeat An Arbiter.

After completing the day, Binah will reward the player with permanent upgrades: E.G.O will no longer be lost or destroyed when the wielder dies, and the relevant department (BinahArmband Extraction Team) won't be affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]


  • "Now… can you stop me on your own two feet, with your own power?"
  • "Go ahead and stop me without her help this time."
  • "Ah, this brings me back to my senses."
  • "It seems this body of mine can also use these powers. Interesting, yet tenuous."

Phase 1

  • "This body simply has too many limits."
  • "If only I knew what power this place held, we could have acquired it for us to use."
  • "You’re being reckless yet again, deceiving the Head and planning such bold actions."

Phase 2 and 3

  • "If you cannot defeat me, you shall be crushed by the Head and its ruthless Claws yet again."
  • "Even if you were to break this cycle, it would not last long."
  • "You cannot escape the Head."
  • "What do you think you will accomplish on your own, even after breaking out of this prison?"

An Arbiter Suppressed:

  • "You've proven yourself. I shall witness you with my eyes."

Closing Line: "The Eye Facing the Fear; Breaking the Cycle"



  • Fairy Attack:
    • "Disperse."
    • "Heed my words, Fairies."
    • "Analyze. Compress. Expand."
    • (Finishing) "Do not dare to stand before me."
  • Condensing Fairy into a Pillar:
    • "Condensing the Key."
    • "Focus."
    • "Open."
  • Firing Fairy Pillar:
    • "Wreak havoc."
    • "Come on out."
    • "Crumble."
  • Making multiple Meltdowns of Dark Fog, Gold and Waves:
    • "Rise."
    • "Collapse."
    • "Resonate."

Phase 1:

  • Meltdowns of Gold
    • (Successfully removing all Meltdowns) "The sandman calls me."
    • (Failing to remove all Meltdowns) "You failed to bend my back."
  • Meltdowns of Dark Fog
    • (Successfully removing all Meltdowns) "I’m fading."
    • (Failing to remove all Meltdowns) "You missed the opportunity."

Phase 2

  • Meltdown of Waves
    • (Successfully removing all Meltdowns) "The waves will rock the shore again."
    • (Failing to remove all Meltdowns) "You cannot stop the torrent of this world alone."

Phase 3

  • (On Pause) "You cannot stop the grand current with just those hands of yours.", "I want you to finish me with your own power."
  • Meltdown of Pillars:
    • "I’ll open the door if I must."
    • "Let us sink here together."
    • (Successfully removing all Meltdowns) "Excellent."
    • (Failing to remove all Meltdowns) "Your immaturity is to blame."



Hokma Meltdown[]


Hokma's Boss appearance

Hokma's Core Suppression is available after Day 41. All the middle layer (Briah) must have been defeated first before triggering its event. During the Sephirah Meltdown, it takes the form of a huge machinery with different circular parts resembling clocks, with a big one of them at the middle, along with clock handles and an eye at the center. The machine rotates at different intervals at random directions. It is held by smaller pieces near the base, which has the remains of its original form.

During the Core Suppression, the screen starts to lose color and enter grayscale after several Qliphoth Meltdowns. The screen will be completely covered by a static effect for a brief moment when the day starts and at Qliphoth Meltdown Level 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Their handicaps against the facility are the following:

  • Qliphoth Level 1+: Removes all the previous immunity against Qliphoth Meltdown of the other departments, the player can no longer change the Game Speed (Stuck at 1x speed). If the player attempts to pause the game, 1 random employee will die or panic in the facility. This penalty will increase by 1 for every subsequent pause until every employee dies or panics in the facility. Employees that are Panicked or Invincible (Inside the Shelter, are the 12th Apostle, etc) will not be selected to die from Hokma's ability. The pause is followed along with a screen breaking effect which lasts for several seconds. Trying to pause or change the game speed will cause a certain dialogue line to appear on the screen.
  • Qliphoth Level 4+: Background music changes.
  • Qliphoth Level 7+: Background music changes. The game speed will increase to x1.5 speed. The screen colours will slightly fade out. From this point onwards, the start of every Qliphoth Meltdown Level is accompanied by a sound related to time speeding up.
  • Qliphoth Level 8+: The game speed will increase to x1.8 speed. The screen colours will fade out further.
  • Qliphoth Level 9+: The game speed will increase to x2.1 speed. The screen colours will fade out further.
  • Qliphoth Level 10+: The game speed will increase to x2.5 speed. The screen colours will fade out further.
  • Completing Qliphoth Level 10 with insufficient energy: The screen colours will fully fade out, leaving the screen in complete grayscale.

To finish the event, the player must collect all the energy, reach, and complete Qliphoth Meltdown Level 10. (Essentially reaching Qliphoth Meltdown 11, although it is not labelled as such)

After completing the day, Hokma will reward the player with permanent upgrades: The maximum limit upon all employee FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon statistics is now elevated to 130. When contracting a new employee, their FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon stats can now be fortified to 130, and the relevant department (HokmaArmband Record Team) will no longer be affected by Qliphoth Meltdowns.

Flavour Text[]

On Screen[]

  • Default(50%):
    • "Do we truly need to change?"
    • "All of your loved ones are finally by your side now."
    • "We will not ever lose anyone, as long as the cycle repeats."
  • (level 1-6)
    • "Why are you trying to let us slip away?"
    • "I just wish to stay with you, everyone, and all that we have left in this eternal moment."
    • "Please do not steal away the last glimmer of what I treasure."
  • (Levels 7-10)
    • "You never knew when to stop, so I shall stop you with absolute certainty this time."
    • "I do not understand. What more must you sacrifice? Just what are you trying to achieve?"
    • "No, I do not wish to change. I do not want to forget it all. Please, let’s just stay."
    • "I just cannot understand. Neither then can I accept it."
  • (Trying to change the flow of time) "Please do not let time flow meaninglessly", "We must cherish each and every moment."
  • (Pause) "There is always a price of silence." and "I am always paying my price."
  • (End) "You could move onward, in spite of everything…"
  • Closing Line: "The Eye Embracing the Past; Building the Future"


Keter Meltdown[]

There is no Sephirah for the KetherArmband Architecture Team. From day 46 to the final day (50), the player (X) is tested for his management abilities and is faced with harsh trials in a similar format to a Sephirah Core Suppression. All four initial days (46-49) are unique but have three things in common:

  • There will be only Ordeals of White instead of any other type of Ordeal.
  • Qliphoth Meltdowns will not appear in the Architecture department, however all the previous immunity against Qliphoth Meltdowns will be removed from all other departments.
  • The amount of Clerks in the facility is cut in half (from 10 to 5 per department). This is (most likely) to make it easier to kill all the clerks with Execution Bullets and to reduce the chances of Clerks getting in the way of Abnormalities.

Core Suppressions can not be done on days 46 and onward, as this is considered to be a forced core suppression by the game. If the Sephirah Core Suppresions in the corresponding days are not completed, the player can't progress any further through the Trials and will be forced to reset back to day 1.

Proving Oneself (Day 46)[]

The Trials start off at the beginning, Ordeals. This day is to show what is yet to come in the other three days that follows. This day consists of only what is said above and is the easiest day out of the four.

To finish this day the player must collect all the energy and suppress the Midnight of White, also known as "The Claw".

Fatigue and Waiting (Day 47)[]

During the event, it consists of the common effects said above and the inclusion of the Asiyah Sephirah bosses (Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, and Netzach).

The handicaps in this day are the following:

  • Qliphoth Level 1+: Works done by employees are randomly replaced by another type of work every other Qliphoth Meltdown (Malkuth).
  • Qliphoth Level 2+: Background music changes.
  • Qliphoth Level 3+: Background music changes. The UI will be pixelated and blurred (Yesod).
  • Qliphoth Level 4+: Background music changes. Every stat from the Agents in the facility will be reduced by -50 (Hod).
  • Qliphoth Level 5+: Background music changes. When the player orders a work, they will not be able to cancel them by clicking the containment room (Malkuth). Employees cannot be healed from any sources except at the start of each Qliphoth Meltdown (Netzach).
  • Qliphoth Level 6+: Background music changes.

To finish this day, the player must collect all the energy and complete Qliphoth Meltdown level 6. If the player doesn't complete all of the Asiyah Sephirah Meltdowns or fails the day, the player will receive the ending A.

Regret and Atonement (Day 48)[]

This event consists of the common effects said above and the inclusion of only the Briah Sephirah bosses (Tiphereth, Chesed and later Gebura).

The handicaps in this day are the following:

  • Qliphoth Level 1+: 2 random damage types will be illuminated at the cross at the top of the screen every Qliphoth Meltdown, increasing the damage type select by 4 times the amount (Chesed).
  • Qliphoth Level 5+: Background music changes. Chesed's effect will be disabled, and the Red Mist (Gebura) appears at Disciplinary Team's main room. Phases of her suppression will be the same as during the Gebura Core Suppression, but she has HPIcon 1800 HP instead of HPIcon 3000 HP, 40% less than the original.
    • You use her original HPIcon Max HP for calculations.
  • Qliphoth Level 8+: Background music changes. Chesed's effect will be re-enabled, illuminating 3 types of damage every Qliphoth Meltdown.

To finish this day, the player must either collect all the energy and reach Qliphoth Meltdown level 10 (Tiphereth) or suppress the Red Mist. If the player doesn't complete all of the Briah Sephirah Meltdowns or fails the day, the player will receive ending B.

Freedom and Salvation (Day 49)[]

This event consists of the common effects said above and the inclusion of only the Atziluth Sephirah bosses (Hokma, and later Binah).

The handicaps in this day are the following:

  • Qliphoth Level 1+: The game speed will be set to 1x. If the player pauses, 1 employee will either die or panic and it will increase the amount until every employee dies or panics in the facility (Hokma).
  • Qliphoth Level 5+: Background music changes. An Arbiter appears at Extraction Team's main room (Binah). Phases of her suppression will be the same as during the Binah Core Suppression with two differences in the boss:
    • An Arbiter has HPIcon 2400 HP instead of HPIcon 4000 HP, 40% less than the original.
    • At the last phase: the player can pause (Hokma Suppression effect will kill/panic random employees).
  • Qliphoth Level 9+: Background music changes. The game speed will be set to 1.5x. An Arbiter will stop moving.
  • Qliphoth Level 10+: The game speed will be set to 2.5x.

To finish this day, the player must either collect all the energy and complete Qliphoth Meltdown level 10 or suppress An Arbiter. If the player doesn't complete all of the Atziluth Sephirah Meltdowns or fails the day, the player will receive ending C.

Tree of Light (Day 50)[]

During this event there will be no Ordeals nor Qliphoth Meltdowns. There is nothing majorly harmful on this day and the only thing that happens is visual facility effects. These effects are the following:

  • 10% Energy Quota: Rotates the facility by 36­°.
  • 20% Energy Quota: Rotates the facility by 72°.
  • 30% Energy Quota: Rotates the facility by 108°.
  • 40% Energy Quota: Rotates the facility by 144­°.
  • 50% Energy Quota: Rotates the facility by 180°.
  • 60% Energy Quota: Background music changes. The facility looks to be rising upward.
  • 70% Energy Quota: Increases the speed of the facility rising.
  • 80% Energy Quota: Increases the speed as the screen fades to white. The facility has reached the surface.
  • 90% Energy Quota: The beam of light activates above the facility, shining light over the world
  • 100% Energy Quota: The camera scrolls upward as Ayin speaks to X (Ayin). After the short talk, the credits roll. The player can't do anything else. Clicking the mouse or pressing any buttons will speed up the credits.

Other effects include:

  • The Silent Orchestra will not reduce the energy quota during the 4th movement on this day. Der Freischütz, Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary and Old Faith and Promise can.
  • Der Freischütz's bullets will be rotated according to the facility rotation.

To finish this day the player must Collect all the Energy. If the player has 100% Abnormality Dissolution after completing Day 50, the player will receive the 100% Seed of Light ending (also known as True Ending). They will also get all bad endings before the 100% Seed of Light ending in the Story replay viewer. If not, the player can unlock it after reaching 100% Abnormality Dissolution during one of the next runs.

Flavour Text[]

Fatigue and Waiting[]

  • Levels 1-2
    • "We had no idea where to go, sailing the ocean without a map or any kind of guidance. Do you think it’ll be any better now? It won’t."
    • "How do we expect to move forward when we cannot even stand up straight?"
    • "Remember Elijah’s last moments… how she clawed and scraped at the floor, writhing in pain."
    • "It is best for everyone if we just turn back to the first act now. Who knows, our unforgivable sin may lighten just a tiny bit if you do."
  • Level 3
    • "Our hearts overflowed with despair as we prepared for tomorrow, acting as if nothing had happened, even after the deaths of so many of our loved ones."
    • "The suppressed feelings were so severe, it caused phantom pains and hallucinations of bugs crawling on our skin..."
    • "Yet we had to do it, we had come too far. However, one accident led to a complete breakdown, like the collapse of a tower."
    • "Obsession with the rules, not letting ourselves feel an inch of sadness…We had no other way to cope but that. You would agree with this."
  • Level 4
    • "Michelle was the youngest among us. She was a timid and innocent employee. She chose to be a whistleblower out of fear for the world. If we had just paid a bit more attention to her, she may not have run away so scared."
    • "Everything we thought to be hope came back to us in the shape of despair."
    • "How will we improve ourselves out of this? It will only get worse and worse."
  • Level 5
    • "I survived alone. I’ve lived day by day, fighting an uphill battle. I fought because I thought my survival would somehow change the situation. How foolish I was."
    • "Perhaps our souls have already died, a long, long time ago. It may be just as Carmen feared."
    • "Going further than this is futile. Please, you have to just accept that it is over."
    • "You told Giovanni that you could revive Carmen. But think about it, did you really lead him to eternal slumber because you sincerely believed so?"
  • Level 6
    • "The world has abandoned us! We tried not to let it go, but it threw us away like a crumpled up newspaper in the end."
    • "We were too naive. I could only realize what wrongdoings we have done after transiently passing all these years."
    • "A brief struggle has become an eternity. I just wish that you do not repeat the mistake I made and fall into despair and anger yet again."
    • "You will overcome this despair if you just wake up and smell the roses. You still have a chance. Please, listen to what I have to say."

Regret and Atonement[]

  • level 1-4
    • "Only regret awaits you tomorrow. It’s a well deserved punishment for someone as trifling as us.”
    • "We tried not to put trust in anyone, but we shamelessly woke up our colleagues who had fallen into eternal slumber when we needed them…”
    • "Do not fear the submergence. Accept it. Let us sink together at Carmen’s side.”
  • level 5-7
    • "Don’t hold hope in anything. For the sake of our employees who died hopelessly."
    • "If existence itself is an ailment to us, there is only one way to cure it. Just shut your eyes, and never open them again."
    • "We destroyed everything while holding her warmth in our hands."
    • "Tell me, what great purpose did we fulfill with all those actions?"
  • level 8
    • "You will never escape your guilt if you stay that way. You will curse your existence, and every single day will be painful."
    • "Carmen left without a smile, never to come back to nap under the warm sun."
    • "You have to let it all go, you don’t even have the strength to grip onto anything…"
    • "The things I’ve let go have drifted too far for me to take up into my hands again."
    • "Why must I be abandoned by the world, alone like this?"
  • level 9
    • "Yes, there was only a path of despair in the sky she often looked up to."
    • "Desire is void and meaningless. Can’t you hear it? The doors are closing, and they will not open again."
    • "I’m perfectly fine with my life expiring here and now. Only stigma awaits those who cannot overcome the trial."
    • "It was my duty to protect my coworkers, my friends… but I couldn’t save even a single one of them."
  • level 10
    • "The scene, the air, the pain of that day… It all comes back no matter how many times I try to void it from my mind. Tell me, how do I escape from this?"
    • "Do we really deserve to persist in existing? Meanwhile as we step on all those sacrifices?"
    • "Let us sleep peacefully… Let us sink and flow to the bottom of the river with Carmen. She must have been lonely for such a long time…"

Freedom and Salvation[]

  • level 1-4
    • "The path I traveled was riddled with thorns; it was a penance with no end in sight."
    • "And thus, I have revealed myself. I, who shant cling onto the mere past, the regrets, or the trifling memories."
    • "People live every day looking up to a hope they cannot reach while shedding tears of pain. We have the power to save them, should we not rightfully use it?"
    • "They will perish in torment if a savior does not come to them, just as mankind was rescued from the Great Flood a long time ago thanks to the man who built the Ark."
  • level 5-7
    • "We must use this power if we have it."
    • "You know how many sacrifices have been made to come this far. We cannot let them be in vain. So join me."
    • "We are all sinners. Our imperfect eyes could not see the world properly. It is time that I purified them."
  • level 8
    • "People are too ignorant to see what is occurring in the world above them. However, ignorance is not a sin. Disbelief is."
    • "Humanity had to give up on freedom and desire for survival, but do you think those are truly gone? No, they merely have been waiting for the chance to rise again."
    • "The desires humanity has forsaken are floating deep under the stream. People shall be forever isolated from themselves and will never be free if they stay this way."
    • "They thirst for pure desires. We shall fill their glasses with the juice and wine of the forbidden fruit."
  • level 9
    • "Freedom is a necessity for one to be truly human."
    • "The sky shall fall, and mankind shall become holy. They will reach their promised glory as they change in the blink of an eye."
    • "I know that you are not certain of what lies ahead for you. The future you yearn for may never come. I can show a proper future to you instead, right before your eyes."
    • "Let go of your fear and gain true freedom. Doing so will also cure the disease she tried to heal."
  • level 10
    • "Can you not hear the trumpets...?"
    • "How shameful. Do you truly want to let people suffocate, trapped away in their skin?!"
    • "They are moaning in agony, even as we speak. Why can you not hear them?"
    • "Just one bite of this sweet fruit will redeem them, all of them!"

Spoken by Ayin[]

Start: "Shall we get to work? All we need to do is what we’ve always done."


  • (Start) "You may feel a bit dizzy, but it will be worth it. You only need to bear it for a moment."
  • (10%) "I hope no one has to die or suffer today."
  • (20%) "I am sorry to make you go through this one last time, but you are within arm’s reach of the end."
  • (30%) "You have been through so much. Today arrived before you could even realize it, as you have endured and overcome numerous trials."
  • (40%) "You’ve made it this far. I know you’ll be able to keep going. Let us face this day just like the rest."


  • (50%) "It has been so long since we saw the light behind the mist and clouds."
  • (60%) "We have been buried here for quite a long time, haven’t we?"


  • (70%) "I haven’t been outside in ages. It looks like things haven’t changed much. It’s the same glorious, mundane scenery; just like a graveyard."
  • (80%) "Let us embrace this place with warmth, so everyone can shine like stars in the sky."
  • (85%) "We will make humans live as humans. All that’s left for us after that is to simply watch."

Shining light over the world:

  • (90%) "The energy you’ve produced those past fifty days is for today. This is the moment we shine upon the world."
  • (95%) "Let’s give them the answer we searched eons for."
  • (97%) "It’s time for us to step down from the stage. Don’t worry, we will not be forgotten, even if we scatter and fade away into the light."

Before the credits:

  • "A sprout burst from the land and grew into a towering tree, scattering fruit unto the world from its branches."
    "The tree cultivated from the process of infinite possibilities is closer to the sky; it is more fierce than anything else."
    "The borders between the past and the future, reality and illusion, the body and the mind, space and time… They all were slowly fading away."
    "It is said that the void awaits at the end of the line..."
    "But I know that it is not just nothingness."
    "You shall be the infinite light."
    "Your name is Ayin."
    "Remember this name of ours."
    "Fade away without a trace."
Facility X-394
Mechanics Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - RedDamageTypeIconWhiteDamageTypeIconBlackDamageTypeIconPaleDamageTypeIcon Damage Type - EmergencyLevel3Icon Emergency Level - Employees - Equipment - Growth Rate - Hiring - LOB Points - Missions - Ordeals - QliphothMeltdownIcon Qliphoth Meltdown - RabbitTeamIcon Rabbit Team - Research - RiskUnknown Risk Level - Sephirah Meltdown - FortitudeIconPrudenceIconTemperanceIconJusticeIcon Stats
Departments Asiyah: MalkuthArmband Control Team - YesodArmband Information Team - NetzachArmband Safety Team - HodArmband Training Team
Briah: TipherethArmband Central Command Team - GeburaArmband Disciplinary Team - ChesedArmband Welfare Team
Atziluth: HokmaArmband Record Team - BinahArmband Extraction Team - KetherArmband Architecture Team
Characters X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C