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"...Sadness says: ‘Begone, pass away!’ But greed seeks eternity—seeks deep, deep eternity."
- The King of Greed's Flavour Texts

The King of Greed (O-01-64), also known as one of the Magical Girls, is a humanoid Abnormality taking the form of a girl with dark skin and long white hair, wearing a yellow dress and accessories, notably a necklace and bracelets. She is encapsulated within a golden, egg-like form, with a mouth at the top and a transparent amber rhombus at the front, from which the girl inside is visible. The Abnormality emits glittering sounds when it is in its Containment Unit.


King of Greed's ability will trigger when her QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter is depleted. Her QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter can fluctuate in the following ways:

  • Decrease by 1 with 50% chance when getting a NormalResult Normal Work Result.
  • Decrease by 1 with 70% chance when getting a BadResult Bad Work Result.

The Abnormality will breach once the counter is depleted, transforming into a fish-like creature with a big body, a huge mouth at the front, small legs and eyes, and long black appendages coming from the sides, bearing the same colors and patterning as its previous form. From the big mouth hangs the head of the girl attached by a long neck. The Abnormality makes crunching sounds and a girlish laugh in this form. She will teleport out of the containment unit to one end of a random hallway in the facility, her mouth pointing to the other end.

She has high HPIcon HP at 1500 and moderately slow MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed. When breaching, The King of Greed moves in only one direction, and when reaching the end of a hallway or another door, will teleport to another random hallway in the same manner as before. A portal appears a few seconds before the King of Greed leaves the current hallway; it is sometimes possible to visually locate the exit portal and determine where the Abnormality will next emerge.

Any employee or Abnormality which is trapped or touched by the Abnormality's mouth will suffer a huge amount of RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage(390-410), killing them almost instantly.


The King of Greed shares her story with The Queen of Hatred and the The Knight of Despair, with all three having been mentioned to be sisters. She was one of the 'heroes' who wished to protect the world, but due to her own desires, she tarnished this legacy. The King of Greed's own greed solidified around her into its current golden egg-like form. When breaching, her form shifts to a symbol of greed and desire, representing a fish lurking deep beneath the subconscious mind's river, hungering for the fulfillment of happiness.

Now, The King of Greed consumes and indulges in everything in her path.


The King of Greed responds to the four works in order of best to worst: Instinct Instinct and Attachment Attachment, Repression Repression, and Insight Insight.

Like all Abnormalities, her energy output is determined by the number of PE Boxes (Positive Enkephalin boxes) at the end of the interaction.

The King of Greed's emotional state is divided into 3 sections: BadResult Bad, NormalResult Normal, and GoodResult Good. Completing 0-7 PE Boxes will cause her to feel BadResult Distressed, completing 8-15 will cause her to feel NormalResult Normal, and 16-22 will make her GoodResult Happy. Her cooldown timer after a task is around 15 seconds. Her QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter is 1.

Unlockable Information/Upgrades[]

Basic Information (Cost: EBoxIcon 20 PE Boxes)

Unlocks and shows the name of the Abnormality, subject classification, Risk Level (Risk Waw WAW), portrait, Damage Type (RedDamageTypeIcon Red 5 - 7), the amount of EBoxIcon E-Boxes (22), emotional states, and her QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth counter (1).

Instinct/Insight/Attachment/Repression Work Favor (Cost: EBoxIcon 6 PE Boxes)

Unlocks the percentage level list to the respective work.

Managerial Works 1/2/3 (Cost: EBoxIcon 15 PE Boxes)

  • "Managerial Tips 1"
    • "When the work result was Normal, the Qliphoth Counter lowered with a normal probability."
  • "Managerial Tips 2"
    • "When the work result was Bad, the Qliphoth Counter lowered with a high probability."
  • "Managerial Tips 3"
    • "The King of Greed's behavioral pattern is to engulf anything that lies in her path when escaping. When suppressing her, please pay attention to which direction the Abnormality is moving"

Escape Information (Cost: EBoxIcon 20 PE Boxes)

Information if the Abnormality can escape or not, plus its QliphothCounterIcon Qliphoth Counter (1). This include her defenses when breaching:

RedDamageTypeIcon Red: Immuned (0.0) - WhiteDamageTypeIcon White: Endured (0.5) - BlackDamageTypeIcon Black: Weak (1.2) - PaleDamageTypeIcon Pale: Weak (1.5)

Work Level 1 Chance Level 2 Chance Level 3 Chance Level 4 Chance Level 5 Chance










"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"








"Very Low"


"Very Low"








 Observation Level[]

Level 1 (1 Section unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +4

Level 2 (2 Sections unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +4%

Unlocks the E.G.O. Gift 'Gold Rush'.

Level 3 (3 Sections unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +4

Unlocks the E.G.O. Suit 'Gold Rush'.

Level 4 (All details unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +4%

Unlocks the E.G.O. Weapon 'Gold Rush'.

E.G.O. Equipment[]

E.G.O. Weapon Gold Rush
Gold Rush
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: Damage: Attack Speed: Range: Observation Level:
Risk Aleph ALEPH EBoxIcon 100 1 RedDamageTypeIcon Red
Fast Very Short 4
Requirements: Agent Level 5
FortitudeIcon Fortitude Level 5
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"The weapon she used to brandish in her prime, before the greed solidified and became what it is now.

One can release their primal desires and strike enemies with full force; technical skill is unneeded.

Each clout with the weapon gives a satisfying sensation to the wielder, but one must be careful not to get carried away."

"On each attack, 10% chance to buff Min. and Max. Attack Power by +5 for 12 seconds and reduce Temperance by 50% for 120 seconds"

E.G.O. Suit Gold Rush
Gold Rush
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: RedDamageTypeIcon RED Defense: WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE Defense: BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK Defense: PaleDamageTypeIcon PALE Defense:
Risk Waw WAW EBoxIcon 60 1 0.4
Observation Level: 3 Requirements: Agent Level 4
TemperanceIcon Temperance Level 4
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"The amber-colored gem on the armor shines brilliantly, but it is avarice materialized: ultimately a dangerous object.

The gorgeous pattern of gold has captivated the hearts of many an employee.

The allure possibly comes from the deepest parts of the subconscious."


E.G.O. Gift Gold Rush

Gold Rush (Hand 1)

Effects: HPIcon HP +6
Instinct Instinct Work WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate increased by 6%

Drop Chance: 3%

Observation Level: 2



The King of Greed's encyclopedia portrait

  • "The first bit of humanity's desire started with the bite of a sweet apple. We've been banished from Eden for that sin. And now we're standing inside a vast orchard. My basket is so large, all the fruits of the world can't make it full. But, is it so bad to lust for honey when there are flowers? After all, we are born to pursue happiness."
  • "Happiness became obsession, obsession became greed, and the greed forever solidified to become a golden amber. The happiness in the beginning, still holding a smile, dwells inside.
  • The first seed of desire originated from the pure yearning for happiness. The tiny seed grew larger and larger, hungering for more. Over time, the seed hardened and turned into a piece of shiny gem. Enticed by its sheen, a starving fish swallowed it. But it only made the fish even hungrier.
  • The desires of people usually go unfulfilled. Many desires are abandoned, but they are not completely gone. They hide deep in the subconscious, lurking at the bottom of the lake, ready to spring up at any moment.
  • However, the yearning for happiness may also rear its head from time to time, darting its tongue like a snake. As soon as a tiny piece of bait falls into the river, the hungry fish will come up and snatch it in an instant.
  • We delude ourselves to be highly rational beings who are in full control of these things, but it's such a preposterous belief, it's laughable. We don't have as much control over ourselves as we believe.
  • The magical girl, who was no longer a magical girl, ate many things. Authority, money, fame, and many other forms of pleasure. She ended up eating away anything in her sight. Now, only visceral greed remains."
  • "<Someone’s Diary>
  • Many people have secretly wished for a hero.
  • They say there once was something called soul therapy. What does it feel like to have an ill soul? We are all healthy. But maybe all of this is a tragic illusion. Once, there were people who tried to change the world. We all remember them. We remember how they met their downfall.
  • Desires, I know of desires that ruin all things. We no longer believe in something, nor do we entertain a hope for a miracle. We don't think too much about why they've changed. And we don't blame them. For we have realized that endless desire brings despair.
  • I sometimes feel a terrible dejection, but I do not know where the pain comes from. ...Many people have secretly wished for a hero."
  • "Deep is the sorrow of the world. Greed—deeper still than agony. Sadness says: 'Begone, pass away!' But greed seeks eternity—seeks deep, deep eternity."

Flavour Text[]

  • "When The King of Greed assumes the form of an egg, you can faintly see a smiling girl inside it."
  • "Some of our employees think that The King of Greed is trapped inside this thing that resembles an egg, however, the truth is that she shut herself inside it."
  • "The glamorous amber pattern on The King of Greed at times fascinates our workers"
  • "The King of Greed’s color is that of a brilliant and lustrous gold."
  • "The world that The King of Greed may have once loved is now being devoured by her."
  • "The King of Greed once had eyes as red as the setting sun, but greed has consumed all, leaving nothing behind."
  • "The King of Greed surrendered to hunger and started devouring itself."
  • "The day The King of Greed’s hunger ceases will be the end of everything."


  • The King of Greed, The Servant of Wrath, The Queen of Hatred, The Knight of Despair are all part of the same Magical Girl group.
  • The King of Greed's design seems to be based off of the Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (Also called The Lady in Gold or The Woman in Gold) by Gustav Klimt.
  • The final quote of The King of Greed's bio (and subsequently her selection screen text) is a modified version of the lyrics for the fourth movement of Gustav Mahler’s Symphony No. 3, which in turn took its words from Friedrich Nietzsche’s Also sprach Zarathustra: the "Midnight Song".


ZAYIN Army In Black - Don't Touch Me - Fairy Festival - Mirror of Adjustment - Old Faith and Promise - One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds - Opened Can of Wellcheers - Plague Doctor - We Can Change Anything - You Must Be Happy - You're Bald...
TETH 1.76 MHz - Beauty and the Beast - Behavior Adjustment - Bloodbath - Crumbling Armor - Fragment of the Universe - Forsaken Murderer - Grave of Cherry Blossoms - Luminous Bracelet - Meat Lantern - Old Lady - Ppodae - Punishing Bird - Skin Prophecy - Scorched Girl - Spider Bud - The Heart of Aspiration - Theresia - Today's Shy Look - Standard Training-Dummy Rabbit (Tutorial Exclusive) - Void Dream - The Lady Facing the Wall
HE All-Around Helper - Child of the Galaxy - Der Freischütz - Funeral of the Dead Butterflies - Giant Tree Sap - Happy Teddy Bear - Laetitia - Nameless Fetus - Notes from a Crazed Researcher - Porccubus - Portrait of Another World - Red Shoes - Rudolta of the Sleigh - Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom - Schadenfreude - Shelter from the 27th of March - Singing Machine - The Snow Queen - Warm-Hearted Woodsman
WAW Alriune - Backward Clock - Big and Will be Bad Wolf - Big Bird - Clouded Monk - Dimensional Refraction Variant - Dream of a Black Swan - Express Train to Hell - Flesh Idol - Il Pianto della Luna - Judgement Bird - Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary - Parasite Tree - Queen Bee - Snow White's Apple - The Burrowing Heaven - The Dreaming Current - The Firebird - The King of Greed - The Knight of Despair - The Little Prince - The Naked Nest - The Queen of Hatred - Yang - Yin
ALEPH Apocalypse Bird - Blue Star - CENSORED - Melting Love - Nothing There - Mountain of Smiling Bodies - The Silent Orchestra - WhiteNight~(Apostles)
Notice About the Article "The King of Greed":
Are you looking for the old version of this page: The King of Greed (Legacy)
"The King of Greed" is using information from the newest version of the game (v1.0.2.13f). The information here is from a newer version of the game including the most recent gameplay changes.
