Statistics, more commonly referred to as Stats, are various values for Employees and Abnormalities that have different effects and functions in the game, such as limitations, productivity, strength, and more. These statistics, although minor numerically, are very important to consider when playing.
The employees have a different list of Stats. The 'Stat Levels' of the Agents, which can be seen in their info, are divided into 4 main Stats referred to as Virtues: Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance, and Justice. The levels of these Virtues can be improved by performing the works: Instinct, Insight, Attachment and Repression.
The Virtues, which can be seen in the Agent's info, affect and are affected by the 7 Level Stats: Level, Health, Sanity Points, Success Rate, Work Speed, Attack Speed and Movement Speed. There are 2 additional types for stats relating to combat: Damage and Resistance.
Titles and E.G.O. Gifts can increase or decrease the basic stats of the Agents. E.G.O. Equipment changes the values of an Agent's Damage and Resistance.
Level (I, II, III, IV, V, and EX)[]
There are two types of levels, Agent Level and Stat Level. The Agent Level is the overall level of an employee, which is determined by the sum of their Stat Levels. The Stat Levels are the individual levels of Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance and Justice, and these can be increased by performing specific works or by spending LOB Points to increase their Level. Newly hired Agents will start at Level 1, and the maximum Level attainable is 5. An Agent's Stat Levels will increase when their stat value reaches a certain amount. The increase in the stats through working will only be applied at the end of each day, and their promotion may take place at the end of the day as well. When hiring an Agent, as well as anytime on the Deployment Menu, the player can choose to increase them with LOB Points. The higher the level, the higher the price.
There is a hard cap to how much an Agent's stats can advance via training or using LOB points, which by default, the value cap is 100, and tend to vary between employees. When this cap is reached, the numeral V will be replaced with EX in the relevant stat. Later on the player will find different means to increase the maximum stat cap via research, Titles and Core Suppression rewards. For calculation purposes with regard to stat levels, this is treated as Level V and has no impact on the game's calculations. It is purely to indicate that the Agent has effectively "maxed out" in that field of expertise. This pertains to base stats only. Additive bonuses from E.G.O. Gifts and other sources will be applied as 'bonuses', not affecting the base stat value, regardless of the stat cap. They are indicated via blue numbers for positive bonuses and red numbers for negative bonuses.
Base Level | I | II | III | IV | V | EX |
Values (Minimum) | <30 | 30 | 45 | 65 | 85 | 100+ |
LOB Points Cost to Upgrade
to the respective Level |
X | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 6 |
Justice Upgrade | X | 3 | 6 | 9 | 12 | 18 |
Total Stat Levels to Upgrade
the Agent's Level |
4 | 6 (2) | 9 (3) | 12 (4) | 16 (5) | X |
Experience is a hidden value of the Agents which helps them to increase their stats. The experience will affect how much the stats of said Agent will increase and are only affected by certain research.
Fortitude is a Virtue which represents itself as a level and determines the Health stat. The stats of this level can be increased by performing Instinct work. This feature is used by Abnormalities and E.G.O. Equipment to limit or target employees of a certain level.
Health, Max Health or Max HP, is the amount of Red Damage, Black Damage or Pale Damage that an Agent can take before reaching zero. When this bar is completely depleted, the Agent will die. This value is present as 'Max HP' in the Agent's Info and extra additions (represented as '+ x') are next to the value, not counting as part of the base stat. The player is unable to see the gauge bar above the Agents until they unlock the research 'G.O Visualization' of the Information Team Department. Once done, a red gauge will appear above the Agents, representing their current health, with their name on it. The bar turns darker and decreases in size upon receiving damage. When selecting an Agent for a work, the same bar can be seen, but this time with their current and max amount.
Employees recover Health when standby in the main department room. The amount of recovery varies depending on whether an Abnormality is present in the Main Room as well as which Safety Team research has been unlocked. If all Agents in the Facility die, the game must be restarted from a previous checkpoint; typically the start of the Day.
Prudence is a Virtue which represents itself as a level and determines the Sanity Gauge stat. The stats of this level can be increased by performing Insight work. This feature is used by Abnormalities and E.G.O. Equipment to limit or target employees of certain level.
Sanity Points[]
The Sanity Points, Sanity Gauge, SP or Max SP, is the amount of White Damage or Black Damage that an Agent can take before reaching zero. When this gauge is completely depleted, the Agent will enter a state of Panic, acting according to their Panic response and becoming uncontrollable. Other agents must suppress the panicked employees with White or Black Damage weapons to ' heal' their Max SP to the maximum value, which will return them to normal. Depending on their Panic response, panicking Agents can cause different effects around the facility. When an employee lose all its SP while interacting with certain Abnormalities, other effects may occur instead of panicking. For example: Fragment of the Universe breaches after an Agent panics in its Containment Unit, and Behavior Adjustment causes the Agent to immediately kill themselves.
There are 4 Panic Responses that trigger based on an Agent's highest stat:
- Murder ( Fortitude): Murderous panics cause Agents to gain a x1.X increase to their Attack Speed (where X is the Agent's Level) and relentlessly pursue and attack other entities.
- Suicide ( Prudence): Suicidal panics cause Agents to shiver in place for 30-60 seconds, before killing themselves. Other employees in the same room who witness the suicide will take 20*X White Damage (where X is the Agent's Level).
- Wander ( Temperance): Wandering panics cause Agents to gain a x1.X increase to their Movement Speed (where X is the Agent's Level) and wander across the facility, dealing consistent White Damage equal to their Agent Level to other employees in the same room.
- Sabotage ( Justice): Sabotaging panics cause Agents to gain a x1.X increase to their Movement Speed and a (1-0.X)x modifier to their Resistance (where X is the Agent's Level) and run to a random Abnormality's Containment Unit. Once there, they will hit the Containment Unit door with a crowbar. Each hit has a (15*X)% chance to decrease the Abnormality's Qliphoth Counter by 1. Upon depleting the Abnormality's Qliphoth Counter to 0 or hitting the door five times, they will move to a different Abnormality.
The player is unable to see the gauge bar above the Agents until they unlock the research 'G.O Visualization' of the Information Team Department. Once done, a light blue bar gauge will appear above the agents, below the Health Bar. When selecting an Agent to work, the Sanity Gauge will be below the HP bar but with their current and max value. When the agents suffer White or Black Damage, the gauge will decrease by a portion, turning darker. An Agent's 'Max Sanity' is presented in their Agent Info and extra additions (represented as '+ x') are next to the value, not counting as part of the base stat.
Employees recover Sanity Points when standby in the main department room. The amount of recovery vary depending of their Max SP and the recovery rate. If all the agents are panicked, the game must be restarted from a previous checkpoint.
Temperance is a Virtue which represents itself as a level and determines the Success Rate and Speed Rate stats. For the purpose of calculating an Agent's Temperance level, the greater of the two stats is used. The stats of this level can be increased by performing Attachment work. This feature is used by Abnormalities and E.G.O. Equipment to limit or target employees of certain level.
Success Rate[]
Success Rate or Work Success Rate provides a bonus to an Agent's chance of success when performing any work with an Abnormality. This increase the chances of 'Positive Enkephalin Boxes' (PE-Boxes) in the work gauge and will reduce the probability of 'Negative Enkephalin Boxes' (NE-Boxes). The Success Rate of an Abnormality is generally identified by the following descriptors, from lowest to highest probability: Very Low (0-19%), Low (20-39%), Common (40-59%), High (60-79%) and Very High (80-95%). This stat is displayed in an Agent's Info and extra additions (represented as '+ x') are next to the value, not counting as part of the base stat.
Every 1 point of Success Rate grants +0.2% Success Rate.
Work Speed[]
Work Speed or Speed Rate is how fast the agent will complete or fill the work gauge when working with an Abnormality. This increase the speed that an agent works, taking less time to perform the whole work, but doesn't increase the performance of the agent, meaning that they can get NE-Boxes more quickly too. This stat is displayed in an Agent's Info and extra additions (represented as '+ x') are next to the value, not counting as part of the base stat.
Every 1 point of Work Speed grants +1% Speed Rate.
Justice is a Virtue which represents itself as a level and determines the Attack Speed and Movement Speed stats. For the purpose of calculating an Agent's Justice level, the greater of the two stats is used. The stats of this level can be increased by performing Repression work. This feature is used by Abnormalities and E.G.O. Equipment to limit or target employees of certain level.
Attack Speed[]
Attack Speed represents how fast an employee can attack with their current weapon between certain intervals. This value reduces the time interval between each attack and only takes effect while equipping a weapon. The base Attack Speed of the E.G.O. Weapons can be: Very Slow, Slow, Normal, Fast and Very Fast. This stat is displayed in an Agent's Info and extra additions (represented as '+ x') are next to the value, not counting as part of the base stat.
Every 1 point of Attack Speed grants roughly +0.87% Attack Speed.
Movement Speed[]
Movement Speed is how fast an agent can move through the facility, the hallways and other rooms to reach their destination, and the value of this stat grants a bonus to Movement Speed. Outside being increased by the stat, Movement Speed can also be decreased by external factors like certain Abnormalities, such as when walking on the vines generated by Snow White's Apple. This stat is displayed in an Agent's Info and extra additions (represented as '+ x') are next to the value, not counting as part of the base stat.
At 0 Justice, an Agent has a Movement Speed of 40 (4 in the code). Every 1 point of Movement Speed grants +1% Movement Speed.
The Damage value is the amount of damage that an agent can deal when suppressing Abnormalities, Ordeals and panicked employees, which will decrease a specific amount of a certain gauge. This value is calculated by the weapon that the agent is currently using: specifically the weapon's Damage Type and damage values. With more damage, the agents will reduce the HP of the breaching Abnormality or recover the SP of panicked employees faster. In the latter case, this may lead to killing the employee instead if using a non- White weapon. This value can be see in the Agent's Info, the Deployment Phase and in the List of E.G.O. Weapons.
The following formula also takes effect: Risk Level of the target (Abnormality, Ordeal, Minion or Suit) - Risk Level of the user's E.G.O. Weapon
ZAYIN is calculated as 1, increasing by 1 up to ALEPH being 5. Depending of the result, the total percentage of damage applied is as follows:
4 = 40%; 3 = 60%; 2 = 70%; 1 = 80%; 0 = 100%; -1 = 100%; -2 = 120%; -3 = 150%; -4 = 200%
Resistances represent the defenses of Agents and Abnormalities against damage. Resistances consist of 4 values, affecting each of the 4 Damage Types: Red, White, Black and Pale. The values are a multiplier which can decrease or increase the damage that the user might take, and can even nullify the damage entirely. This value is affected by the E.G.O. Suit that the Agent has equipped and the values can be checked in the E.G.O. List and the Agent's Info but in the latter, the values are reduced to simple terms with no numerical values.
The defenses can be: Absorbed (-2.0 ~ -0.1), Immuned (0.0), Resistant (0.1 ~ 0.4), Endured (0.5 ~ 0.9), Normal (1.0), Weak (1.1 ~ 1.9), Vulnerable (2.0)
Abnormalities have different type of stats, which relate more to its containment instead than of their escaping or combat stats. Some of these stats may bear similarities with certain Agent stats. There are 8 types of stats: E-Box Output, Mental Status Result, Damage, Fear Level, Work Success Rate, Work Speed Rate, Qliphoth Counter and Breach Stats.
E-Box Output[]
The E-Box Output is a value that determines the amount of Enkephalin Boxes (E-Box) that can be gathered from an Abnormality, and is represented as a gauge on the left side of the containment room which is filled by the boxes or blocks while a work with the Abnormality is in progress.
After some intervals while working with the Abnormality, there is a chance to obtain either a Positive Enkephalin Box (PE-Box) or a Negative Enkephalin Box (NE-Box), the latter of which deals damage to the employee once obtained. At the end of the work, the PE-Boxes are collected, adding them to the Abnormality's Unique PE-Boxes and contributing to the Energy Gauge. Each Abnormality's Unique PE-Boxes are saved for the rest of the game (unless stolen by certain entities), even upon using the Memory Repository or resetting to Day 1, and can be used for research or to create E.G.O. Equipment.
The only way to collect E-Boxes is through performing works with the Abnormalities. The E-Boxes are collected once the work is finished or interrupted. When enough energy is gathered, the day can be finished but the player can still perform works with Abnormalities and gather more Boxes; these Boxes, however, will not be added to the energy bar.
Mental Status Result[]
The Mental Status of an Abnormality represents the result of the work performed on it, with a certain Mental Result obtained depending on the number of PE-Boxes that were gathered. This value varies for each Abnormality. There are 3 types of Mental Results: Good/Happy, Normal/Neutral and Bad/Distressed. When these 'moods' are displayed a timer will flash in the containment room, preventing any more works from being ordered for that period of time. The waiting time is generally 10 or 15 seconds. Once the waiting time is done, effects relating to an Abnormality's abilities may take place, or its Qliphoth Counter may decrease if certain conditions are met.
An Abnormality's Damage is determined by its Damage Type. When in containment, if an agent obtains an NE-Box while working, they will receive a specific type of damage: Red, White, Black and Pale, depending on the Abnormality. While escaping, the amount of damage that they deal can also change and their damage dealt is only visible with a specific research obtained from the Information Team. Abnormalities can deal damage to a single target or multiple targets when escaping. They may also deal damage when using certain other abilities.
Fear Level[]
Fear Level is a status which is determined by the Risk Level, starting from Level 1 ( ZAYIN) to Level 5 ( ALEPH). When an employee encounters an Abnormality, while in containment or breaching, the Fear Level will cause the employee to suffer Fear Damage equal to a percentage of their maximum SP, which can be mitigated by the employee being of higher level than the Abnormality. During breach, Fear Damage can only occur once per Abnormality, until it is recontained. Clerks tend to panic almost instantly when encountering an Abnormality of Risk Level TETH or higher, however, a research can increase their Fear Level resistance up to WAW Abnormalities.
Employees also suffer from Fear Damage upon witnessing the death or panic of another Agent. The higher the level of the dead/panicking Agent, the higher the Fear Damage. Employees will only receive one instance of Fear Damage per dead/panicking Agent.
Fear Level can be calculated using the following formula: Abnormality/Ordeal Risk Level or (Dead/Panicking Employee Level + 1) - Employee's Level.
The subtraction of SP percentage depends of the previous value and follows the next results.
Abnormality Risk Level / (Employee Level + 1) - Employee Level | Fear Level | Fear Damage |
Under 0 | Relaxed | None |
0 | Calm | None |
1 | Nervous | 10% of Max SP |
2 | Terrified | 30% of Max SP |
3 | Hopeless | 60% of Max SP |
4 | Overwhelmed | 100% of Max SP (Insta-Panic) |
5 | Reverence* | 100% of Max SP (Insta-Panic) |
* Reverence has only been shown exclusively through WhiteNight with its increased Fear Level by interacting with a Level 3 or lower employee.
Work Success Rate[]
Work Success Rate is a value that sets the chances of an Agent to successfully complete a certain work with the specific Abnormality. This affect each work individually, also known as Preferences; and all works have an unique base Success Rate relating to each Stat Level of the related Work, like Instinct and Fortitude. This value can stack with the Agents' own Work Success stat but cannot exceed 95%*.
After finishing a work with a WAW or ALEPH Abnormality, they receive a special penalty called Qliphoth Overload, that decreases the Success Rate of all the works on that Abnormality until the next Qliphoth Meltdown occurs, which will reset the Overload. This value can stack after consecutive works performed, with 4% on WAW Abnormalities and 6% on ALEPH Abnormalities, up to -32% and -30% respectively. If all the Agents of the same Department are dead, all the Abnormalities of that Department receive a penalty of -50% Success Rate until the end of the day.
*Qliphoth Overload Penalties and the penalty for a Department's Agents being dead also decreases the Success Rate cap.
Work Speed Rate[]
Work Speed Rate determines how fast E-Boxes can be harvested and the work be completed. This affects all works equally for any particular Abnormality. This value can be stacked with an Agent's Work Speed stat.
Qliphoth Counter[]
The Qliphoth Counter is a numerical counter above the containment room that relates to triggering Abnormalities' abilities and provides a warning before they happen. Some Abnormalities do not have a Qliphoth Counter at all; instead, the Qliphoth Counter is marked with an X.
During certain actions or results, typically through obtaining a Normal or Bad mental state, the Qliphoth Counter will decrease by 1. The exact conditions for the lowering of a Qliphoth Counter vary depending on the Abnormality. Once the Qliphoth Counter reaches 0, the Abnormality will usually trigger a specific ability. Their abilities will vary from breaching, possession, affecting the facility, etc. When an Abnormality's effects have concluded, such as when a breaching Abnormality is successfully suppressed, its counter will reset back to its original number. Abnormalities with a X in their Qliphoth counter will trigger their abilities independently of mental state and tend to activate their abilities under other conditions, like employees' stats or by performing certain works.
Some Abnormalities can affect the Qliphoth Counter of other Abnormalities, such as Nameless Fetus' cry, which reduces the Qliphoth Counter of other Abnormalities in its Department.
Breaching Stats[]
These stats are exclusively for the Abnormalities that are capable of 'breaching'. Breaching is an event where an Abnormality escapes from its Containment Unit and becomes a threat to the facility and/or the employees.
Health represents how much damage an Abnormality can take before being suppressed. Its bar can only be seen after the corresponding Information Team research has been obtained. The HP bar will appear below the breaching Abnormality, alongside its Risk Level. Their Health is reduced by damage dealt by Agents and other Abnormalities and once their HP is depleted, the Abnormality will be suppressed and will be returned to its containment room after a short time. Unlike Agents, all types of damage dealt to Abnormalities affect their HP bar due to them not having an SP bar. In addition, Pale Damage dealt to Abnormalities will not deal percentile damage to them.
Damage, as explained before, can also be dealt by Abnormalities breaching containment, and often vary in amount, type and amount of targets hit. Some Abnormalities simply do not deal any damage at all.
Resistance represent the defenses of Abnormalities against damage. but are only applied to Abnormalities which can breach. Resistances consist of 4 values, affecting each of the 4 Damage Types: Red, White, Black and Pale. The values are a multiplier which can decrease or increase the damage that the Abnormality might take, and can even nullify or heal from damage. This value is different for each Abnormality and can change through various abilities or different forms.
The defenses are as follows: Absorb (-2.0 ~ -0.1), Immuned (0.0), Resistant (0.1 ~ 0.4), Endured (0.5 ~ 0.9), Normal (1.0), Weak (1.1 ~ 1.9), Vulnerable (2.0)
Movement Speed is how fast an Abnormality can move through the space, however, not all the Abnormalities use this type of movement and instead, they can also teleport from one point of the facility to another without moving across hallways and other rooms.
- Don't Touch Me is the only Abnormality that does not possess most of the basic stats due to its ability.
- WhiteNight and CENSORED are the only Abnormalities that have their own, increased Fear Level. WhiteNight's is six and CENSORED's is eight, with CENSORED's minions being seven.
- The 0.2% per stat point value that Lobotomy Corporation lists for the stats Work Speed, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed in-game is incorrect. The proper equations for the stats Work Speed, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed are as follows:
- Work Speed: creature.GetCubeSpeed() * (1f + (float)(creature.GetObserveBonusSpeed() + agent.workSpeed) / 100f
- Can be read as: (Abnormality base work speed) * (1 + [(Observation Bonus + Work Speed Stat)/100])
- Attack Speed: 0.8f + this.attackSpeed / 143f
- Can be read as: 0.8 + (Attack Speed Stat/143)
- Movement Speed: 4f + num + this.movement / 25f
- Can be read as: 4 + (Movement Speed Stat/25)
- Work Speed: creature.GetCubeSpeed() * (1f + (float)(creature.GetObserveBonusSpeed() + agent.workSpeed) / 100f
- The main stats Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance, and Justice reference the 4 Cardinal Virtues from ancient Greek philosopher Plato's literary work Republic:
- ἀνδρεία (meaning "courage" or "fortitude")
- φρόνησις (meaning "wisdom" or "prudence")
- σωφροσύνη (meaning "restraint" or "temperance")
- δικαιοσύνη (meaning "fairness" or "justice")
Facility X-394
| |
Mechanics | Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - Damage Type - Emergency Level - Employees - Equipment - Growth Rate - Hiring - LOB Points - Missions - Ordeals - Qliphoth Meltdown - Rabbit Team - Research - Risk Level - Sephirah Meltdown - Stats |
Departments | Asiyah: Control Team - Information Team - Safety Team - Training Team Briah: Central Command Team - Disciplinary Team - Welfare Team Atziluth: Record Team - Extraction Team - Architecture Team |
Characters | X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C |
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