Lobotomy Corporation Wiki

"It can enter your body through any aperture."
- Naked Nest's Entry

The Naked Nest (O-02-74) is an Abnormality with the appearance of a brown, spherical mound that's both attached to the floor and covered in a strange, similarly brownish substance. Hollow and acting as a nest, multiple holes of varied sizes are visible from its surface, with beaked, brown worms similar in likeness to the nest peering out during the work process with an Agent.


Its ability triggers upon ending a work. When finishing a work, the Containment Unit will be covered by a screen effect similar to the surface of the Abnormality for a few moments. Afterwards, the work will end normally. During that moment, the employee might get infected and present symptoms after getting out. The chance of getting infected is proportional to the employees HPIcon HP along with increasing the infection chance the lower the mood is (NormalResult Normal=30%, BadResult Bad=60%). However, this is not activated if the result of the work is GoodResult Good.

At first, the infected employee will have small brown circles present on their face, which is the first sign of the infection. After 9-14 seconds, the infected will begin to show other symptoms, namely a green cloud in its face and only 50% MovementSpeedIcon Movement Speed. The infection has a 30% chance to spread to employees near the infected. After presenting symptoms for 30-40 seconds, the infected will transform into a minion of The Naked Nest. This can be prevented by killing the infected or passing the day before they start to transform.

The transformed employee will have a new appearance, similar to a humanoid version of the nest. They will discard their weapons and attack employees with their bare hands, inflicting (3-5) RedDamageTypeIcon Red Damage. Infected employees will not be targets of the transformed ones and will not attack the transformed ones, but they will attack the infected ones if they are trying to suppress them. If the attacking employee is transformed while being attacked by other transformed employees, they will continue to attack that target for some time until leaving the area.

The transformed employees are considered 'Out of Control', can still be HPHealingSPHealing healed by the Main Rooms and don't make any LOB Point penalty when ending the day with them alive.


Its origin is currently unknown.


The Naked Nest responds to the four works in order of best to worst: Instinct Instinct; Repression Repression; Attachment Attachment; Insight Insight.

Like all Abnormalities, its energy output is determined by the number of PE Boxes (Positive Enkephalin boxes) at the end of the interaction.

The Naked Nest's emotional state is divided into 3 sections: BadResult Bad, NormalResult Normal, and GoodResult Good. Completing 0-8 E Boxes will cause it to feel BadResult Distressed, completing 9-14 will cause it to feel NormalResult Normal, and 15-22 will make it GoodResult Happy. Its usual cooldown timer after a task is around 10 seconds.

Unlockable Information/Upgrades[]

Basic Information (Cost: EBoxIcon 20 PE Boxes)

Unlocks and shows the name of the Abnormality, subject classification, Risk Level (Risk Waw WAW), portrait, Damage Type (RedDamageTypeIcon Red 5 - 7), the amount of EBoxIcon E-Boxes (22), and its emotional states.

Instinct/Insight/Attachment/Repression Work Favor (Cost: EBoxIcon 7 PE Boxes)

Unlocks the percentage level list to the respective work.

Managerial Works 1/2/3/4 (Cost: EBoxIcon 8 PE Boxes)

  • "Managerial Tips 1"
    • "An observation has concluded that employees with low HP are more susceptible to The Naked Nest’s special ability. In particular, taking higher damage during work raises the probability of it occurring. However, getting a Good work result prevented its special ability from occurring."
  • "Managerial Tips 2"
    • "Some employees suffering from the phenomenon showed the following symptoms over time:
      1. Green skin and a rash on the body.
      2. Drastically reduced movement speed.
      If either of these symptoms is seen on any employee, handle them immediately"
  • "Managerial Tips 3"
    • "When <name>, who was suffering from the mentioned symptoms, was left alone for a certain time, they changed into a form akin to The Naked Nest. (O-02-74-1)."
  • "Managerial Tips 4"
    • "<Warning> Any employee that has made contact with the infected employee prior to them turning into O-02-74-1 is likely to be infected as well. All employees in the department must be observed for any of the symptoms mentioned prior."

Escape Information (Cost: 20 PE Boxes)

Information if the Abnormality can escape or not: "Non-escaped Object". Even when it doesn't possess defenses by itself, the minions will take defenses of the current suit that they were wearing.

Work Level 1 Chance Level 2 Chance Level 3 Chance Level 4 Chance Level 5 Chance










"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


"Very Low"


















Observation Level []

Level 1 (1 Section unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +3

Level 2 (2 Sections unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +3%

Level 3 (3 Sections unlocked): WorkSpeedIcon Speed Rate +3

Level 4 (All details unlocked): WorkSuccessIcon Success Rate +3%

Unlocks the E.G.O. Weapon, Suit and Gift 'Exuviae'.

E.G.O. Equipment[]

E.G.O. Weapon Exuviae
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: Damage: Attack Speed: Range: Observation Level:
Risk Waw WAW EBoxIcon 60 2 RedDamageTypeIcon Red
Very Slow Long 4
Requirements: Agent Level 4
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"The slick sensation when holding this E.G.O may disturb some employees." "Has a 25% chance to make the target more vulnerable to RED damage"

E.G.O. Suit Exuviae
Grade: Cost: Max Amount: RedDamageTypeIcon RED Defense: WhiteDamageTypeIcon WHITE Defense: BlackDamageTypeIcon BLACK Defense: PaleDamageTypeIcon PALE Defense:
Risk Waw WAW EBoxIcon 50 2 0.6
Observation Level: 4 Requirements: Agent Level 3
Special Information
Details Special Ability
"Its slippery surface may be disturbing to some employees, but its scales are multi-layered, suitable for protection against external threats.

Even if it is torn, its superior regenerative abilities will soon repair the damage."


E.G.O. Gift Exuviae

Exuviae (Hand 2)

Effects: HPIcon HP +5, SPIcon SP +2

Drop Chance: 2%

Observation Level: 3



The Naked Nest's encyclopedia portrait

  • "※If you spot an employee whose face is turning dark green, please report it to the department’s Sephirah immediately. Be advised to verify that the cause of discoloration is not a simple stomachache. When suggested to visit the medical ward, those who have a stomachache would reluctantly agree, but an infected employee would try too hard to act as though nothing is wrong. 
  • In this situation, try not to alert the employee that anything is out of the ordinary. When the host becomes agitated, the infection will speed up. If the skin begins to change, that means at least 30% of the host's brain has already been consumed. Any conversation at this point is the Abnormality's attempt to mimic the host's behavior, so don't pay it any mind."
  • "The Abnormality resides inside the host's brain, and the host will not be able to feel any physical sensation. You can try stabbing the employee with something sharp, feigning it as a mistake, but this is not recommended. As mentioned before, the host should already be around 30% merged with the Abnormality, so conversing will be impossible."
  • "It can enter your body through any aperture."
  • "This doesn't mean covering up your orifices will impede its entrance."
  • "But it will help ease your mind to cover up as much as possible when you enter the Containment Unit."
  • " ‘The Naked Nest's final destination is the frontal lobe."
  • "You will become the serpent's nest, attacking anything in sight."
  • "Please understand that we will be forced to fire on sight and burn your corpse should you become a nest."

Flavour Text[]

  • "The Naked Nest appears to form a wet and sleek sphere. It is not unreasonable that it would mistake <name>’s brain as a nest."
  • "If <name>’s skin becomes a hideously green shade, it is already too late for them."


  • Its ability works similarly to Queen Bee, with the exception that possessed employees can infect while attacking and aren't required to kill the target. Additionally, possessed employees don't count as minions, meaning they can be killed by Execution Bullets.


ZAYIN Army In Black - Don't Touch Me - Fairy Festival - Mirror of Adjustment - Old Faith and Promise - One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds - Opened Can of Wellcheers - Plague Doctor - We Can Change Anything - You Must Be Happy - You're Bald...
TETH 1.76 MHz - Beauty and the Beast - Behavior Adjustment - Bloodbath - Crumbling Armor - Fragment of the Universe - Forsaken Murderer - Grave of Cherry Blossoms - Luminous Bracelet - Meat Lantern - Old Lady - Ppodae - Punishing Bird - Skin Prophecy - Scorched Girl - Spider Bud - The Heart of Aspiration - Theresia - Today's Shy Look - Standard Training-Dummy Rabbit (Tutorial Exclusive) - Void Dream - The Lady Facing the Wall
HE All-Around Helper - Child of the Galaxy - Der Freischütz - Funeral of the Dead Butterflies - Giant Tree Sap - Happy Teddy Bear - Laetitia - Nameless Fetus - Notes from a Crazed Researcher - Porccubus - Portrait of Another World - Red Shoes - Rudolta of the Sleigh - Scarecrow Searching for Wisdom - Schadenfreude - Shelter from the 27th of March - Singing Machine - The Snow Queen - Warm-Hearted Woodsman
WAW Alriune - Backward Clock - Big and Will be Bad Wolf - Big Bird - Clouded Monk - Dimensional Refraction Variant - Dream of a Black Swan - Express Train to Hell - Flesh Idol - Il Pianto della Luna - Judgement Bird - Little Red Riding Hooded Mercenary - Parasite Tree - Queen Bee - Snow White's Apple - The Burrowing Heaven - The Dreaming Current - The Firebird - The King of Greed - The Knight of Despair - The Little Prince - The Naked Nest - The Queen of Hatred - Yang - Yin
ALEPH Apocalypse Bird - Blue Star - CENSORED - Melting Love - Nothing There - Mountain of Smiling Bodies - The Silent Orchestra - WhiteNight~(Apostles)