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This section contains spoilers related to the story of Lobotomy Corporation. Read ahead with caution if you want to experience the story for yourself. |
"Of course we are, isn’t it obvious? We’re twins."
- Tiphereth
The Tiphereths are two of the Sefirot that work for the facility in the middle layer, Briah, and are the heads of the Central Command Team.
Both Tiphereths possess blonde hair and wear white dress shirts with a brown poncho and skirt. They both wear dark brown stockings and boots. Tiphereth A (Female) has longer hair than her brother, pale green eyes, and a bow on her headband. Tiphereth B (Male) has short hair and blue eyes. The color associated with their text boxes is gold.
The Tiphereths' missions involve finishing the day before a certain level of Qliphoth Meltdown.
Tiphereth A is blunt and not afraid to speak her mind. She has high expectations for the manager and often criticizes the other Sephirot. She tends to expect bad results.
Tiphereth B is more soft-spoken and kind compared to his sister, encouraging the manager and the other Sephirot instead of insulting them. He is optimistic and hopes things will get better in the facility.
When the manager first meets the two, they both introduce themselves as Tiphereth. The player has the option to ask if they're twins, or if they just have the same name.
Regardless of the player's choice, Tiphereth A says of course, but Tiphereth B says they are not twins biologically.
Tiphereth A adds that trying to differentiate them is pointless, and that she needs at least two bodies to manage Central Command. She figures she doesn't need to explain the basics to X and warns them not to disappoint her. Tiphereth B reassures X. Tiphereth A expresses her distaste for the upper Sephirot. Netzach then arrives to deliver a report to the Tiphereths. Tiphereth A scolds both Netzach (for his lateness) and Tiphereth B (for being too soft). She remarks that if she were Angela, she would've punished Netzach a long time ago. Netzach leaves, and Tiphereth A says the upper Sephirot have it too easy, but she doesn't like all the middle Sephirot either. Tiphereth B says he likes the middle Sephirot because they make him laugh, which gets him scolded by Tiphereth A who says they need to be strict and stern. The Tiphereths then give the manager their first mission.
After the Tiphereths' first mission is completed, Tiphereth A notes that the employees have been talkative lately. Tiphereth B says they're more motivated and that the lively atmosphere makes him excited. Tiphereth A says they're excited over nothing important, and Tiphereth B tells her to be more understanding, since the only things the employees usually have to talk about is someone's death. She agrees to be understanding, but still can't understand why the employees have to be so noisy. Tiphereth B reminds her of when they were both excited over a new manager and made a bet on whether the manager could save an employee that was going crazy. Tiphereth A bet "no" and Tiphereth B bet "yes", and in the end Tiphereth A won the bet because the employee died. They kept the bet going, but Tiphereth B always lost. He says he was always hoping for change even if the result was always the same. He then asks X whether or not a day would come where things would change.
If the player chooses "Maybe", Tiphereth B says he thinks so too, and perhaps if they met sooner. If the player chooses "Absolutely not", he says he wants to save the employees regardless of the manager's opinion.
After completing the second mission, X meets Tiphereth B alone, who tells them that Tiphereth A is still in a meeting. He says that he's bad at conversation and misses the talkative managers. He then asks X if they notice that someones memories and emotions are bleeding through the Sephirot. He questions why they have emotions and weaknesses, even though they're machines, and wonders what's inside of them. He doesn't understand why someone would make something with imperfections, and says he gave up on trying to find the answer, as Tiphereth progressively becomes more thoughtful. He tells X that they may have the answer somewhere in their memory, also remarking that the Sephirot are machines, but not 'machines', and his expression goes flat. Tiphereth A arrives and asks if Tiphereth B and X are having fun without her. Angela then joins the group to tell Tiphereth A that it's time for a new replacement. Angela asks Tiphereth A to explain the situation to X, but Tiphereth protests and asks why they can't just have machines replace the managers. Angela says that the founder had a reason for assigning managers because there are things only humans can do. After Tiphereth A says that the storage is one of the few locations with weakened 'perception', and Tiphereth B says that knows what happened there. Everyone then heads to the storage.
After the third mission is completed, we see Angela in the storage, who asks X what the Sephirot look like to them. She remarks that they must look human, and more expressive than her, but that she is the only AI that can be considered "human". She says that the truth is not important in Lobotomy, and that everything is distorted. We then see the Tiphereths in their 'true' robot forms. X asks if that's really Tiphereth, and Tiphereth A asks what kind of stupid question that is, and who X thinks it would be. She is amused by X's "stupid expression" and says that all the Sephirot are like her, sarcastically thanking the "AI Ethics Amendment". She says that the storage is where they were all born, and where they will all return someday. Tiphereth B is then crushed by a mechanical press, and we are shown his mechanical body along with bits of blood and organs. Tiphereth A hopes that his next version will last longer. Angela tells her that she'll send the next version once it's ready. Malkuth, also in robot form, arrives by saying she was looking for everyone because Netzach had asked her to fetch some documents from Tiphereth. Tiphereth says that the documents aren't ready, and that Netzach should come get it himself next time. Malkuth says that Netzach seemed busy, which angers Tiphereth, prompting her to say that all the upper Sephirot are the same, and that Netzach wasn't busy at all. Malkuth says she's having fun anyway, and then notices that Tiphereth B is being replaced, and that the cycle is getting shorter. Tiphereth A tells her not to worry about it and to just pay attention to her notebook.
Back in the Central Command Department, Tiphereth B's new version acts 'normal' and introduces himself to X. Tiphereth A tells him there's no need for introductions and that he has to look over the documents from Netzach. Tiphereth B leaves, and the player is given two dialogue choices.
If the player chooses "I thought Tiphereth had something to say to me", Tiphereth A asks them what a broken machine would have to say anyway. She remarks that Tiphereth B is overloaded, and that he seemed to have some issues since the beginning. After being replaced many times, he's only gotten worse, and the same error occurs at the same point.
If the player chooses "what happens to Tiphereth now", Tiphereth A asks them what they mean. She says if they mean the replaced machine, there could be new errors if it wasn't completely destroyed, and that would put her in a difficult position, because she needs more than two of her to run the department.
Tiphereth A holds the Asiyah layer Sephirot in contempt, calling them a "bunch of idiots" with "Upper Layer Syndrome". Netzach is a particular target of her ire due to his slovenly approach to work. She further says that the other middle layer Sephirot are no better in her eyes, but nevertheless she can be seen working with Gebura and Chesed on occasion. Tiphereth A also tends to express a low opinion of the Lobotomy Corporation managers. Tiphereth B has a more optimistic view towards the manager and Sephirot.
Tiphereth A is deeply attached to Tiphereth B due to their shared background.
Story Mode Spoilers! |
Although Tiphereth A initially presents a stoic face over Tiphereth B's repeated resets, she is distressed by his growing instability, and eventually pleads with X to remove Tiphereth B permanently rather than let him continue to suffer. This is eventually accomplished in their Sephirah Meltdown. |
Lisa and Enoch were two children that lived in the Outskirts, until they were taken into the foundation by Carmen. Lisa resembled her Tiphereth form, having long blond hair with a bow, but with purple eyes and an orange dress with tan shoes. Enoch wore a blue hoodie, with brown hair and blue eyes. The Tiphereths' true form is a yellow and brown cubical robot with a section of metal possessing a screen, which shows their name on the bottom, and a single eye on the aforementioned middle section. Tiphereth A's robot form has her bow on the side. Backstory[]Once the player completes the fifth mission, a flashback will play showing Lisa and Enoch's first visit to the corporation. Lisa expresses discomfort, wanting to go home. Enoch says that this is their home now, and says that while there is no "mom", they could consider Carmen their new mom from now then. Lisa continues feeling uneasy and wishing to leave. Lisa later interrogates Enoch about participating in the corporation's experiments, to which he says that everything is fine. He questions her, asking if they truly know the meaning of their lives, how children in the Outskirts are continuing to die every day, and that they're lucky to be alive in the first place. Enoch says that living in comfort is not why he exists, but Lisa fails to understand him clearly, mentioning that too much thinking might affect him negatively. In another portion of the flashback, Enoch later says he was never happy with his life and wishes to be in a happier world next time. When Lisa asks if it hurts, he denies it, because he believes that something good will happen next time. The next flashback shows the Tiphereths first awakening by Angela, and them getting to know each other, before Tiphereth B's first time getting destroyed. Later on, Tiphereth A mentions that she believes she is continuing to make mistakes, prompting Tiphereth B to help her, and affirming that she will be fine on her own next time. Later, she congratulates Tiphereth B and that without him, she could have been left behind the other Sephirot, saying that they probably are better partners than she thought. In another, later memory, Tiphereth B begins to display "self-awareness", and questions his own existence in the facility, specifically about his differentiation from normal machinery. He believes that the fact he can worry and feel pain confirms that there should be a reason for his existence. Tiphereth A is concerned, and tries to keep Tiphereth B focused on his own role, pointing out that if Angela finds out about the thoughts he is having, she will not be happy. Angela does eventually find out about these thoughts, and brings both of the Tiphereths to the storage room, with Tiphereth A questioning what will happen to Tiphereth B, with Angela responding that he needs to be reset, and that his excessive questions will have an affect the manager. Angela says that they will be returning to their 'first day', but after Tiphereth A protests about the time she has spent with Tiphereth B, Angela dismisses her as acting like a proper child, yet resigns anyway, so she can speak some final words to him. Tiphereth A begins to cry because she couldn't do anything to aid him, but he remains calm, comforting her with his belief that something good will happen next time. In the present, X finds Tiphereth A wandering around the scrapyard, with her saying that she often spends time there, as it assists her in thinking clearly. She then goes on to mention that Tiphereth B always saw the world one step ahead of her, and that he saw his own special world, one that she will never know, commenting that despite being together, they never were truly together. She asks X if they ever knew what it feels like to "miss someone, even if they're right next to you", and goes on to say that she doesn't know any of the answers to Tiphereth B's questions about his existence. Despite spending time together, this "place" will not let them attain that small luxury, as she says. She talks about how she feels towards him; she's standing on a mountain consisting of a multitude of his dead bodies and, metaphorically, the memories they made together, yer cannot still understand his world even whilst standing on the top. Even whilst singing a song of their home and mourning his death, she cannot truly reach him. After she asks X to join her, the current Tiphereth B appears and questions her about what she's doing, to which she answers that she's reminiscing about their past times together. Tiphereth B looks at her with a warm smile, recalling the memories, yet departing from the area afterwards, asking her to come to find him in order to read the report given by Netzach together. Another flashback occurs after this, where Tiphereth A protests against Angela about how she can't bring the old Tiphereth back by simply crafting a new body and transmitting his memories, prompting Angela to dismiss her again, reminding her that he will smile and be kind to her like he used to be, adding that her that careless words are meaningless here. The flashback ends, returning to the present where Tiphereth A says that managers who feel close to Tiphereth B tend to break down after his resets, and she fears that the resets might gradually leave him empty. She says that even with the multiple physical copies of Tiphereth, his soul is unique, and that he can only ever possess one. She finally requests X to destroy him in his entirety, to let him rest in peace for once, since she can manage the Central Command Department alone before the instability gets worse in his multiple copies. The player has a single option that is "...", Tiphereth continues with a statement, explaining that Angela never cared about them, and how she wouldn't care if there was only one Tiphereth. She then says if one turns into scrap, nay, even if thousands of Tiphereths are discarded, Angela wouldn't care at all, finally believing that the manager could be 'different.' In one final flashback, it is revealed that Enoch willingly gave himself up for the Corporation's experiments and died as a result. Lisa mumbles hateful things to A and Carmen, saying that Carmen should have been the one to die in Enoch's stead (Foreshadowing the reason of Carmen's death), and her emotional wound expanded progressively later on. At the end of the flashback, Tiphereth's Sephirah Meltdown will become available. After suppressing their Meltdown, a flashback is seen of Enoch and Lisa being in what seems to be city ruins in front of a beach. Lisa asks if Enoch has heard about the 'Nest', mentioning that she heard that a festival is held there every day, exclaiming that she wants to dance. Enoch says that where they are is also nice, but Lisa retorts, saying that Carmen doesn't let them go many places, and that she keeps them locked up. Enoch replies by saying that Carmen is a good person and that Lisa may grow to like her. Despite his remark, Lisa claims that she only wants to stay with him, with Enoch saying that he wants to find answers, and possibly won't be able to stay with her all the time as a result. Elaborating, he says he wants to seek for answers that probably don't exist at all, or ones that might vanish soon, whilst wanting to let go of his body and let himself fly away. Lisa, not understanding, still wants to follow Enoch, asking if he can take her with him. He stays silent, with Lisa promptly catching sight of A, who says that they need to go back, because it'll grow cold at night. After the flashback, Tiphereth A says to X that she wanted to show how mature she could be to Tiphereth B, but her disappointment never ended and he failed to get any better. She decided that it was better to hide her disgust and guilt, as if it never existed, commenting that despite her attempts, whenever she saw his empty smile, she felt like a part of her was torn apart, knowing full well that he will never go back to what he used to be, and that they will never return to their old happy days, commenting that he suffered the most out of them both. Tiphereth B interrupts to get Tiphereth A to go before the sun sets, calling her by her previous name, "Lisa". He leaves, but Tiphereth A stays behind to inform X that her name was once Lisa, and that Tiphereth B no longer remembers his own name, but recalls Tiphereth A's name sometimes. Tiphereth A doesn't know what he wanted to obtain with his sacrifice, questioning if it was even worth it. She says she doesn't know, mentioning that she never expected anything, but she counts on the manager, believing that there was a reason for every sacrifice made and that eventually, everything will be okay. Tiphereth has the "Expectation of the Meaning of Existence." |
- On the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Tiphereth (meaning "beauty") is the sixth Sephirah. It represents the ideal balance between Chesed (mercy) and Geburah (justice). It is also said to unite the upper nine Sephirot.
Facility X-394
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Mechanics | Abnormalities - Bullet Research - Challenge Mode - Daily Cycle - ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Departments | Asiyah: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Briah: ![]() ![]() ![]() Atziluth: ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Characters | X - Angela - Malkuth - Yesod - Hod - Netzach - Tiphereth - Gebura - Chesed - Binah - Hokma - A - B - C |